hate this sport
no one in australia likes it
fuck cricket
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw Lancashire County Cricket Club
At the gorund lads. Zampa just took a hat trick with the last two balls of his over
first for Holly the mare
love him
hes unorinically much better looking than virat
t. anand gupta
Stumping off a wide?
going to update the curries on cricket compilation soon lads
I still find it hard to believe anyone would voluntarily go to Birmingham
lee thomason here lads
t. Ahmed Shehzad
I'm all for autists and assbergers being given opportunities to contribute to society but making one the captain of the Australian cricket team is taking it too far.
t. Mrs Abbas
Last 5 ovs 25/0 RR 5.00
Required RR 5.04
Eat shit, ya losing
t. Simon Rorke
You'd probably rather have an abo in charge atm
Would Warner make a good captain despite the fact his IQ is probably lower than his batting average?
>so you're telling me war is more important than cricket match
that's because the life of a pajeet isn't really worth that much
Audibly kek'd
yeah actually
anyone remeber peter forrest
prove him wrong
What are you talking about, Warner has one of the greatest minds ever produced
want someone to creampie my arse
Wood-Warner are a Interior designer in Cammeray, mate
threadcunt suicide watch
How the fuck does one end up with the surname Zampa? He looks anglo
Binding Blade isn't shit but it certainly isn't as good as Blazing Blade
Dunno if he'd make a good captain, but he sure as hell wouldn't be a worse captain than Smith.
Smith throwing
fuck cricket
pie chuckers everywhere
lol didn't even know England football team were playing today
At this point I even want them to lose
fuck you i have fractured ribs right now it hurts to laugh fuck you
would rinse stokes' cock with my saliva x
How btfo would it be if England choke the finals again
>Adam West dead
RIP Batman
My sides are in orbit
fuck this, time for bed, yet another boring as fuck soft trot to the win for England.
hate boredi
love Basedladaesh
Fuck me, no more Adam West in Family Guy too I guess
Is Rashid Khan the ultimate GOAT?
Nah mate they'll bring him back for family guy
hi mate
>Family Guy
>watching family Guy
Who the hell still watches Family Guy? Do you watch The Simpsons too??
>Family Guy
Test cricket should be taught at university
>farmerly goy
I have got a mate here :)
kek the german team is now filled with afghans
>The Big Bang Theory
yeah inshallah my favourite afghan 18 year old will reign
backing you to win against sl on monday x
Just got back from work good to see the lads are doing well
he's one of the indians who watches American shows like BBT, family Guy just to sound cool among friends
The one thing I didn't need at university was more tests
Bet he follows that 'Joey meets Sheldon' facebook page.
FOSC(fuck off small child)
So all Indians in general
Thanks for the (You)s. I only know him as Family Guy's Mayor West.
I stopped watching family guy after the 4th season. I do watch south park though.
>"Zampa is elite"
>bowls a wide at this point in the match
>manlet Warner trying to reach that six
>putting Warner at long-on
Seems unfair. Can't they give him a chair to stand on?
>still watching
australia sucks why bother
yep he also comments "haha XD" on facebook pages
yep mostly
might have caught that if he wasnt a massive manlet
hundred partnership between two loving boys truly a beautiful thing to see x
a full strength EU
If he was a massive manlet he would have been big enough.
bit gay lad
cricket is gay
What a shot tbf
LOVE this English partnership
love playing with willies
love sucking willies
loving feeling willies deep inside my rectum
love to feel willies squirting cum inside me
It's ok, 99% of Trinis are just as bad if not worse.
>Two consecutive dot balls
>No new British flags post for that moment
Fucking hell they run away fast
>this self-hate
seek help
Josh Hazlewood looks like Assad
england are so fucking good at cricket
Can you actually feel it when a guy cums in your butt?
Don't you think you're a bit old to be obsessing over childish bat and ball games? Grow up.
why not just watch baseball
I'm not intelligent enough
Because there's more to this
I'm not hating myself my man , I'm hating guys like you
the worst part is when you tell than that big bang theory is shit , they laugh at you
gas the tykes
Too intelligent mate
>muh billion pajeets
why not shove another big mac down you fat gob you smelly yank
post the one where he chastises his teammate for not having an OLED TV when he did, in fact, have an OLED TV
Wicket 6th ball next over
because baseball is for dummies
>Biggest ever attendance today for an ODI at this ground - 24,227
Dead sport for a dead country