Why Americans are obsessed about freedom?

Why Americans are obsessed about freedom?

Because the greater good is an unknown concept to them.

freedom is the most valuable thing in the world. sounds cliche but it's true

Relic from when frog bullshit and Greco-Roman larping was at its worst

if freedom means doing what i want, then i gotta want something

t. literal 1984 tier police state

fuck off tau

no surprise

Last time they misbehaved they lost Easter

>greater good

to divert their eyes from harsh truth that US is the least freedom nation in developed countries..

All the other Anglo cunts abandoned their liberal roots in favor of Eur*pean values so we have to fight to preserve it here

>playing Japanese game localized in US
>Cigarette changes to pop candy
>the gun changes to toy gun
>anything religious is deleted
>Erotic content is strictly unallowable

I found " freedom " of which they lack for the real.

no, i'd say the UK and south korea are less free

You're in the exact same situation if not worse, dumbass

what do you mean by this? our supreme court just ruled that hate speech is protected under muh first amendment.

we reign hell down upon the rest of the world, and support dictators if it is in our interests, but within our borders we are a free and open society.

I'm sorry but I can't take whatever dumb "freedom index" you're about to post seriously when it ranks places like Germany higher than the US. You can try to twist it with bullshit metrics but at the end of the day if you do not have basic freedom of speech and expression then what good is anything else.

>CCTV cameras
>weapons banned
>hate speech laws
i think you guys have it a lot worse

Silly yanks

no such index is necessary, you live in there and damn know what it's like. only your weak mind running away from the truth is mattered.

I can't believe how often I have to tell dumbass Americans about their own country, go search for the NDA Act and the Patriot Act and what powers that legislation grants your government to completely ruin your life. There's been controversy here for years over the government allowing extradition to the US, they do it when they want convictions because they know their legal rights and protections are non-existent

People want what they don't have.

>i think you guys have it a lot worse
Your nation invented and operates the most advanced and intrusive civilian spying and monitoring systems in the world.
Americans are so consistently fucking stupid. The stupidity isn't even that bad, it's the fact that you're so arrogant about your ignorance, as though knowing less makes you more of an authority on a topic.


at least we can walk outside without being run over

The entire developed world has intrusive civilian spying now. Your country is so cucked that your people are spied on by our government.

what is this meme

Max Steiner.

That's what proxies and the Tor are for. Seriously though why would I want to live in your country over mine?

Its not full of niggers and mexicans

I assume it's the same reason a drowning man is obsessed with air.

Not good enough, I can just shoot them. Plus I would not want to deal with Abos and a more politically correct culture.

>mfw anglos talk about freedom

because they dont have any

All as human beings and individuals constantly seek our freedom.

Not true. Just look at asians.

This, finns are a bunch of conformists