> It is unfortunate that my comments have been misconstrued as a categorical attack against people of Mexican heritage.
then why did you make them
> It is unfortunate that my comments have been misconstrued as a categorical attack against people of Mexican heritage.
then why did you make them
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fuck off shill faggot
polls will continue to rise
Why do people of Mexican heritage attack Trump and his supporters?
why are you intimidating me? are you trump? prove you are trump on twitter.
yeah man, they're rising all the time
a little while ago Clinton was +4 but now she's +5. We should be in the double digits soon.
why did trump attack mexicans with a news cycle?
Right now this country is being destroyed by people of Mexican heritage specifically because they are normalizing Mexican governmental practices.
no, this is about personal responsibility. Trump cannot represent the USA if he is going to make Mexican Americans feel unsafe in their own country. Their country is USA. They are Mexican AMERICANS. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? MEXICAN AMERICANS! We are Americans. We are not going to let a person dominate news cycles like this without any regard to race. Race must be off limits because anti-semitism is making life for the Jewish people extremely unsafe in a psychological sense. We must talk about race as if everyone had a copy of the origins of totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt on their bookshelf.
do you have a list of mexican governmental practices that are being normalized? who gave it to you?
>.10 cents have been deposited into your account
Trump doesn't own any news.
You spics just got baited by liberal media into hating Trump for them.
>why did you make a comment if I was going to spin it anyway?
what forms of intimidation do you accept? psychological? historical? who sent you? why isn't trump going to listen to Sup Forums when he knows what is at stake? why isn't he paying attention to this news outlet? then why did you make them, Donald Trump?
just answer the question. then why did you make them.
>voice opinion that a judge belonging to La Raza is potentially biased against him
>people think Trump means ALL Mexicans are biased against him -- since, y'know, judges are infallible
attested. no other human being does it like this.
Trump, you are still just a candidate. We can't let potential candidates get away with this form of intimidation of judges.
If we are going to have good judgement as a nation, we have to let judges do their job, period.
OK, this has reached page ten.
Mexicans are filthy people in every sense of the word.
Did you know Mexicans wipe their asses with their bare hands and then they just smear the shit on the wall?
No toilet paper. They don't even wash their hands!
And then they EAT with their hands!
Filthy, nasty people
Trump, let me ask you a question. What did you think the likely psychological impact of a statement like that would be on the American people?
That may be true, but that doesn't give you the right to make that comment. Making a comment like that does not show good judgement. We need good strong models of people who have judgement. This is so everyone can see that Americans are good judges in a general sense.
The only ones getting assblasted about it are Trump's opponents who deliberately misconstrued what he said
Trump understands this process very well, he should know better than to exploit it like this.
Nice false flag, Pajeet
I'm sorry, could you rephrase that?
Anti-spic nominee has spic judge presiding over civil case.how retarded are you for not understanding the Emperors concern?
I am a retarded person, I self-identify as someone who is mentally retarded. Is Trump going to intimidate me when I act like a judge? Am I going to have to put up with four years of top judge trump? Will the American people have to put up with four years of top judge trump?
Reminder that the shills are super-active recently because they are desperate. Hillary's "victory" in the primary means another 1968 DNC, handing Trump the victory. They are trying to derail his nomination at the last minute because it's all they have left. The media's fake polls will soon be exposed, and people will find out that the silent majority overwhelmingly supports Trump. Keep MAGAing and disregard shills.
>call out judge for essentially being member of Mexican KKK
He's just setting up his third act.
why are you mocking Trump's style?
Are you Trump? Is your name Donald Trump? Then why are you talking?
Of course faggot
Mocking trump's style is impossible.
No one can possible copycat the master memester that he is.
Truly, he is blessed by KeK.
This country has no more room for hyphenated Americans. Either you are American or you need to go back
Didn't you read Scott Adams? The judge is a robot whose life experiences do not bias him in any way. Trump is just being racist.
I ask myself this question everyday.
Am I going to have to leave the country if Trump is going to play top judge? We need good models of behavior, good judges of character. Is Trump a good judge of character?
well he had too much faith in your intelligence user
trump loves beeners
Hey Mexicans why can't you stop bitching for once and stop accusing everyone of racism. You spics can be the worst minority
t. Asian
Mocking trump's style is very easy, he talks like a baby.
Do you legitimately have a mental disorder? Do you actually think that is Trump posting? What the fuck?
You belong in a mental hospital.
We don't need any of that, we need someone to root out all the waste, fraud, and abuse in Washington. And someone to stand up to special interests so we don't have one-sided trade deals and defense pacts that rip the country of jobs and money.
care to explain that comment?
Yes I have a mental disorder. Yes I think Trump is sending one of his shills. Yes I have been to a mental hospital twice in the California Behavioral Health system. This is a very insulting comment, and you're insulting Californians when you make that comment.
The stand-down order of the police in San Jose by the La Raza affiliated mayor is a great example. But the short answer they are bringing communism with the institutional collective victimhood and political violence that comes with it.
No, we need good judges of character who can replace those who need to be replaced.
wow, back to the future.
Honestly fuck off. This is old news
This is a "silent majority" argument. back to the future.
you think that is going to be the end of it? one list? this man has to replace an entire system 24/7 with the executive function, the ability to fire anyone in the US Government anytime anywhere for any reason, period. Not to mention the international drone assassination program.