Can we take a moment to remember all the cucks who were hilariously wrong about Trump never getting the nomination? I'll start with a personal favorite, Charles "the crippled kike who literally looks exactly like Frankenstein" Krauthammer:
Can we take a moment to remember all the cucks who were hilariously wrong about Trump never getting the nomination...
Other urls found in this thread:
What is wrong with his face?
He's part snapping turtle
I mean, he's jewish, but that isn't enough in itself to explain how messed up his face is so I don't know.
I'm laughing all the way to bank.
KRAUTTT HAMAH....AUGHUhahh...Get to the chopah
He dove headfirst into a pool like a moron and permanently fucked up his nervous system.
1) almost every time you see a "white" person that just looks "off", with disproportionate facial features and things of that nature, it's almost always a jew.
2) the weird shape of his face also looks like lipodystrophy from his GRIDS treatment.
The doors of life has been slammed in his face for so long it's beginning to show.
Holy fuck he's in a wheelchair I never knew since I always see him sitting
What the fuck
This. Anne Hathaway is downright uncanny valley, her eyes and mouth are too big for her face.
Those are obviously the eternal anglo though.
>all anglo
>all plastic surgery
Who is top right corner?
Hello [insert name of podunk state of inbreeders],
(*cacophony of cheering chimp cretins*)
My name is Donny-J and I love every, single one of you great, great fat pleb--PEOPLE. All of you are awesome Americans who fruitfully spend every second of your days posting very, very amazing memes of me. You are everything that will make America great again ("MAGA")! Honestly, you must have all been of top tier, Jewish inbreeding (like me!). I mean, I know it's enjoyable making fun of the the Sarlacc Pit incarnate, Hillary, and her many e-mail security lapses. But... holy hell!, do you guys take it to a whole new level of greatness! This is even better than jacking off to Ivanka's toddler nudes!
Don't be a stranger -- just hit me with your best NON policy related questions. I'm literally perfect... and very, very rich! I was top in my 'Ripping Off the Proletariat Tax-Payer Using Bankruptcy' class at Trump University(tm) and have the record for most Polish slave labourers used on a single, domestic U.S. contruction project! What financial frauds has Hillary committed?... other than establishing a chairtable foundation for retards -- kek! (*gesticulates like a cerebral palsy sufferer*) I also bankrupted four(4) straight, stripper-filled, Triad financed casinos; used my silver spoon to dodge five(5) drafts (no P.O.W.'s on me!); and have my pseudonym festoooned all over my buildings... just like those rapper nogs (I just had "DRUMPF 4 IVANKA" inked along my dry, jew-cut micro penis... shit was so ca$h!)
You are all great, great Americans and I want you to vote hugley for me come election time -- we will win bigly! Thanks for making me disgustingly rich agai--AMERICA great again!
(pic related: It's me, my big hands and my hot, hooked-nosed cum-bunny)
Fuck tart hammer
Almost forgot to check the flag and disregard your content as a shitpost for a second there.
Has the "All Hail the Trumpen King" video been updated to go all the way through Trump being declared the nominee now? Last update I saw was when Rubio dropped out.
I know I'm replying to myself, but this is the video I meant. I swear I've seen a more updated version of this video, but it's still relevant to this thread.
nice, I never actually saw this one before, that's exactly what I made this thread for. I remember a lot of those segments individually but it's really great to see it all together now.