Now that they have finally won a game

Now that they have finally won a game.

Can we finally stop saying "he doesn't have help"? He has as many memechuckers as the Warriors.

Yeah but his memechuckers are worse.

Klay is better than JR and Love combined

When people say he needs help, they mean his teammates need to be productive offensively and defensively.

It took 3 games for Kyrie to wake up offensively, and 4 to not be a complete liability on defense.
It took TT 4 games to not be a complete waste of space
It took 3 games for JR to start hitting and he was doing fuck all on defense for 3 games
It took 4 games for Deron Williams to score a point
And Shumpert has played as much and is mainly a defense roleplayer aka Elbow magnet

The only other consistent help Lebron had was Love, who is finally healthy for a finals.

At least for the Warriors, when guys like Klay go cold they can provide some defense.

>he doesn't have help

No one said this.

don't forget how his teammates look lost whenever he's not on the court

every single time he sits down to get some rest the Warriors go on a run

in game 4 Kyrie was doing great but when LeBron subbed out and he stayed in the game the Cavs still collapsed, he had a +7 plus minus while LeBron was at +32

The only person that can consistently help is Love, and Kyrie although Kyrie falls apart when he has to defend or when lebron is off the floor

>he doesn't have help
But he has the best helpers on the court already. (pic related)

Honestly how far can Silver rig the series realistically? Can he pull this shit for another 3 games?

So helpful they didn't remove Green from the game to stop him from committing flagrant fouls all over the place.

Honestly, the Warriors get coddled so hard yet their fans have the victim complex of the Kings fanbase.

This honestly

I remember in game 3 they say Lebron for like the last 50 secs of the half when the cavs were up by like 2 and then the warriors went on like a 6-0 run in that frame of time

He defines carrying a team it's kinda surreal

At least Lue stopped being retarded. When Lebron is off the court, everyone else slows down and uses the full 24 seconds.

>victim complex of the Kings fanbase
only shows the stinking Jew blood in your veins, implying the 2002 WCF weren't the most rigged bullshit in NBA history. Fuck off.

>the victim complex of the Kings fanbase
LOL you're ridiculous

No, the Kings feelings are justified. That was a shitshow. The Warriors fanbase don't have such a right but they act like they do.

>Klay is better than JR and Love combined

The Memeiors fans will shred the refs if they pulled the same stunt in Game 4.

Notice how major sports networks are lauding Cleveland's win and did not even mention the shoddy officiating at all? If these were the conference finals or the early rounds they would have shat on the refs for letting one team get 20+ free throws in the first quarter.

Really makes you think.

Yeah, why aren't they talking about the Draymond tech that somehow turned into a Kerr tech? Or the two flagrants committed against the cavs that weren't called? Or Curry getting 10 FTs in the 1st quarter of game 2? Someone should be looking into this

He has the most expensive roster in NBA history, failure to win the Finals is a reflection of his piss poor GMing

Because outside of LeBron and the ghost of Deron Williams, they have nobody that can set up the offense. Kyrie can't do shit else but score.

> klay
> better than love

Kyrie can't set up plays, which is weird because hes a point guard.


I wonder if he's getting tips from someone. Seeing him actually coach was strange.

>his allstar teammates show up for the first game this series
>they win
really makes me think

Sorry but your arguement is full of holes. All it takes is a first quarter of foul trouble to derail a teams defense. Granted curry didn't show up this game and draymond needs to calm the fuck down, but seriously you can't rationalize 20 FTs in the first quarter of a game. It's bullshit no matter who you are rooting for. I'm happy the cavs finally decided to show up after four games but the officiating was shit.

>Drayboon was kept in the game
Literally nothing you can say

>commit fouls
>fouls get called
>wahh wahh this is rigged

> All it takes is a first quarter of foul trouble to derail a teams defense
But everyone has been telling me that Golden State is the one team that can score 15+ on you in a few minutes and suddenly gain a lead. And what happened in the 2nd half?

Are you shitting me? I'm not even a warriors fan by any means, but I enjoy basketball and game 4 was such obvious bullshit right from the start. Silver wanted to set a sign they won't let their golden boy lose.

This. In Game 3, Lebron sat for 2 minutes and the Cavs were -12 in those 2 minutes. They lost the game because Lebron James had to rest for just 2 fucking minutes, that's how useless the rest of the Cavaliers are.

>commit foul on the other end
>doesn't get called
You realize the refs get paid by the game in the finals right? There's an obvious personal conflict of interest

His memechuckers shot like crap in game 3 and its why they lost

Honestly basketball is turning into luckshoot now with super high variance. Will see more and more 3-1 and even 3-0 leads blown

He was also wrongfully suspended last year.

Irvings the most overrated player in the nba. I keep screaming this to largely deaf ears, but he is

Refs favored the warriors though

>You realize the refs get paid by the game in the finals right?

I still don't understand who thought that was a good idea.

The same people who now say LeTrash has no help were showboating during the Cavs' cruise through the East, they are the same ones who were saying "Cavs in 6/7", they are the same ones who were opening nonstop LeBron vs. Jordan threads for fucking WEEKS, they are the same one who claimed Kyrie's got Steph's number, the same ones who said Love is better than Green, the same ones who put their faith in Korver, Deron, Frye etc. But suddenly they were down 3-0 and notice how immediately the LeBron vs. Jordan gimmick died in fire and how suddenly LeBron doesn't have any help. The LeBron dickriders are the biggest plebs and scumbags in the world of sports, like that piece of shit "reporter" Wright who lied about Jordan on national TV to push the LeBron GOAT propaganda, I would literally put them all in a giant hole and bury them alive.

Congratulations, you got yourself a meme win because GSW threw the game in order to make some more money and because Silverbladt activated it via Lacob.

And yet the cavs were +50 when Lebron was on the floor, so again it's not that he doesn't have help, it's just the roster was designed to be this way. The cavs are top heavy. Why should you expect the bench to play as well as your starting lineup and superstar player?

Am I going crazy? OF COURSE you're going to be outscored when you put a bunch of role players in against the warriors starters, that's what happens when you invest everything into your top 2 instead of building a well-rounded team. That's what's SUPPOSED to happen. Why is he complaining about not having help when he himself constructed the team this way? It's not that his team mates are bad, he just chose to surround himself with specialists instead of well rounded guys who could create their own shot. It's a trade-off that he willingly brought unto himself to make him look great when he's on the court but gets exposed when he's off.

Every Lebron fan in the world says this.

Cavs scored a shit load of 3s in the last game, only reason why they won.

It won't happen again, Based GSW won't allow a 6th game.


>that's what happens when you invest everything into your top 2 instead of building a well-rounded team

But that isn't what happened. Kevin Love and Tristan Thompson are both on huge contracts.

>be paid off refs
>make shit one-sided calls all night
>be so blatant that even the commentary shills notice it
>decide to remove heat
>call techs on people for no fucking reason
>you get a tech, and you get a tech, techs for everyone!
>remove fan, give him retroactive tech
>security guard removing unruly fan also given tech
>give green another tech on bullshit
>oh wait, the first tech was actually on kerr
>people now think it was refball for GS
>average iq tards on spee fall for the ploy
>obvious backcourt, missed
>think love swiping at KD's head after missing the block isn't flagrant
>no traveling called all night
>curry constantly knocked to the floor
>Zaza forced to defend himself from a faggot standing over him for 10 seconds after a whistle was blown, niglet swiping at the refs the whole time, not to mention the constant fouling leading up to him being on the ground in the first place

Cavs had a hot night, but the refs deserve the mvp

>Consistently stops LeBron and Kyrie from penetrating
>Randomly blows up for 40 points
>Best catch and shoot in the league
>Ugly as fuck
He is tho. JR goes on runs but takes retarded ass shots. Love hustles hard but can't blow up like Klay does (or at least, nowhere near as often).