ITT: Ask a kiwibrew who grew up in Papua New Guinea anything

I'm bored af and someone earlier suggested it so why not? I'm here visiting my family and friends + embarking on a nostalgia trip.

As everything here is more complicated than it should be after this post my ID and flag will change to Australia because I'm switching internet connections because it's cheaper than what I'm connected to atm. I'll post some OC to prove.

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is it dangerous to live there?
how are the chances to get a spear in your body by pissed natives?

in the highlands, very (with the spear thing). But in the city it's more guns and knives

Is there any civilization outside of Port Moresby? How do PNG people feel about outsiders? I've recently taken fascination with the PNG as the least developed place on the planet.

What can you tell me about Papua New Guinean body adornment practices? I'm supposed to be writing an essay about this image right now.

Usually along the coast is fine as more people are """"""""""educated"""""""""" and have been to australia + less mountainous. In general PNG people are incredibly xenophobic and when you get to the highlands, that's where you get the witch doctor, cannibalism, magic spells shit.
Highlands = more awesome, Coastal = more lame

do you know anybody with kuru? Is that still a thing there?

Thanks bruh. Out of curiosity, would you know if my image is a coastal or highland one? Prof just screencapped it from a video showcasing a bunch of different body adornments

who knows? Especially in the more mountainous regions absolutely anything goes. I remember when I was little I was told a story of a place where you can only speak English and Tok Pisin. if you don't you turn to stone. The reason may be because there were weird statues in the shape of two sisters on the top of some mountain. Kuru? probably but I never knew of anyone with it. Aids is more the in virus atm

What are the girls like?
Do they or don't they like foreigners?

What are their beliefs? Do they have any concept of God or Jesus? Have bkessed missionaries tried to save your country yet from evil?

There is a board for this

Definitely a highlands one. One sure way to tell is facepaint and extremely bright colours with tonnes of ornaments and shells. Additionally feathers on head are obviously highlands. There are so many fucking tribes it's hard to distinguish but they all share a similar characteristic.

Thanks a ton, man.

What are the chances we could pacify/ eradicate the bongo population and colonize it with Anglos? Papua new guinea seems like a beautiful piece of land with tons of resources (lumber, ore, etc.). It seems like the only thing holding them back are the customs of the aboriginal population. PNG seems like it will eventually be a frontier for colonization

they crave white dick
bruh, this country's like 90% Christian. But again when you get to the highlands it's more hocus pocus mixed with christianity

i hope youre staying there

There are missionaries all over the country, and the population is considered majority Christian, but they mix doctrine in with their domestic practices/ superstitions

Post moar OC I still am not convinced.

Why are you at a primary school in PNG ?

did you fuck one of the native girls?!

no probs. Why such a specific question?
fuck off auckland cunt
It was """"done""" by the based Germans in the late 1890s and then the Anglos after WW1. Then When Japan cucked Asia Europe was like it's more trouble than worth and handed it to Ausfailia. Then they also said it's more trouble than worth. Just google "PNG landscape" and you'll find out what they mean by that. literally no flat land

Thanks for the flag

It was a class on the history of African, Native North American, and Oceanian art. Took it for GEs and didn't give a single fuck. Now I've gotta write an essay and I need all the content I can get.

How do the superstitious practices compare to meme magic/ kek?

some based classmates for yah

>they crave white dick

i know but can't be fucked

Why is he holding her by her tits and why there is a white girl there

they wuz boyfriends n girlfriends

Yeah, I read that there are barely any roads and most communities are only accessible by small airplane. There would be an incentive to build infrastructure if the population wasn't so hostile to outsiders. Mining could bolster their economy, but instead you just get a hail of arrows


oh kek
very. There are heaps of nonsensical creation stories I've been told

it's tru tho

It's fucking true. Pic related is one of the two highways in PNG, the highlands highway and the other is i think the coastal/port moresby highway? anyway they don't even fucking connect to each other nevermind the rest of the country. air travel is a must and so it's expensive af

Is there any hope for that garbage land of primitives or should it just be wiped clean?

do you speak a jungle language?

It would've been wiped clean if it wasn't for you.

toktok pisin? wat ples iu bilong? port moresby?

FUCKING HAPPENING! PEOPLE are fucking marching on my street becuase the police shot dead 2 students.

oh shit i need to tell my friends to not go to where that place is fuck

mi stap long moresby. em skindai yah

Have you ever seen Jared (((Diamond))) dry humping a native?

>wat ples iu bilong?
>mi stap long moresby.



Confirmed happening

Kek wills it


There's absolutely no hope. If you land a job here just work, make mad bank and gtfo.

How many Pap's are actually Bro-Tier?

why are there whites and chinks at your school?

When you first used toilet paper and utensils in America, how'd it feel?

*sigh* at this point I'm not even surprised. between the daily power cuts and protests, this doesn't even remotely surprise me anymore. Guess I can't go anywhere today

How do people there feel about half of their island being owned by indonesia

is bouganville full of bogans?

do most people know/care about what Australia is doing/being told to stop doing on Manus island?

What is the rule of law like? PNG is so primitive but thanks to colonialism they have cities and shit so it's interesting to see what it's like. I've heard something like the majority of women being sexually assaulted (which adds up with primitive people) and lots of killing, with the majority of tribal males dying from homicide.

I would imagine the cities are like something we would find in Europe 500+ years ago.

most of em actually. PNG people are pretty based on Sup Forums standards, no degeneracy and glorious christiandom no islam to kek us and SJW are a fairytale here
it was a good school

why are any of you even over there. I can see no conceivable purpose.

indonesia has more resources and actual roads.

And? There's literally nothing wrong with Papua New Guinean culture.

It's full of natives that pushed out the miners and reverse-engineered their tech like they were alien invaders or something.
Turned trucks into generators and ran them off coconut oil. They were able to keep mercs out for about ten years before someone figured out it would be cheaper to bribe everyone.

not very kindly. you see that weird bump on the line seperating it, they fight all the time
yes, they don't want it but the govt makes mad money from doing it
if you have a good job here, you can make a fuckton of money since it's hard to find educated people here. you won't believe how fucking rich store owners are here selling orange juice


Dude unless you are in the wrong they will never harm a pale skin. They are pretty thankful for the jobs, money and infrastructure.

no way bud. maybe some of em are aight but if you walk in the wrong neighbourhood and you're pale your dead

Have you ever had sex with a Papuan? How was it if so?

> checks flag

Did you live in a compound? (South African style, barbed wire fences etc, security guards).

I had a teacher who lived over there. She lived in one which had an orchard. A local tribe would protect the compound and in return they got access to all the fruit they wanted.


>be Papuan student
>get shot

that's actually a great way to describe it. Yes yes I did

How do you travel between your compound and other places?

interesting thing about papuans. they routinely burn neighboring villages to the ground for any perceived slight or insult.

oh we drive like normal people but it's just you have to lock your doors and don't drive at night.
plus if you hit anyone don't stop

Ever wake up in your sleeping bag only to find a local sucking and licking your toes?

>plus if you hit anyone don't stop

Fuck I remember my based teacher telling the class this. If you run over someone then the tribe/family of the dead person will want revenge by killing you or a member of your family.

That's pretty scary, but fair.

What if you wear a balaclava while driving?

The locals will likely mistake you for a spirit and invent a legend about you.

Did she ride it hard? Were her juices sweeter? (Black girls in US taste better than white pussy)

based teacher indeed. That's exactly what will happen. In other cases they'll ask for money first then kill you

lol the art of the deal

have not been there in 12 years myself, have madang or lae changed much? when will the country implode due to corruption?

I'm in far north QLD so grew up with heaps of PNGans, heard all sorts of crazy stories. Have you had much interaction with the Raskol gangs? Or ever seen them do fucked up shit?

A PNG girl who went to my high school was telling me about when she was a child she and her church group were on the way to or from somewhere in an old bus. They came around a bend in the road and there was a large log blocking the path. As soon as they pulled to a stop a bunch of Raskols poured out of the long grass and bushes and started breaking the windows and trying to pry the door open. Her dad, who was driving the bus, was a huge beast of a man and crushed the skull of the first Raskol onto the bus with his bare hands and the rest quickly fled back into the bushes.

What is the language situation there? I heard that there are over 800 languages spoken on the island, while the lingua franca is Tok Pisin.
What do most people there think of the Indonesian occupation of the Western part of the island?
Would you say that the cognitive processing abilities (separate from old beliefs like hocus pocus witchcraft) are different from those in other countries you've visited? If they are, how so?
What is the temperament of the average Papuan? Would a non-asshole guest get a friendly welcome in the island?
How much of the population do you think is still living in the near-stone age?