I am a muslim and I was born in the U.S. Will his policies affect me negatively if he becomes president?
Is Donald Trump against all muslims or only non-american citizen muslims?
No. He has only suggested a temporary ban on Muslim immigration
but muh racist
No, of course not. All he's talked about is a moratorium on Muslim immigration.
Do you want to MAGA? If so, you'll probably be fine.
Do you want sharia law?
So I can leave the US to visit family in, lets say India, or something and I can come back without a problem?
You should probably convert anyway. islam is a shit doctrine.
Hell no, sharia law is fucking stupid and all those that support it are retarded as fuck.
It's a desecration of a flag to use it as an article of clothing
You're an AMERICAN CITIZEN... You can enter this country no problem
Then you are American...
Will you be loyal to this country?
Awesome, thanks for the reply.
Yeah, just like I've been all 19 years of my life.
No he doesn't like the problems with muslim immigrants and foreign muslims hold vastly mor radical and extreme beliefs than muslims in the U.S
The call to cease entry of foreign muslims was at a time of high terror alert, when it was appropriate. It was never meant to be permanent, or to affect US citizens in any way. Chances are the ban would be lifted by now if it has been enacted at the time of his speech, even.
Frankly he's not as hard line about Muslims as some here would like him to be.
Then I will defend you...consider yourself part of the Trump train..
I know lots of Muslims who are fabulous people... Amazing people
love u 2
>let's say, India or something
You're from Iran, aren't you
No, my parents were born in India. We have been there for 6-8 generations. But I have family in other parts of the world as well.
All muslims.
He thinks we're all terrorists or something, funny tbqh
>sharia law is fucking stupid
Then why are you muslim?
Honestly, Islam has no place in America. Its doctrines stand against almost everything America stands for. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, for a couple.
And I'm not so sure about coming back without a problem if you're heading to mudslime countries. Seeing as "moderate" mudslime coming back from areas with high mudslime populations and blowing people up.
By the same logic Christianity has no place in America.
Only gay things like Buddhism
>All Muslims are one person
Who could be behind this post?
muslim is always a muslim
he will never fight for anything else but islam and his own kin
no such thing as trusting muslim, they always multiple and once there is enough of them, you get to see them act agressive and isolating themselves even more so
just look at sweden, all the things they did for the muslims and it hasnt worked out. how can anyone else even think of being more successful at integration than sweden, the head of humanities, which now has failed and keep on disappearing from the world
ofc the swedes themselves wont just disappear, they just move away. in future sweden, its unlikely you find swedish people and even more unlikely they will call it sweden any longer. they got the "democracy" on their side, which allows them to change their culture by majority vote. what a fucking joke democracy is when you let ousiders in your country to decide what is the next move the country should make
Because I believe in Allah and I have actually studied the Quran, unlike illiterate sharia law supporters. They can't even understand the Quran yet they back themselves up with random verses.
>import young/adolescent poor stupid people that know nothing but their religion
>be surprised when they don't assimilate
Europe deserves what they're getting just for being so stupid.
Like making fun of your friend for doing something dumb.
Thanks for all the replies, centipedes. MAGA.
>unironically supporting Jews
The meme was fun at first, now it's just old
Buddhism even speaks out against Islam faggot.
Islam is the problem.
What can be amended can be re-amended.
Fuck that muslim.
It is against the US Flag Code to wear the flag as an article of clothing.
See §176
What type of training exercises will you be doing there?
Islam is a political idealogy
Buddhist monks are pretty honorable, the religion is too weak though
So, are you Sunni and do you go public with that view among your friends and family?
Of course not, because if you say all the accepted schools of Fiqh in the Sunni religion are fucking bullshit you are an apostate ... and all the schools of Fiqh in the Sunni religion agree on the punishment for apostasy.
Anything that sets rules for life could be an ideology Aussie
Christianity is a political ideology
How do you separate Sharia if it's so tightly ingrained with the religion? How do you feel about gays?
I bet you don't have a problem with cute girls wearing American flag bikinis faggot
Makes me cringe every time.
Isn't there a law against wearing the flag as clothing?
I mean wearing the flag itself, not wearing the flag as a logo on a shirt or anything.
Other than muh code
Just don't go to Syria or Northern Iraq and you'll be fine. You have more to fear from the men in your family and mosque.
I don't support them but I'm not against them either. I'm neutral on all that LGBT stuff.
Never heard of that
But its not a flag m80 the ends have fray
Congress can't make any law in regards to religion though.
How would banning a certain religious group even be constituitional?
No. You should stop being muslim though it's terrible.
Have you considered Buddhism? It's quite pleasant.
Unfortunately you won't be deported just for being a muslim. Maybe someday you will though and I hope that day comes soon.
>Congress can't make any law in regards to religion though.
Didn't they pass a law to not have any religious tracing in public schools? In like the 50s?
>How would banning a certain religious group even be constituitional?
It's not, just Sup Forumsfags daydreaming
"muh code" is why it makes me cringe because it's not proper
It's like when you listen to someone speaking and the use a word in a wholly incorrect way and it digs at the inside of your skull because you know how wrong they are.
No it's just tacky and tasteless as hell when it's not July 4th. Anything goes on July 4th
>stop being muslim
>it's terrible
Shoo shoo jew
The reason I don't support Sharia is because it calls for punishments such as stoning and beheading for haram acts. If those acts do not result in the injury or in harm of others, then they should not be killed for those actions. If they were truly Muslims, they would let Allah punish them on the Day of Judgement, instead of punishing them with death.
Those bikinis were not made out of an actual flag
Found it.
U.S. Flag Code
§176. Respect for flag
(d) The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free. Bunting of blue, white, and red, always arranged with the blue above, the white in the middle, and the red below, should be used for covering a speaker's desk, draping the front of the platform, and for decoration in general.
>The flag should never be used as wearing apparel
Do you put America before your worship of some unwashed child fucker?
Then why do people get triggered by it?
Her hijab most likely isn't an actual flag either
fuck you too, faggot
Lol, we think alike.
>I am a muslim and I was born in the U.S. Will his policies affect me negatively if he becomes president?
you can do what the fuck you please, son. here in AMERICA you're innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Do Muslims practice fellatio?
You must be new here. I'm not even remotely jewish. In fact my family is a mix of Scottish/French and Germans who came here in the 1900's
Which isn't even the point, islam is objectively cancer
It's tasteless and tacky. As I've said.
If you are referring to Prophet Muhammad (s) then no. Muslims worship Allah, not the prophets. Of course, if your head wasn't up your ass all the time you would know this with a simple google search.
Except it's not, it's just a way of life.
People are cancer.
How is halal meat bad anyways?
Some do. Fellatio between a man and his wife is not haram.
The worst thing that could ever happen, and it's actually very very unlikely; I don't even know if the president has this power anymore is to do what FDR did and put Muslim Americans in internment camps to "protect them" from angry citizens which would obviously only ever happen if there was a huge islamic terror attack on US soil. We're talking 9/11 x3 or multiple attacks in multiple cities or a nuclear weapon. And like I said, I'd if the president can even do that anymore.
Yes, but it's disliked to ejaculate into your spouses mouth but it it not forbidden.
>Christians think Muhammad, peace be upon him, was like Jesus
Triggers me every time
The only way a Trump presidency would affect you negatively is if you plan on committing the lesser jihad, or plan on getting the president to suck your dick out of pity like the Ahmed Clock kid.
It's just about the way the animal is slaughtered. It's not really bad, I know muslims that eat non-zabeeha meat, but personally I stay away from that.
But you still think he was the greatest man who ever lived, right? The perfect man?
The man who raped a nine year old child when he was 53 years old.
"Policing that reflects the community"
AKA sharia law
You're already an American citizen so you'll be fine. You could be in danger of being targeted by agent provocateurs, but it seems like you'd have to be really fuckin stupid to get mixed up in their bullshit, or already wanting violence.
>mfw I like listening to Nasheeds
Am I at risk user?
Yes, I do think he was the greatest man who ever lived. He did not "rape" a nine year old. Culture was different 600 years ago. Also, he had permission from the father of the child to marry her.
I remember watching a movie about how animals are slaughtered and raised here in the US in highschool, disgusting
Part of my reasoning for supporting him was American Muslims. I mean, I like the principles of protection and preserving western civilization.
But I think that if a proper immigration and defense system is set up and practical, that Muslims here will face less disruption/persecution in their lives as a result. Which would be great for us all.
How can you be an American when you have to give up your nationality for 100% dedication to Islam?
If US policies don't impact you negatively, than your religious ideology will impact Americans negatively.
Suffering gives meat a bad taste. Ask any hunter.
In the early stages of the Trump Muslim-ban rollout he did say EVEN if a Muslim is an American citizen and born in America, if he leaves America once the Muslim ban goes into effect he won't be allowed in. The Trump campaign said this multiple times and only reluctantly backed away from it after it was pointed out it would make Muslim soldiers unable to return to the US after being deployed.
All it will take is one big terror attack, and the ban will probably be back to this zero tolerance level.
Personally I support the strictest ban possible. Islam is a cancer and does not belong anywhere in the West, or in any civilized nation period.
It's funny how Trump has changed everything to where people can say what they felt for the longest time. An Indian politician said today all Muslims should be forced out of India and India should be Muslim free.
>Yes, I do think he was the greatest man who ever lived
Shit taste confirmed
Have you seen how cows, pigs, and chickens are raised in the US.
It's sad user.
Animals killed the proper way bleed out and lose consciousness pretty quickly anyways.
It beats a life of suffering.
Also this.
If your fellow Muslims decide to start fucking shit up, you're in very real danger of internment camps.
At that point it is necessary.
I would recommend staying vigilant and watching for suspicious behavior within your own community, since no one else has that opportunity.
Under what circumstances would I have to "give up my nationality for 100% dedication to Islam?"
I'm no different from any other non-Muslim American other than the fact that I believe in Allah and I pray 5 times a day.
Saladin was pretty cool
Indians are still pissed over Pakistan, rightfully so though.
>I'm an evil, jihad-crazed monster because of my personal opinions of another man.
Basically he said it the wrong way. He wants to band people from certain countries such as Syria and other terrorist hot spot nations from getting in.
The way its going we might have to ban all of Europe from coming over.
You ever slaughter livestock before?
In the old days you used to hammer a cow over the head with a large mallet multiple times.
I don't see how slitting it's throat and letting it bleed out over 5-10 seconds is worse.
The whole suffering gives meat a bad flavour isn't true. The moose I have to track down over a km tastes just as good as the one that falls right down.
>No. He has only suggested a temporary ban on Muslim immigration
Just like he's only against Illegal Mexicans, but feels that people of Mexican descent who are born and raised in Middle America are incapable of judging him in a court case.
You cannot be an American and a Muslim simultaneously by definition. Muslims obey sharia, sharia tells you to never submit to the rules of the kufar. American law tells everyone that religious law must not abridge personal freedoms guaranteed to every man by birth in our legal system. Thus, you cannot be American and Muslim. You can pick one or the other but not both, and if you're not American then get the fuck out of our country.
>Also, he had permission from the father of the child to marry her.
He didn't just marry her, he fucked her. When she was nine and he was 53.
>He did not "rape" a nine year old. Culture was different 600 years ago.
In no culture, anywhere on earth or during any time period has it been acceptable for a 53 year old to have sex with a nine year old. Even going back to the cave. Even a caveman bereft of the power of speech would have smashed his head in with a rock after stumbling across such a disgusting display. No normal man in the first place would be able to become sexually aroused at the sight of a nine year old, only a pedophile could.
>using a flag as a garment
>desecrating the flag code of conduct makes me a patriot
I fucking hate shit skins. Flags are to be flown not worn. Print the flag onto one of your pieces of clothing, or get a patch or badge, but don't fucking wear a flag the only time the flag should be over your body is when you come home in a casket.
No, you were born here, it does not affect you in any way.
Oh wait it does, it will make you safer.
You will never be American, you sandnigger piece of shit.
I've eaten goat meat from a goat that was blindfolded and slaughtered without struggling and from one that saw the knife before being slaughtered and tried to escape.
The meat from the one that was blindfolded was softer and easier and chew.