>not being an ENTP
>Not having the best shitposter personality type
Not being an ENTP
I am ENTP-T. What's the difference?
INFP reporting in
pls no bully
fuckin normie ree
INTP-F here.
At least you're not an INTP. Fucking degenerates.
ENTP master race reporting
>Not being INTJ masterrace
>people are nothing more than a game to me
>spend months at a time strategically planting ideas into peoples' heads and playing mind games
>get bored after a while but that's okay since there's literally billions of you dirty little roaches to fuck around with
>some people actually think I care about them as people but the truth is I only use them for my personal advantage and entertainment
INTP master race
INTJ alpha intellectual here
First intj to post!
That's ENTJ.
INTJ are extremely intelligent but can't manipulate people to save their lives.
>delusional autism mistaken for alphamale intellectual
i've gotten both entp and intj, guess it depends on what mood I'm in
That's not INTJ you don't plan that stuff. It just comes naturally
Thinking you aren't being manipulated is part of the manipulation
Then comes an INTP, points a flaw in your game with a very naive question out of pure curiosity and you'll have to rethink it all over again.
Autism: the thread
Meaningless HR bullshit.
Myers-Briggs has zero validity anywhere.
Sperg somewhere else.
eh, in practice according to those numbers you're actually just really really boring and don't really strongly lean towards anything
INTPs are a dumber version of INTJs tbqh.
>the best shitposter personality type
kek agreed since everybody sound illogical
Everybody's shitty, so everyone should be kind.
You live in Turkey?
Okay, have fun being a le edgy programmer/engineer while ENTJs are the executives of your company
ENTJs are extrovert simpletons. They make good tools for INTJs.
I'm an ENTP with a 1-on-1, cognitive psychologist-administered IQ of 145.
I'm also 6'2", blonde haired, blue eyed, and with an 8" dick (though it's only 5" around and circumcised)(also, I'm balding).
Am I master race?
INTJs make the best solutions.
INTPs make the best questions.
Essentialy speaking, INTJs are better engineers and we, INTPs, are better architects.
Where are my fellow INTJ master rave members?
No one on Sup Forums is ever an ISTJ, but a good chunk of people on Sup Forums are. Wonder why...
ENTP-A reporting in
INTPs are like ants to INTJs. You are inferior in every way. INTJs have vast intellect and can think in 3 dimensions. INTPs can only think in one dimension.
INTPs are the guys who actually follow rules of the board only to post when the time is right. You'll be dumbfounded as to what kind of person would post something so thought provoking only to never hear from them again.
I'm kind of kidding. Give me those (you)'s please.
I'm an INTJ and I'm saying that a healthy ENTJ is master race. These people are charismatic, they like to manipulate and control people, and have the ability to intimidate a lot of people easily.
That said INTJs are much more intellectual based and learn topics just for fun. That's basically all I do and take Muay Thai.
Only if you also work as a chef at Wendy's.
I'm actually all of that exactly except brown haired green eyes, proven to have high IQ than blonde haired blue eyes. Suck my dick faggot
Okay I'll bite, someone link me to this test please.
ISTP here reminding all of you we are better than INTJs and INTPs
>Not being an 8-dimensional chess playing master persuader
It appears you have much to learn young roach
> INTPs can only think in one dimension.
I wish, INTP's are stuck thinking in 40 dimensions, and stuck trying to to actually turn this clusterfuck into one dimension.
Nah, critical care paramedic, but close!
>all these non STPs
Scary shit mang
Check 'em
I really hate when I am speaking something then a thought crosses my mind and can't put anything together.
It's funny even.
It seems like you darker-haired folks also have thicker cocks than us needle-dicked blondie's do.
I also think dark cocks look better than pale blonde ones do anyways, so yeah, I'd probably suck it.
>INTJ are extremely intelligent
no u
ENTJ reporting in, what up beta nerds
Is it bad?
I use to be INTP before I got a job.
I'm the really fucking useless one. The Diplomat, or whatever.
I'm pretty sure I'm in the same group as feminists.
Trump's and ENTJ for sure
George Washington. One of the greatest men who ever lived was ISTJ
I remember taking the test in high school and getting INTP but, I also changed after becoming independent and getting to experience world first hand.
That logic you use is why you cant keep friends for longer then a year.
You cannot possible conceive the number of levels an INTJ operates on. We dominate the intellectual world as well as the physical world. You are my intellectual and physical inferior. We achieved cerebral dominance throughout history. Einstein, newton, elon musk, bill gates, steve jobs, thomas edison, tom cruise, obama, donald trump are all INTJs. If INTPs were smart they would of invented something by now.
>read description
>I have all the bad traits and none of the good ones
haha this shit wrong nigga, I aint creative
Reminder if you're not ISTJ, you're a fucking degenerate.
Also I'm stupid I'm actually INTP
had to dig to find it
>briggs meyer is the Sup Forums version of gender identity
Can't wait to see another thread full of INTJs and other "rare" typings
I'm aIways TJ, 50/50 when it comes to E/I. More N than S.
Sorry, too many schizod tendencies to take the b8
Anyone with an S or an F in their profile is a literal subhuman and should be cleansed from the earth.
I still love you guys if you want to hate on me kek
That's what someone with low IQ would say wouldn't they.
That's what I be
No, not really.
I agree, except add I and P to that list.
ISTP reporting in.
einstein was an intp...
>doing Myers-Briggs
>implying INTJs go to parties
>implying anyone would even invite me
atleast you aren't isfp
Untermensch detected
What the fuck did you say about me you little bitch. I'll have you know I'm an INTP- and have been involved in numerous advances in math and science. I have over 60 gorillion Nobel prizes. I am trained in scientific research and share the same mindset of the greatest thinkers in the world. You are nothing to me but another test subject. I will experiment your genes the fuck out with researching abilities the likes of which the earth has never seen. Mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the fucking internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of INTP'S across the USA and they are hacking satellites to get your IP tracked. So you better prepare for the storm, the storm of nerve gas that wipes out the pathetic little thing called your life. You're fucking dead kid. I can be anywhere any time, and can kill you in over 700 different ways, and that's just with my knowledge of anatomy. Not only am I extensively trained in biological warefare, but I can also utilize every single force in the universe and I will use them to their full extent to wipe your misdeal ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what your stupid comment was about to bring upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tounge. But you couldnt, you didn't and now your paying the price you goddamed idiot. I will shit nerve gas all over you and you will die in it. You're fucking dead kiddo.
All INTJs have mensa level intellect. We can tell when someone is dumber than us. Check and mate INTP.
Yeh it provides no indication of anything and that's why INTP and INTJ (collectively about 3% of the total population) make up about 40% of Sup Forums.
Fucking moron. Why would a series of questions not provide an indication about your personality? The only argument against MBTI is that it can slant towards a more 'positive' self image since it's self reported, but even then I'm not so sure that's the case.
I get INTP on MBTI and here's my description on the big 5 personality test (RLUEI), not something I would go out of my way to apply to myself obviously, but it all makes sense, as does the much more positive MBTI description.
dude we dont have half of those, Obama is not INTJ he is ENFJ.
and good riddance, if he was INTJ the country wouldn't be where it is. also in what world is Trump an Introvert? that dude has the confidence of a kid on crack.
that being said im also an INTJ, we also have the best Fictional characters
Please explain
Also nice dubs
INTJ = most autistic
ESTP,ENTP,ISTP and ESTJ. Are the only alpha personalities. These are the only types to outsmart everyone they can't outfight and out fight anyone they can't outsmart
False. INTPs don't have high enough IQ to be einstein.
Same, actually.
Yeah, I'm INTJ. I'll admit all of us are narcissists
You guys have fucking Beethoven, we INTP'S have Einstein. Check and mate.
W e w
Say that to my face while I fix your car and invent a fancy new thing and see what happens
Your b8 is getting progressively less funny. I have to say, it's becoming unworthy of your intellect.
Extroverted =/= strong.
I just shitpost tho
INTP and INTJ are also very high on most of the other boards.
you have them confused with intp
>are intelligent
>cant manipulate
Muh empowered women
wow imagine being a dumb retard like this
How fucked am I?