Are you CERNtified ?

The Earth keeps spiraling downward into chaos. We have heard of wars and rumors of wars, nation will rise against nation, there will be earthquakes in various places, as well as famines. The elite all worship one thing either the black cube of Saturn, or the old gods of Egypt. They call it the ogdoad which is comprised of 7 fallen angels, and Osiris. The 'Cosmic Egg', which is also a symbol for the planets lined up into The Cabala, or the tree of life. Just like Solomon said, "nothing new under the sun". The scientists have managed to put together this LHC from the old artifacts, and manuscripts. This is either their portal to/from Saturn. The assumption is all they need is 14 TEV to open a fixed portal.

Other urls found in this thread:,28804,1937349_1937350,00.html

The Scientist themselves say they are trying to open a portal, and look for dark energy. It's a lot like dmt where you black out, and communicate with demons pretty much. They have been given this information by the great confuser himself. That's why he has pieced his whole religion into everything. All I know is it's coming soon, they will stage an alien takeover that's really here to just save us from ourselves. In all actuality it will just be the antichrist with his demons tricking the elite just like Eve in the garden. Do not bow down to the mark of the beast. All you have to do is plant your own farm, and build a tesla generator. I'm guessing they will they will take out certain populated areas while destroying the others with weather manipulation, and targeted drone strikes.

We know for a fact these things.

>666 in symbol
>shiva given to the facility for bringing the destruction before the creation
>Alice, and Atlas symbolism
>they claim they are looking for Dark matter, super symmetry, antimatter, portals.
>Scientist are weird as hell
>90 countries have a stake in CERN
>Had a lot to do with birth of beast system www=666
>located on apollyon, abaddon.
>Gets it's name from CERNunnos- the horned god of the underworld.
>Cern refers to itself as the "Gateway to the Universe


(black rain)

some real ghey shit muh niggeer. cut it out

You better get y'all saved. Matthew 24 is knocking on your door.
Right and left brain dancing on the labyrinth of Saturn.
Using energy to connect the two sides
form some symbol on the black cube of Saturn
Using the black cube matrix to influence.
Mark of the beast shown through the cube.
666 with digital cuck fest of cube matrix
floating cubes with the merging of DNA
Tribe dancing on water turning into fire.
Dancing in symbols trying to create enough energy to crack open the egg.
Cern or light beaming around circle
Jade carpet appears welcoming boy in horses of apocalypse colors.
as well as the two towers on his back
antichrist reaches portal, and is given the light.
opens matrix, but hasn't crossed the finish line yet.
He has to cheat the rules to score, but ends up blowing up the field
gains control of the gladiators, and uses them to build 'tower of Babel'
with the Antichrist spirit at the top above the storm below.
This is showing him reaching for the new age of satan
showing time, and him walking on some of the greats
wanting to become greater. Is accepted as worthy, and is given a gold trophy
Transformation from lead to gold, with Isis singing some 'one world' song.

gggood one.

yes sir cpt.



Oh yeah real real close. That's what people don't understand we are already deep in. 00:30:00 23:15:00 00:30:00

why do people always post this anime character in my threads?

Bump for knowledge

on which area brother.

The physics.

The spiritual.

The world around you.

I mean, bump so that more people will see this thread and be aware of what is to come.

Food for thought:

Oh ok thank you friend.

All good mate, glad to help.

that is quite eerie.

>From recreating the Big Bang, to creating Dark Matter, to discovering and producing strange matter called quarks and stranglets – something that can only be done at almost unimaginably powerful high energy collisions to produce the conditions necessary to bring about actual time travel.

>In his comments, General Heuer stated his reasons for wanting to open this portal as follows, “…When we open the door, something might come through it into our reality! Or, we might send something through it into their reality!”

And 12 monkeys is about time travel.
CERN is fucking the timeline up

A monkey taking about other monkeys

rude tbqh

You are as funny as your country is relevant



I'm surprised they have let me go own this long. I think secretly they love me.

Especially in the shemetah/economist threads. Which the new one has the tower of babel right in the middle with Marxism as their base.

if you havent figured it out by now you havent been drinking enough Dk. Pepper

I don't know how much I buy the Bernstein stuff. I think it might be another psyop like flat earth.

hardy har har. I've been on to you, and your schemes to help bane.

>I find technology scary desu

I agree with your greentext desu


Sorry didn't know the jappaneese made such a spin off of CERN. Your as bad as the guy the comes and screams DOOM.

>After later running into Kurisu, who is strangely alive and well, and discovering the message he had sent to Itaru had arrived a week before he sent it,[43][44] Rintarō soon deduces that the 'Mobile Microwave' he and his friends had been developing is, in fact, a time machine capable of sending text messages to the past.[22][45] He and his friends soon learn that SERN,

i fucking hate this /x/ shit

>i find religion scary.

Explain how this is /x/, and not.

1.of or relating to the government or the public affairs of a country:

I know it's a hard concept for you.


Might be helpful for a working physicist/mathematician/engineer to quickly jump in to explain what the LHC is and does.

The LHC is a particle accelerator (atomsmasher). Imagine little packages of atoms, far far smaller than a grain of sand being hurtled round a large circuit before crashing into some other particles travelling in the opposite direction. There are sensors which aim to capture specific oddities and phenomena - some known about but yet to be observed, others theoretical. The goal of CERN is made up of complex mini-goals, but the aggregate of them all is to do the following: knock things into each other and have a look at them before, during and after. Here's a picture of what it looks like once a bunch of numbers are shown in a visual form. CERN has already proved a success by allowing scientists to say "yep, that one does exist then." Hopefully, a conclusion to be met many more times over.

There are many people (apparently) who think that there is more to the LHC, and that the experiments being done are dangerous. Talk of portals, the end of the universe, all sorts of fantastical things. To those people, I have some really sad news.

The events going on in the LHC are happening throughout our universe billions of times each second. Turns out nothing much happens. Sorry to spoil the fun for you.

I like sprite better.

There are many people (apparently) who think that there is more to the LHC, and that the experiments being done are dangerous. Talk of portals, the end of the universe, all sorts of fantastical things. To those people, I have some really sad news.

Nice try, but you ignore not only what the scientist say, but what they do too. See

Plus you didn't even explain how they are testing certain chemtrail spays at the CLOUD. You state the smallest part of CERN, and say it's all they do.

>The Cosmics Leaving Outdoor Droplets (CLOUD) experiment uses a special cloud chamber to study the possible link between galactic cosmic rays and cloud formation. Based at the Proton Synchrotron (PS) at CERN, this is the first time a high-energy physics accelerator has been used to study atmospheric and climate science. The results should contribute much to our fundamental understanding of aerosols and clouds, and their affect on climate.
>The results should contribute much to our fundamental understanding of aerosols and clouds, and their affect on climate.

Why are Sup Forums and /x/ always so tsundere for each other.
They claim to utterly despise the other, but the content is basically the same and noone can leave each other alone.
Just fuck and get it over with

Good one, I'm convinced.

I ignore nothing. What you do is dismiss and project. This is fine! Please keep doing it, because when I set up a youtube channel and a website to pander to your thoughts, I'll be able to extract money from you. And the fantastic thing is that nobody will give a shit and I'll get away with it. I know of a handful of failed scientists that have done this and make a good living out of it.

So yeah, if you reject what I say then that's absolutely fine, all the better for me.

Why did you guys didn't build much upon Heisenbergs non-linear quantum field theory? It seems to me, you discarded the philosophical implications of quantum mechanics completely and went (the easy/popular/profitable) way of materialistic reductionism, falsification and verfiable testing. Did his theories really lead absolutely nowhere, so you basically havvve to leave it out in the education of your new physicists and in your working practicce at CERN?

Get this conspiracy shit off my board.

Are you retarded?

>of or relating to the claimed occurrence of an event or perception without scientific explanation
>without scientific explanation

You make 0 sense. The scientist preformed the Shiva dance of destruction. They claim they want to find dark energy, dimensions, portals. Not me, I only show the connections.

You would have 0 substance if you made a youtube account, because you cant even debate me logically.

>my board.
this board is no place for egotistical power tripping assholes

this all sounds like disinformation and reality is there hiding the fact that time travel is now possible

>the color puce used to be this lime yellow green color, now it's a pinkish color
>charles shultz is now charles shulz
>the store JC Penny is now JC Penney
>in this universe the lindburgh baby was found
>Gene Wilder is alive again
>Fruit Loops is now Froot Loops
>mohamad ali shouldve died during this fight
>when did street lights become red, yellow, green instead of what i used to remember as green, yellow, red ?
>austrailia was further south and west, not as near to Indonesia as it is now
>new zealand is way further east than it was.
>sicily is much larger than it was
>nutella is owned by nestle not ferreno
>jiffy not jif
>the panama canal is no longer east to west now its north to south.
the “tank man” in Tiananmen Square was run over by a tank, though he was not.

Poor OP isn't in on it all...

Basically the anime is about how "SERN" (just a spin off name for CERN) is building a time machine to change the world/ control it, and since the main characters are the ones to first build a time machine and have the ability stop SERN they get targeted. It basically goes through all this time travel and conspiracy shenanigans.
Very related to your thread, considering the Okabe (lab coat guy) gets his info on SERN from an online image board.

As someone who almost never watches anime, I highly recommend you watch this if interested in the whole time travel and CERN thing, it's considerably enjoyable, considering it voids most the annoying anime tropes and cliches.

-if youve been getting headaches heavly its your brain removing now false information and tendentious is a side affect of being senstive enough to the world around you, devjavu is multiple timelines hiting the same experance at the same time and dreams are mearly glimpses into those other experearnces
-im from the other timeline and CERN did a test that changed what timeline we where on, it happened 2015 September 23-24th, the anime show actualy explained the ideas pretty well, and it kinda proves my personal theorys that everything exists, and we could also be dead, unrealated pic do the research
- also check the world map we dont have a north pole ice sheet anymore and panama canel goes north to south instead of east to west
-CERN tested time travel based of jhon titors time travling experiance
where not the only people to be translplanted but where the largest tranplantation of people becuase of how new time travel technology also stephen hawking said black holes are a gateway to another universe look at how much light has changed or other scienctifc ideas have changed
- i finally found out why me and my many coworkers where having heavy headaches for three weeks straight in the month of November. originally in my timeline thanksgiving was on the THIRD Thursday of November and after that time had passed my headaches which i stated was a means to wash away false memory's had slowed after thanksgiving and is subsiding now for everyone,.

>This is either their portal to/from Saturn.

I don't think they'll survive there, but ... then again the jew isn't exactly "human"

>The Scientist themselves say they are trying to open a portal, and look for dark energy. It's a lot like dmt where you black out, and communicate with demons pretty much.

y-yeah, okay buddy that's very good for you :)


oh and they found the linbergh baby

Which area of QFT are you referring to? It is a broad topic. Happy to explain why it's not the case provided you state yourself in matters that aren't veiled with the mere mention of one area of study.

Furthermore, philosophical implications do not lead to material actualities, the product of philosophical thought is as the phrase implies: "thought".

If you want philosophy, however, you should check out Heidegger. He's popular in scientific circles, currently.

This Sup Forums related.


>Just fuck and get it over with

what, again?

So I did have a dream about my ex and I getting married?

Atleast we found happiness in another time, another place. Something's just can't be.

i understand how you feel M8 i wouldve been married with kids if i had'nt decided my career was worth more :C

You're the psyop...

I might, but everything relates to CERN now. Almost every movie.

No I think creatures will come out.

Revelation 9:
The Fifth Trumpet
1Then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key to the pit of the abyss. 2The star opened the pit of the abyss, and smoke rose out of it like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit. 3And out of the smoke, locusts descended on the earth, and they were given power like that of the scorpions of the earth.…

Thank you for clarifying the dr bait.

This is why no one takes religion seriously. It's not enough that you're here... you have to take away everything else, too.

Get your psyop shit out of my thread, and make a new one.

You should start drinking Dr. Pepper regularly, user. It might aid your efforts. Anyways, monitoring thread for more info, these are some interesting stuff OP.


Explain how it has predicted so much then.

Like the end of the world...? Like, what, seventeen times now?

Jesus Christ

Fuck off conspiratards

goes right back to attempts at insults.


Hey OP, what are your thoughts on the Shiva statue at CERN? Shiva is a Hindu god of destruction btw.

Far as I'm aware: no bingo. So this thread is not /x/.

Topkek that's now how particle accelerators work OP...

t. astrophysics dropout.

litteraly whos jewing who at this point, your astral beings are basically harmless because the higher dimensions are not material, the ones of danger are from another universe, if you fuck with the timeline you basically fuck with your position in universes, this is what happened to me and lots of my friends who looked up such examples to verify for themselves

like seriously for me the tank man was ran over
and thanks giving was allways on the third thursday of the month. clearly its more than just demons at this point

science of dimessions and since your a demon beliver i got this

expand your mine nigger

>Makes a thread about magicks and delusional things.
>Demands other people drag you back to sanity, kicking and screaming.

The only one that can get you back to reality is you.

Get out shill

Please read.
Cern will play the role as shiva or destroyer so they can re-build the 'new world order'

Wait so I popularized it?

Who cares? Why don't we just let demons or ayy lmaos come through and buttfuck us? Go back to /x/ and spill your pasta there.

You know there's a dedicated board for paranoid fantasies, right?

> dime ssions mine nigger

Fuck /x/ I know more about geopolitics than Demons, or particle physics.

>not understanding or trying to understand how the universe is made and what it looks like
>considering demons but not time travel
>i bet you dont belive in aliens becuase your a christcuck ?

CERN is an artificial wormhole project that connects vastly distant locations in space. It's ET technology, that's what Clinton along with dozens more global leaders will divulge to the world populous.

Mass hysteria, rioting, and mayhem will follow. Militarized forces will control the lot. 80% of humanity will die.

Please don't tell me you're already falling for the alien saviors coming back to save us do you? ayy lmao



>80% of humanity will die.
That sounds like an awfully big chimpout. Surely we won't kill each other over somebody opening a door.

Sorry OP but the whole idea of 'gateway to hell' and portals and shit like that is nonsense. The hole idea of particle accelerators is that you smash things together and see what happens. More energy = heaver and more interesting particles can be created. Not really anything more too it.

>going in to 4th yr of particle physics degree

There can't be sound in space, because there is no air for the sound waves to propagate through.

I am sorry, the time, etc. Refering to Heisenberg's non-linear quantum-field theory, the abandonment of causality, (materialistic) reality and the trend to interconected, interdepenndent arisal is all I can produce in a forgeign language at the moment. The creativity of quantum processes. The things Hans-Peter Dürr talked about. Not sure, if you know him. Was Heisenberg's student and also of Ed Teller. These ideas that often lead to esoteric mumbo jumbo, but Antonn Zeilinger also talked about it. That Einstein knew quantum theory meant the abandonment of causality and materialistic reality. I also read the paper by Planck on the interconnection of religion and science, and inn which he described an absolute spirit as the ground of all being from which all the quantum phenomena arise.

Dürrs main thought was: from the dead reality of things, to a creative, active universal process, I think. From death to life.

Even if we do open a gateway to hell someone will rise up as Doom Guy and will kick some demon ass.

save us ?

what am i retarded, im saying its retarded to believe in one over the other, or saying that there not exclusive

PROJECT BLUEBEAM please explain

I love it when dipshit THEORETICAL scientist claim they're remaking the big bang as if when the supreme BEING that made us all created everything HE used a big hadron collider.

more views for your shitty videos faggot OP? get a fucking real job you unloved children or get a fucking life

What island are you from? I was just recently in Nassau.

The infamous NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Blue Beam Project has four different steps in order to implement the new age religion with the Antichrist at its head.

>1.Engineered Earthquakes & Hoaxed 'Discoveries'

>2.The Big Space Show in the Sky

>3.Artificial Thought & Communication

>4.Universal Supernatural Manifestations via Electronics
Proof they are testing.

How much do you make, or get shipped over?

Nassau. I live in one of the more poorer areas. NOT the poorest but one of the more poorer areas.

get a fucking real job faggot

oh wait let me take a picture to my creditcard and send it to you

hes asking for handouts for the theory's that have no basis in practicality
pretty lame desu

It's all beautiful to me. Have you seen this place?

so your jellous that the japanese made there own LHC before you ?

You have no clue what I do for a living.

Why because you cant understand them?

asperger syndrome

praise kek

Praise Kek indeed!

i mean this is kinda shitty for sources but you gotta admint that im the one who sounds less crazy

>implying CERN rules the world
do you even know what CERN is? lol