Will he ever be stopped?

Will he ever be stopped?

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Probably not.

>heart transplant at 99

This is fake right?

'fraid not

Consuming the foreskins of the young makes you live forever


come on now


Has to be, he would have had a heart transplant for the past 20 years. I don't think there was good enough standards in the 60s or 70s for him to survive as long as he did. 6 hearts would mean to me he had 3 hearts every 6 years.

Like they say, these elites want to be immortal

This jew is literally living off of other peoples life force.

Is... is he even alive?

Yeah it's fake

abandon thread

This can't be real, there's no way a 99 year old man that looks like that would survive a heart transplant. The only way this makes sense is if they're using secret medical knowledge that isn't available to the public.

really makes you think...

No he harvests organs.
>yfw he used to sit on his grandfather's lap and listen to stories about selling arms to the union army and the confederate army.

Lol he went though 6 hearts?
Thats impressive

6th heart transplant on the 6/6/16

Its fake. But this is not.
>“His first heart transplant occurred in 1976 after a dramatic car accident led him to suffer a heart attack. He was operated 24 hours later and up and jogging a week later.”
The recovery time when your a billionaire lizard person.
>Jogging a week later
>a week later

Is he a crypto-kike? Or just some shabbos goy for them?

because for someone who isn't he sure looks like the male version of hardcore Serb hater (((Madeleine Albright))). They could pass as siblings

So, heart transplants and foreskin blood is what keeps kikes alive?

I pray to KEK the named frog, take his life.

Take my own if you like KEK just make this jew die.

dubs show KEK the way...

So close

yea but how many homeless have been sacrificed for all the other transplants

What's the best you can hope for, even if you have a limitless source of human organs to transplant and baby foetuses to feast on? 110 years, 120 years?

I think he's just hanging in there in the hope that he can personally witness the fruits of his life's labor: the destruction of humanity. He may just make it.