You will never live in New york

>You will never live in New york

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Lived in New York for 17 years.

inb4 redneck flyovers spamming "Thank God"

Eugh, Thank God.

Yeah, thanks Christ.


I'll be there in 30 mins.

thank fuck

Impossible unless you're using a proxy.

Or he's posting using German airplane wifi.

Use your head sweatie :)

I live there AMA.

I thought of that right after I posted desu.
Go to the Bronx if you want to see real NY.

>Israel's second state

*Real New York City, I should emphasis.

you filthy fucking newfags you

>you will never live in Paris, The city of lights.

>living in ratville along CHI, """"italian"""" americans, muslims, überjews and straight out degenerate americucks with the risk of being shot or bombed by muslims while paying ridicule prices for everything because of hardcore gentryfication
Yeah no, im good

Isnt Bronx and ex-niggerland Buzzfeed paradaise after the gentryfication blitz?

best in the city

> """"italian"""", überjews, risk of being shot or bombed by muslims while paying ridicule prices for everything because of hardcore gentryfication.
Damn, you are seriously not gonna like europe then.

Chicago pizza is better
>inb4 comments about tourist trap deep dish

Nah man, waiting for the reconquista, might join in and change my surname to Matamoros

Riding the 4 train through the Bronx was depressing desu