Waifufags will defend this

>waifufags will defend this

>every white person has privilege
This shit will just piss me off like last time. Even Lavren doesn't say stupid shit like this.

shes a 16 yr old girl. who cares about her opinions

she should stick to making contrived bedroom pop and pouting into her webcam

She's right and you know it

said the richgirl from her daddy paid apartment

Easy tiger.

amerifags are notoriously incapable of imagining that there are white people in other continents who face struggles they don't. also clairo's daddy is rich so she probably thinks everyone out here has it easy like her

If us whites are so evil and opressive than how about we just go have a white only country where we can't oppress anymore people of color anymore, oh wait thats racist too I guess, what do these people want from us then?
