So we agree this shit is rigged right?
So we agree this shit is rigged right?
Other urls found in this thread:
you cant get advertising/arena tickets revenue if there is no reverse sweep
Warriors customers are on full damage control, you know you are going to choke the 3-0 lead and you are already starting to play the "refball" card
The refs were shit but in both ways, dind't favour the Cavs. If not check a relevant call, not that backcourt, like the double technical on Green
>dind't favour the Cavs
Fuck off.
I want to be honest for a second here. I'm aware most retards on the internet are kids and trolls. Still, I find it appalling how you act as if you saw a different game, when it was so blatantly obvious that the game was pre-decided by Silver. Why not be honest and just admit this?
LeBron just fucking travels literally across half the court in a break away, NOT DRIBBLING A SINGLE TIME!!!, directly in front of the ref, and nothing happens.
Kyrie commits obvious backcourt violation in front of hundreds of people. Everyone sees it. Yet nothing happens.
Not to even speak of the countless fucking bullshit fouls in the first half, of which at least one third were actual fouls committed by the cavs, yet warriors get the punishment, resulting in a ridiculous 'breaking of record' of most points in a finals half...
Seriously, just troll away, but STFU and don't think everyone around you is stupid not to see that. The only question really is how far Silver can rig the series further?
>muh conspiracy
a referee literally went to prison for rigging games
It's all about the money. 7 games in the finals draws big bucks
he didn't rig the games
that's not why he went to prison
What's happened here? Explain this to a bong whilst I watch this absolute rubbish game of soccer.
A team got rekt by team B
team A fans+ team B haters claim it's refball
The usual on Sup Forums
I have this theory that the finals are actually a best of 5, but the series has to go to a game 7 for max profit.
>he didn't rig the games
>that's why he went to prison
The Warriors lose money if they swept Leaveland.
It will also hurt Nike's sales since Lebum's brand will take a massive hit since he'll definitely not be considered GOAT anymore. At least winning one game throws that narrative and talking point that the Warriors are just that stacked.
The Warriors probably want to hoist the trophy in their home floor so throwing a bone to Lebum isn't a bad idea.
It took refball and the Cavs memechucking to the extreme to beat the Warriors, Curry ain't scoring less than 20 points again unless he's hurt.
Typical sports fans. But did Lebrun really run half the way across the court? That I would like to see. Better than this soccer ball game ffs
That's allowed in the NBA, not just for LeBron
Stars can take an extra step, even more if running for a dunk
You mean in the pic? Once you are on ypur opponent's half of the court, you can't go back
So, when the series finishes this Monday are you gonna apologize?
So we agree that OP is a retarded faggot?
stop throwing conspiracy theories, the warrios wanted to win 16-0 and be in history forever
a couple millions they win with the tickets for 1 (one) game doesn't buy glory, they totally wanted to win last night
if you are unironically suggesting the team owner only cares about money and that he can force players like Durant or Curry to lose on purpose you are just retarded
>if you are unironically suggesting the team owner only cares about money
Well, tbf that's true
It's a bit like wrestling..
If two teams are closer in terms of quality, NBA will expand it to 7 games.
But it has to be believable. Imagine if that garbage ass Cavs team took the Spurs to 7 games. Nobody would believe it wasn't rigged. so they allowed a sweep to happen.
In wrestling, most of the time you can't book a 5'4 to guy to beat a 6'5 guy. It's not believable. You have to work the crowd into believing they are seeing a real rivalry.
Explain the 2014 finals
>Drayboon has his first tech magically change into a tech for Kerr, which keeps him in the game
>Love gets a bullshit flagrant called on him
>Zaza Gagoon and Drayboon commit flagrants with no calls
>Warriors still finish with more FT attempts
>i-i-i-it's totally rigged against us warriorbros SEIG HEIL
I've seen you and that retarded leaf trying to damage control this game across multiple threads now, assuming you aren't the same person.
Fucking kill yourself, you bandwagon kraut faggot.
Spurs kill ratings. The 5 least watched finals since 1998, at least 4 of them include the Spurs. They are not a big draw.
it has to go at least 6 games or the nba owes abc monies
Germans are the worst
Then why are they in so many finals?
They were trying to fuck the Cavs hard. Anytime a team is up on the warriors the refs have to review and slow the momentum of the other team
wwe is less scripted
Because it's hard to "rig" a game against talent
Pop had dirt on Stern
Bane was a big guy for Pop if you know what I'm sayin
The amount of merchandising, media attention and branding you could do with a 16-0 post season team would be worth a thousand times more than whatever the hell they lose by sweeping.
Also, who is the source of this claim? I've seen all of these bandwagon retards saying the Warriors would lose $22 million, but I haven't seen a single credible source to back it up
Mad-ass nigga lol, nice essay kid
You just KNOW the Memechucks are gonna blow this
>this retardation
It's hilarious. I actually hope the Cavs come back to win game 7. I wanna see the anal devastation.
>Germans are the worst
Look who's talking. The guy from that nation that single invented pedophilia and perfected the technique of gay anal sex.
As if any of these things mattered for the progress of the game. The refs decided the game by fucking the warriors deep in the ass during the first half. That's it. Everything after that was just a masking of the obvious black hand here.
>You just KNOW the Memechucks are gonna blow this
You mean Silver will rig the shit out of this for the Cavs, yes.
Came here to post this.
definitely rigged. The Cavs rim was about an inch wider and their three-point line was about a foot closer.
How else could you explain their outscoring the Warriors by 30 from beyond the arc?
Also, the FT and FTA were nearly identical for both teams.
Yup, rigged.
>Joe Lacob net worth: Joe Lacob is an American businessman who has a net worth of $1.5 billion
Implying he gives a single shit about 20 million when he could have sporting history. He probably cried himself to sleep last night.
go on...
I keep hearing this from Cavs fans. Like the zaza groin shot was equivalent to the rest of the game or even the first quarter where the Cavs (down 3-0) magically put up a record setting 49 points. I pray to God people boycott the rest of this series. Just an absolutely disgusting display of bullshit.
I will let the box score do the talking.
The Warriors were 27 of 36 on free throws
the Cavs were 21 of 31
So the Warriors got five more free throw attempts than the Cavs. That is what Sup Forums calls "refball favoring the Cavs".
The Cavs made 24 3-pt shots and the Warriors made 11, which is a 39 pt difference in long distance shooting. This is what Sup Forums calls "refball favoring the Cavs".
Go to Google and type in game 4 poor officiating. You're a fucking retard to deny the game wasn't completely handed to the cavs.
The entire game was a fucking disgusting travesty of flops, and boring basketball. The NBA is dead and these two teams are everything wrong with the NBA. Both sides should be ashamed not only for being absolutely worthless, but also playing for states that are equally worthless as well as being detrimental to the United States.
while everyone was watching Draymond chimp out, they were ignoring Kevin Love having the game of his life from three point land.
>Warriors had more FTA than the Cavs
this is why I love Sup Forums, I swear you are worse than Sup Forums when it comes to ignoring facts and going with your fee-fees
I fucking hate Germans.
Like stephanies obvious double dribble
The game was decided from the first half. Once the cavs had a healthy lead and were draining 3s the refs started giving stupid calls to the warriors so that sheeple like you could claim it was balanced.
The nba has done this shit many times before and have definitely got it down to a science. The "tech" Drayboon got in the 3rd quarter would have made it too obvious the shit was rigged so they made a last minute decision to leave him on since they realized the cavs were probably going to win the game anyway.
If it was a close game near the end of the 4th you would have probably seen Draymond and maybe another Warriors player ejected.
nice proofs you got there
>The game was decided from the first half. Once the cavs had a healthy lead and were draining 3s the refs started giving stupid calls to the warriors so that sheeple like you could claim it was balanced.
Thank you. Based leaf speaking facts. Only retards and bandwagon LeBitch dickriders will deny this.
>it is impossible to the Warriors to come back after a 15 point deficit
Is like if you don't watch basketball and are only here to shitpost
It is very well fucking impossible if the refs whistle every time you breath too hard. If the Warriors catch up, they'll just start spitting again. No player can win against the refs.
Besides, shouldn't you be somewhere selling drugs or chopping somebody up with a chainsaw?
>Love gets a bullshit flagrant called on him
He LITERALLY hit the guy in the head. That's an automatic flagrant regardless of intention, do Cavs fans not even know the rules of basketball?
Explain how the Warriors had more FT
Besides, shouldn't you be somewhere selling drugs or chopping somebody up with a chainsaw?
I'm not involved in the drug business, but thanks for caring
>>Drayboon has his first tech magically change into a tech for Kerr, which keeps him in the game
Neither should have been techs, dumbshit
>>Love gets a bullshit flagrant called on him
watch it again. normal fouls have the arm hacking downward once, love hacked twice and put his hand into KD's face. It was not a normal foul.
>>Zaza Gagoon and Drayboon commit flagrants with no calls
If you're gonna stand over someone for 10 seconds after whistles were blown, you deserve it.
>>Warriors still finish with more FT attempts
The announcer shills, constantly offering up praise for LBJ and Blowhio, were also confused by how shitty the refs were in terms of calls on the warriors.
And watch curry off the ball, fagshit. You want retroactive punishment for Zaza, yet you live in a glass fucking house.
Q1 was a fucking travesty, Q2 was blatant refballing, Q3 was shitty reffing, Q4 was pure incompetence.
Don't give a shit about basketball, especially when a real tournament is going on at Roland Garros, but I have heard that the NBA is the most ref balled sport in the modern world.
Quality post.
Warriors fans are even saltier than last year and they only lost one game this time