Happy Eid...

Happy Eid, Sup Forums! Hug your family and wish them a nice holiday and give your little siblings some money for candy and a toy. ^.^

Hate Islam and hate Muslims


I hope someone shits in your hummus

Is this a hug your sister thread


What did Ahmed mean by this?

>touching girls

Are you gay?

no but you are probably.

What do you mean??


Anime website, Habib.

Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak OP! Today is a good day

Im gonna eat a bacom for today's breakfast

Atleast have like, two man

>a bacom

Isis see the Kaaba as idolatry so will try to destroy it

Eid mubarak!!

>kill anyone who draws a pic of Mo'
>kill anyone accused of being a witch or idolater
>Hell even our most holy site is wrong and needs to go
Fascinating religion

Saudi royals and Wahhabi fanatics have a very awkward relationship since the '79 incident.

What's that

Time to marry my 12 year old neighbour!

ɛidek mabrouk anonn

Dont forget to give your neighbourhood goat a happy ending aswell ar*ps :^)

be nice to your neighbours roach

This is why people hate Muslims.

wtf I love jordan now

>Went to sleep at 5am
>had to wake up at 8 am to answewr calls from family

I'm soo sleepy

drink es

drink cum
(you've posted an anime image, so I assume that you must be pretty submissive)

Happy Eid. I wasn't even fasting.

there is no bacon in russia. only "wannabe expensive american yankee cowboy" bacon

Then Eid is not for you.

Quite literally the master religion

Can't stop me bitch boy.

Fuck off you dirty moon-worshipping cunt.

>tfw no muslim gf

le bolan stronk xDD haahah kurwa duuz vuld xd


Shut the fuck up muslim piece of shit.Do you want me to fucking kill you?

t. manlet

Eid Mubarak, Hans Al-Almany

I like how the ONLY thing Poles seem to be able to brag about, is that no refugee is allowed in their country.
>as if it wasn't just part of their path to Germany
>as if anyone wanted to actually live in Poland
sad desu

ITT: things wikipedia told me about Eid/kurban

>The religious Eid is the first and only day in the month of Shawwal during which Muslims are not permitted to fast.

A one-day month is pretty cool.

>Eid al-Fitr has a particular Salat (Islamic prayer) consisting of two Rakats (units) and generally offered in an open field or large hall. It may be performed only in congregation (Jama’at) and has an additional extra six Takbirs (raising of the hands to the ears while saying "Allāhu Akbar", literally "God is great")

OMG, imagine walking the streets of Paris, Brussels or London and hearing thousands upon thousands of people shouting those terrorist words over and again. Scary.

They don't shout it though, and most muslims pray in the mosques.

The Kabaa rock is and always will be Pagan in origin. It was just too popular to destroy. Until now.

I REALLY want to fuck a muslim girl. Like, I don't know what it is but there's something extremely about them. Slightly dark skin + hijab is perfection

Swedish girls don't do much for me, I don't like them

this is a no bully thread

Convert to Islam first Sven, atleast you realized wh*te """wymyn""" are inferior

i went vegetarian for Ramadan and am breaking it with Wendy's, it's too fucking hot out to go anywhere that isn't like next door to me

What? Jordan? Who's Jordan?

>tfw when only white employee in a paki shop