So... Did y'all read the 8 pages long statement by the Stanford rapist trial girl?
"He said he had asked if I wanted to dance. Apparently I said yes. He’d asked if I wanted to go to his dorm, I said yes. Then he asked if he could finger me and I said yes."
So... Did y'all read the 8 pages long statement by the Stanford rapist trial girl?
Sounds like hes not guilty of shit.
No means no but yes means no.
No I didn't because it's just another case where some drunk slut gets fucked, wakes up and regrets it. I have seen people comparing this guy's sentence to some nigger rapist and trying to be black apologists about it.
It's all just bait ready to trigger me so I have to ignore it and not go full red pill.
The sjw media has their symbol. Isn't it clear that she passed out halfway through their consensual encounter.
I blank out when I read these headlines now, I know if I read the story I'll have a psychotic break
Didn't say no made no attempt to walk away either.
>I blacked out so I don't remember anything
>this is definitely what happened
how can people be so fucking dumb?
I've got a hunch there's going to be more to this case. This isn't over. From Emma at Columbia U. to "Jackie" at UVA, the sjw media has gotten it wrong so many times before.
a few thoughts
1. the faggot did try to run away after he was spotted. his story would be a lot more believable if he stayed laying next to her and try to get help when he was over enough
2. he didn't fuck her. although everyone is shouting "rape", its really just sexual assault. he fingered her for 20 mins while they were both blasted as shit
3. "On the other hand, as a society, we cannot forgive everyone’s first sexual assault or digital rape." - girl who was "raped". what the fuck is a 'digital rape'?
Sorry, m80s, but you're wrong. They found the girl behind a dumpster and a student had to chase this faggot off of her unconscious body. Cherrypicking is what tumblrtard SJWs do. Sup Forums should be better than this.
Read the whole statement thoroughly and listen to a couple of the actual reports.
>Apparently I said yes
what idd she mnean by this ?
"If you think I was spared, came out unscathed, that today I ride off into sunset, while you suffer the greatest blow, you are mistaken. Nobody wins. We have all been devastated, we have all been trying to find some meaning in all of this suffering.
You should have never done this to me. Secondly, you should have never made me fight so long to tell you, you should have never done this to me. But here we are. The damage is done, no one can undo it. And now we both have a choice. We can let this destroy us, I can remain angry and hurt and you can be in denial, or we can face it head on, I accept the pain, you accept the punishment, and we move on.
Your life is not over, you have decades of years ahead to rewrite your story. The world is huge, it is so much bigger than Palo Alto and Stanford, and you will make a space for yourself in it where you can be useful and happy. Right now your name is tainted, so I challenge you to make a new name for yourself, to do something so good for the world, it blows everyone away. You have a brain and a voice and a heart. Use them wisely. You possess immense love from your family. That alone can pull you out of anything. Mine has held me up through all of this. Yours will hold you and you will go on.
I believe, that one day, you will understand all of this better. I hope you will become a better more honest person who can properly use this story to prevent another story like this from ever happening again. I fully support your journey to healing, to rebuilding your life, because that is the only way you’ll begin to help others."
He didn't even rape her. She wasn't even a student and went to the frat party completely wasted and agreed to go home with this kid. He made out with her and fingered her a bit then got off her because he felt drunk. Then a couple of white knights started harassing him while he was puking & he ran off because he was scared. He did nothing wrong. She said yes to everything.
It does read like she's had people giving her cliff notes to read doesn't it?
She was a drunk skank and doesn't want to take responsibility for her actions.
"He is a lifetime sex registrant. That doesn’t expire. Just like what he did to me doesn’t expire, doesn’t just go away after a set number of years. It stays with me, it’s part of my identity, it has forever changed the way I carry myself, the way I live the rest of my life."
digital rape is rape with your digits (fingers) or what I do to your e-mom
Not picking sides, but read the pdf...
OP's quote is from her paraphrasing the dude's sequence of events
she means she was too drunk to remember what happened but she a good girl she dindu nuffin wrong she wud never cheat on her boyfren
fuck off leaf, this isn't cherrypicking
the case is literally just like 'well we have a girl who was too drunk to remember anything and a guy who was extremely drunk but vaguely remembers it and says she gave consent, let's just fuck this guy up because muh feelings'
Next in the story, two people approached you. You ran because you said you felt scared. I argue that you were scared because you’d be caught, not because you were scared of two terrifying Swedish grad students...When they tackled you why didn’t say, “Stop! Everything’s okay, go ask her, she’s right over there, she’ll tell you.” I mean you had just asked for my consent, right? I was awake, right? Your attorney has repeatedly pointed out, well we don’t know exactly when she became unconscious. And you’re right, maybe I was still fluttering my eyes and wasn’t completely limp yet, fine. His guilt did not depend on him knowing the exact second that I became unconscious, that is never what this was about. I was slurring, too drunk to consent way before I was on the ground. I should have never been touched in the first place."
She didn't even get fucked. He just fingered her.
But apparently she was too drunk to consent.
Jesus, what hyperbole.
So every college kid is pretty much a sex offender. This cunt refuses to take any personal responsibility. He didn't get her black out drunk.
"The point is, this is everything my family and I endured during the trial. This is everything I had to sit through silently, taking it, while he shaped the evening. It is enough to be suffering. It is another thing to have someone ruthlessly working to diminish the gravity and validity of this suffering. But in the end, his unsupported statements and his attorney’s twisted logic fooled no one. The truth won, the truth spoke for itself."
yes and they literally have no evidence that would say that guy's sequence of events is not the truth
she just doesn't wanna take responsibility for her actions and realise she got blind drunk and cheated on her bf
it's amazing the lengths women will take to save face.
Who cares whether she got technically raped or not. It's a good day when a promiscuous and bold whore is put in her place and shamed. Sounds like the drunk ho was getting down to business behind a trash bin before they were interrupted. My guess is the guy knew it looked bad since she was trashed and he ran.
Maybe if the whore hadn't decided to get trashed at a frat house and drop her panties so fast she would be better off.
not saying you're wrong, just saying that OP's quote is out of context
i was a good girl i dindu nuffin i just wanted to go to a party with my sister
you lil fulla wanna go cunt?
>digital rape
any day m8
Satanic trips!!
The whore will be put to death!!
get on the road then you white cunt
dis my land
No I didn't read it. It's gonna be the same shit filled with emotional pleas. If the guy was drunk also is it still rape?
So even if you do the feminist bullshit, ruining your girl's respect for you and her mood, by asking for permission every thirty seconds, you are still a rapist.
I foresee wizardry.
Collect all the stars!
yeah I'm white you aboriginal poo in loo
Yeeeah someone is coaching her. She's obviously after cash from this guy's family and the feminists/SJWs just want him hanged because he's white.
her statement is such bullshit
at the start she says like 'is it really that much to ask that you just ask for consent?'
and then later in the article it's like 'oh yeah you asked for consent to finger me, like that ever happens in real life'
I haven't been following it. I just assumed he was innocent:
college grad here
let me explain what happened
>both get fucked up and horny
>they make out in the back of a dumpster
>he fingers her
>she feels trashy about it the next day
Have you never been drunk before? Are you sure you're old enough to post on this website? You don't have rational thinking when drunk. Hell if he did and say everything you said you should you would be twisting it to say he wasn't drunk and he was just a predator skulking around in the night looking for easy prey or he prepared his defense before hand in case he got caught.
Whoa, I'm just posting a quote from the rapist trial girl's statement.
Sorry I'm a dumb nigger from the caribbean. Please forgive me, I apologize. Carry on.
Also, someone has to be god damn insane if they think that shit wasn't written up by a professional lawyer.
Is there evidence that he was drunk? If so, why only he is accountable for his drunk actions?
I would use that green text if I was defending this kid.
>>pick one, jury!
Did she happen to have a boyfriend elsewhere at the time?
Because women are like children. Men are men.
You can't run from the sex offenders registry. That will follow him around the rest of his life.
Even then, why the fuck should he be forced to leave his home, and move somewhere else, because of something so fucking petty.
This bitch was not raped. They were both impaired. Furthermore, it was her fucking choice to get wasted. You want to be treated like a respectable adult and not a whore? Then make responsible choices and don't act like a whore.
Ok, yeah. She is totally lying.
Because he's a FUCKING WHITE MALE.
Don't forget to mention the most important part of the letter!
"My boyfriend did not know what happened."
That's literally the only reason why she made such a big deal out of it. If she was single, she probably wouldn't have pressed charges, and she cried rape so her boyfriend wouldn't break up with her for being an unfaithful little whore.
> devastated
> life ruined after some drunk guy poked around a bit while she was unconscious
This is insanity, pure and simple yet this all will be so much more fun once Hillary is president
She was out cold and he was trying to get something out of this evening but knew that fucking her would be wrong in her state so he just finger fucked her.
Shitty and retarded act by the guy and he should be punished. Let's not pretend this was nothing just because 90% of women in college lie about getting """"raped"""".
>Gets brutal vaginal wounds, dumped behind a dumpster, guy runs after being seen humping a lifeless body
>okay cuz she's a whore
Wow this board is full of republicunts isn't it
Seriously. Athlete at an elite school. You gotta practice defense. Also, the judge went to Stanford. I doubt he is a rape apologist. He probably made a fair sentencing decision given the facts, which he knows better then us
wasn't she fairly injured, that doesn't happen during your run of the mill fucking
unless there is some other reason for that
seems everyone is just jumping to conclusions based on their political ideology
if they were both drunk and did sex stuff and she got hurt in some other way the guys did nothing wrong besides chose a pore place and time to do it
How did he know she was intoxicated?
Why has not anyone argued this?
Innocent until proven guilty, right?
"I had scratches and bandages on my skin, my vagina was sore and had become a strange, dark color from all the prodding, my underwear was missing, and I felt too empty to continue to speak." Brutal wounds?
I try to read dispationately, but it's getting hard with the shit they spew out every day. Like that cuck on Huffpost today with the article justifying political violence against Trump supporters because he's a 2016 fascist. That made me angry.
>""""brutal"""" vaginal wounds
No, but the judge did and reduced his sentence
you guys are autistic as fucked
"One more time, in public news, I learned that my ass and vagina were completely exposed
outside, my breasts had been groped, fingers had been jabbed inside me along with pine needles
and debris, my bare skin and head had been rubbing against the ground behind a dumpster,
while an erect freshman was humping my half naked, unconscious body. But I don’t remember,
so how do I prove I didn’t like it. "
Obviously she was raped. Don't believe my words, or hers for that matter... here's the hero that pulled him off her:
Fascist actually.
But he didn't penetrate her.
Swedish men can never be heroes in current year. They are the most emasculated beta cucks in the entire world.
in the report he was 2x the legal limit
in the report she was 3x legal limit
i think this has some sort of semantics value. She was MORE drunk thank him or some shit
So the biggest white knights on the planet?
Everything is rape in Sweden......unless you're Muslim. Then you can't rape anyone because you are oppressed.
>Stanford rapist trial girl
whats she look like
Digital rape is similar to glitches that look like online players in GTA V were being fucked by other players.
Yep. I said that. That was a thing.
> He said he
didn’t know why we were behind a dumpster. He got up to leave because he wasn’t feeling well
when he was suddenly chased and attacked. Then he learned I could not remember.
So one year later, as predicted, a new dialogue emerged. Brock had a strange new story, almost
sounded like a poorly written young adult novel with kissing and dancing and hand holding and
lovingly tumbling onto the ground, and most importantly in this new story, there was suddenly
consent. One year after the incident, he remembered, oh yeah, by the way she actually said yes,
to everything, so
Why is Sup Forums shilling so hard for a Jewish boy?
These days safe sex means you have to murder her when you're done just you don't catch a rape charge.
no penetration? can't you read?
So, you believe the hyperbole about rape cases from asylum seekers, but you don't believe the rape case in which there were actual first hand accounts?
Ok, bye. She was digitally penetrated, can you read?
I'm done here, thanks
>3x the legal limit
Seriously? That's fucking nothing. Three glasses of ordinary wine at the most. Nobody gets shitfaced off three glasses of wine.
at the time of inspection
they had be drinking all night long
Seriously, this is what 20+ year sentences do to people.
You will be safer by killing her and then trying to hide it, than by just hoping she won't go to the police.
Did she actually say all this in court? Jesus that would have been insufferable. Forty bucks a day to listen to that word salad is borderline serfdom.
>tfw just got a summons to jury duty last week.
This is what's sickening. Even more than that this prick teasing whore said yes, is that she says her life is Fucking ruined because some guys tickled her rotten second assholes of a vag. The role playing, sympathy chasing victims that these kids have become is disgusting. So you got your cooch rubbed, fuck you, get over it, because this poor guy will never be able too. The only life ruined here is his, because he chose to finger fuck the wrong attention seeking whore. Reeeeeeeeeeeee.
if that was your sister knocked out, dragged to a dumpster, stripped of her clothing, and violated.. by, let's say, your favorite type, a Syrian refugee... you'd be singing a different tune.
Fucking autists
It's not tho.
>people defending a guy who stripped and raped an unconscious woman behind a dumpster at 1 in the morning
Read the fucking thread. She gave consent to everything.
I'm not necessarily sure who's right or wrong in this case. I actually think rapists are despicible human trash who should face the death penalty but regardless of that there's the simple fact that this generation is so completely out of touch with personal responsibility that I simply don't give a shit about any of this anymore.
The amount of people who get piss drunk with strangers and then complain when bad shit happens is shocking when you stop for a moment and think about the potential for bad shit to happen. Are these kids that fucking naive and sheltered that they seriously think everyone wants to be their best friend?
Are they that emotionally self-centered that they think they should be able to do whatever they want without any fucking consequences?
I absolutely despise everything about my generation.
My sister wouldn't say yes to a dune coon. She wouldn't be leading on a sand nigger. And she wouldn't act like a victim after she led some guy on and then regretted it. I hope you get your asshole fucked by the fattest fingered nigger in Detroit, but you'd probably like that wouldn't you.
she didn't though, she was fucking unconscious. that's how the dudes that chased the rapist away found her.
Alrighty, say it was you. You said yes to a girl at a party for her to dance with you, yes when she asks if she can blow you, and you're both so drunk that you end up sitting on the ground behind a dumpster, head reeling, while she tries to get you off with just her hands. Two burly biker dudes come running up because they see that you're not moving, girl gets scared and runs, bikers pin her down while you pass out. In the morning you wake up,with a splitting headache vaguely remembering what happened. Then you find out your family and girlfriend know about this ... Oh shit... Your girlfriend will know you said yes to another girl fingering you. The media find out too and ask you invasive questions. You have the choice as to how you respond.
he was literally caught in the act of having sex with her unconscious body in an alley with two eyewitnesses
what more do you want until something is a 'legitimate rape' lmao
yeah, Sup Forums sure as hell turned to shit in recent years. Nothing but a bunch of contrarians spouting off nothing but memes, hyperbole and non sequiturs
Blowing* you, sorry I'm too autistic to type.
Sex offender registries aren't always for life you know. Different offenses have different lengths of time someone needs to register, and the terms vary by state. He might have to register for something like 5 years. That felony conviction is for life, though. He'll never be able to work in the medical field, law, or any number of other businesses that require someone to be of good character.
Agreed, but worse than all that is, no one was raped. She got her cooch diddled and now her life is ruined. Fuck this generation of crybabies.