I get that it's the Jew, but why? What is it about Jewish culture or Judaism makes them do it?
The Jew
>I get that it's the Jew
Apparently you don't since you seem to think that jews are a homogeneous hive mind
Ante warned us about the Jews, it's the religion not the people.
If you met a non-religious or Jesuit jew they're smart and civilized and overall nationalists.
People like
>Slavko Goldstein
>George Soros
Have no sense of morality and only want a zionist state where goys protect and serve them, be the goys black,white,brown,yellow.
You've taken the ultimate redpill.
Their history of being oppressed by the goy
evil in human form
We gave them their own plot of land where they could congregate. Giving them Israel after the war was the stupidest fucking thing we could have done. If we were to leave them where we found them they would be separate and eventually eradicated permanently
They hate Jesus basically.
They are the anti Christ since day one... Jesus was the Jew who went off the reserve and tried to spread the love to everyone outside the tribe.
They were either with Jesus or against him... He moved Judaism beyond Judaism making it obsolete the old guard hated that and probably always will.
They are united in the Holocaust, the most brilliant piece of propaganda in the history of man.
Their unity, their remorselessness, their hatred of Christians/whites ... it all derives from Shoahs and no Shoah in the history of Jews has been as effectively impressed on them as the Holocaust.
You know you can replace those words with men and patriarchy and you get exactly what a feminist would say right?
Why do you want to show an old clip from a stupid woman who is hardly known to anyone, except to some anti-semites?
>What is it about Jewish culture or Judaism makes them do it?
Special snowflake syndrome from being the chosen people in the old testament + the Talmud, which compiles thousands of years of oral tradition on how to manipulate goyim and destoy their nations.
jews play on both side but at the end they're still one nepotistic tribe
I just tried, it doesn't work at all m8.
Fuckin disappointed tbqh
I don't, innate animal like behaviour at a political level doesn't exist and your classical conspiracy is impossible, so how else do you account for this incidence rate?
Like people in here have said, I get that identifying as a group with a history of expulsion and persecution is bound to do something to you. There are plenty of ways to destroy a society but I don't get the seeming cooperation of Jews in different fields to the same ends.
You've never met a Jew in your life.
Lets try that shall we?
"Their unity, their remorselessness, their hatred of Christians/whites ... it all derives from Shoahs and no Shoah in the history of Men has been as effectively impressed on them as the Patriarchy."
Feminists say some crazy shit, but this is a bit too lol random even for them.
they see themselves as the chosen race and look down on all other peoples of this world. They have no morals, they used usury to get into power and abused their power against small people. Even now they push us whenever they can, delaying transactions for 3 days to take more interest and coming up with payday loans to capitalize even more on it. Before computers, they rounded up and down in their favor, people had to sue them over it. They treat us like kettle, they are the biggest supremacists of them all. They even got a word for it, goyim.
>"Their unity, their remorselessness, their hatred of women ... it all derives from toxic masculinity and no man in the history has been as effectively impressed on them as the Patriarchy."
Are you just pretending to be retarded or what
Pretty sure I read this on tumblr the other day
Needs color coding with the reason they were kicked out.
ITT we rely on old dead white guys to tell us about le jooos, who they couldnt defeat, but somehow us degenerates will have a better shot
>What is it about Jewish culture or Judaism makes them do it?
Jews have developed an economically parasitic culture. Which means they make money in a parasitic fashion (generally speaking).
This means:
>Their population must be lower than the hosts.
>They must harm their host, but not kill it or their own survival will be in danger.
>They must attack their host without being seen. It's like finding a mosquito bite long after the mosquito has left.
So why flood European nations with immigrants? Because Jews have been found out. They can no longer attack their host without being seen. The arrival of immigrants means they can hide again. They are no longer the only minority.
Personal and cultural identity comes a lot from ones homeland, the Jews do not have one and so instead of developed a parasitic identity of "Us verses the world wherever we go"
Jesus called them the synagogue of satan for a reason. They are satanic tribalists.
noone besides rich jews could read back then and so it was harder to redpill the uneducated normies
now i think we have a better chance unless they shut down the internet
They hate us and want to destroy us. They are the eternal enemy, and they will not stop until we are extinct and they are the world's undisputed masters. Fucking traitors.
Jews don't see themselves as belonging to any race or nation. They have no loyalty to their current home countries and don't care who suffers as long as they can turn a profit.
Everyone knows this, and it is confirmed in basically any study of the Jews, but those works are usually kept off limits because of "anti-Semitism".
When there's a lot of nignogs raping and pillaging in your home a couple of scheming Jews don't seem so bad. Pretty simple strategy really.
they are the original international tribe without a homeland. they had to learn to subvert the host nation to survive. and now its part of the instincts of their tribe. its that simple.
They believe all non-jews are to be servants of the Jew.
They want to exterminate the white race so that they can rule over a society of unintelligent mutts, basically.
Sure I have, went to a decent university and even in this country it would have been hard to avoid them. What does that have to do with anything though? Smart Jews don't show their persecution complex to goy.
Be honest, in a political discussion between Jews concerning countries ruled by whites ... how long on average can it go on without the Holocaust being referenced? Two sentences? One?
The Holocaust is always in the background of Jewry. Never again, gotta stick together, every white goy is only a nudge away from going full Nazi (got that right to an extent, although I wouldn't say Jews are just nudging).
It isn't that the Jews as a Group are Malicious Evil Scum
It is just that the Globalist Group of Malicious Evil Scum are jews.
>They were either with Jesus or against him... He moved Judaism beyond Judaism making it obsolete the old guard hated that and probably always will.
The thing is that "True Joos" are now Christians, i.e. they didn't deny the Son of God and actually followed; Those left are no longer "Joos" but something else entirely.
I think it has to do with the diff between the Talmud and the Pentateuch teachings, but I really need to investigate further, If someone could provide insight into this matter.
Genetics. They are Satan's offspring, literally. If you can call something that never was or will be, an Entitiy. No matter how, they too are unworthy of life.
They worship Satan after all. That's all people need to know. Talmud is their Satanic Bible. So go fuck them whereever you see them.
I think it has something to do with light, color, our eyes, DNA, and time.
Still trying to chooch it.
the talmud commands them to literally commit these acts, the talmud utopia doctirines a caste of jews at the top and brown goyim at the bottom. Too bad there is also white goyim, which doesn't conform very much to the talmud.
Read the Torah. You'll figure it out my son.
A jew and a white both get 1 million dollars.
The white guy spends the money on stuff.
The jew buys 1 million stink bombs and sets them off.
God forsook them when they broke his covenant by not accepting the Messiah
And it isn't all Jews, but most are brought up thinking that they can do no wrong because they're le chosen people
The Talmud is almost irrelevant to secular/reform Jews. You could argue the culture still shapes them, but compared to the Holocaust it's nothing.
Same as that Invention of theirs, called Islam, made possible by one of their tools, the Vatican. They don't care for kikes, they aren't even jewish. They are the Khazars, "those who say they are from Israel, but are not." Meaning, they are neither Jews, not humans. They are nothing but demons in my book, disgusing themselves. Most kikes are unaware of their looming destructure as are all other races. Fact is, their NWO has only one end goal: Killing as much people as possible. That's all.
They require their 'host' societies to be weak in order to facilitate their own sense of security.They therefore attempt to subvert and weaken their 'host' nations.
The majority's loss is the minorities gain.
Read this helpful book
Here is the truth:
Zionists, e.g. the richest people in the world, believe that if they can have a world where all Jews are in the promised land (Israel) they will be visited by God, and all non-jews will willingly choose to serve them.
How could they get all Jews into Israel?
1. Cause social degeneracy.
A. Media.
B. Drugs/war on drugs.
C. School system.
2. Make them less safe.
A. Illegal immigrants
B. Muslim refugees
3. Make them sick.
A. GMOs, pesticides, water additives
B. Viruses, collapse of western health
Gentiles are tools, to get Jews to relocate. They aren't doing this just to watch the world burn, but population restriction is vital to ensure all Jews are accounted for.
The next push will be to analyse DNA and get the stragglers.
The Jew believes himself to be naturally superior (hence "Chosen People",) but unable to compete in an honest measure of skill and talent The ((())) seeks to undermine the capabilities of other stronger races. If you are physically strong The Jew will turn you to violence against other like they did with the blacks.If you are intelligent The Jew will devise meaningless labyrinths to trap you and prevent you from the full use of your mental faculties. Likewise (((s))) prey on the natural kindness afforded the weak by the strong. They paint themselves as the eternally oppressed and abused while masking the scope of their influence.
Fortunately there is a way to fight this influence. The (((Serpent))) can not operate in the daylight, and must mask their presence and movements to further their rot in society. Therefor always call out, and mark (((The Jew))) for what they are. Give (((Jews))) no place to hide. Root out the hidden influence of (((The Jew))) wherever it nests. Together we can free ourselves from the grip of (((The Jew))).
>The J starts a bank and makes loans to people (mostly nobles) with moderate interests rates.
>Church somehow allows ONLY J to make loans with interests based on scripture.
>They create more banks and expand over the next 400 hundred years
>They use said money to make political marriages and occupy high positions in govb. to create laws to keep advantages over everyone else
Fixed that for you m8.
They are Edomites. Kazars too, but that came through miscegenation later. Anyways, Esau (Edom) hated Jacob from the time they were in the womb. God has hated Esau from the beginning, and his people and the seed of the Edomites will be at enmity forever. That is your answer.
the talmud actually exists and actually is practiced and is factual. the holocaust is a total hoax that has been redefined and revisioned since the day they created it.
>reading tumblr
you're part of the problem, huang-chong
As the Jew said "It was real in my mind".
The reality of the holocaust is entirely irrelevant.
It's in their blood, just like niggers have a tendency towards agression and stupidity.
Religious or not, they're fucking scum.
Read "The Culture of Critique" by Kevin McDonald. It explains literally everything.
The real question is, if they have their state, will the majority of them quit being faggots?
Fact: the jew is to the goy as the white is to the nigger. They are a vessel to blame for your own cultures inferiority instead of taking responsibility for yourself.
Kicking out the Jew is the first step to taking responsibility.
Jews came out of Semitic tribalism. They unconsciously presuppose universal gang warfare, because that's the world they lived in for thousands of years. Almost every identifiable Jew behavior -- nepotism, trying to mislead others, tax cheating -- is normal in the Middle East and a kind of dysfunctional, synergistic, self-feeding cycle. You do it because the other guy does it.
holy shit.
We all have tendencies. Races have tendencies like black people tend to be aggressive, Mexicans tend to not care about school, whatever.
Jews tend to be selfish, stingy, greedy, self-important and have a victim mentality. Add in the whole "god's chosen people" bullshit in their culture and you end up with a bunch of people who think they're superior to everyone else and are motivated to dominate.
Zionism doesn't seem to be working since there are about 15 million Jews living outside Israel. But maybe it a part of their plan.
I never stop wondering myself. I think there's a lot of resentment underneath the surface. Deep down, a lot of us feel like we will always be different, because hey, if we give up our Jewish identity, then we aren't 'God's chosen people' anymore.
I personally can't stand other Jews, I won't date Jewish girls, and I do everything I can to avoid associating with Jewish people. I'm going to raise my kids atheist and no matter what I have to do, I'm going to find a white neighbourhood for them to go to school and grow up in, even if it's the last white neighbourhood on Earth.
We were doing just fine without either.
Whites literally created the societies nigs and jews thrive in.
The jew is to a white as a tick is to a dog.