Do you rate our rivalry as one of the best in the world? Personally...

Do you rate our rivalry as one of the best in the world? Personally, I think USA vs Mexico is in the same level of hype as Brazil vs Argentina, Germany vs Holland or England vs Germany and Italy vs France.

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It's not the best in the world,

but it's still a pretty solid and entertaining rivalry

USA vs. Chicanos is more of a rivalry than USA vs. Mexico
Americans and real Mexicans are bros

no its not, and im not just saying this for the "le lets shit on amerifats xD" meme

you simply have no ultras culture, its fucking deluded to think its anywhere near Brazil v Argentina for example

>England vs Germany

>he thinks every one of these big games are supposed to have subhuman slav-like chimpouts in order for it to be meaningful.
We don't need to have "ultras" culture in civilized 1st world countries, Grzegorz.

ultras doesnt necessarily mean fights and chimpouts, DeShawn

look at that shitty atmosphere on the stadium

>muh gas bombs, muh fires in the stands
Like I said, we don't do that nonsense in 1st world countries.

Of course. Maybe the best in theworld atm

The only relevant international rival America has is Canada in hockey.



No one gives a fuck.

Almost as good as any Germany vs WWII victims matches.

More people give more fucks about hockey than they do about soccer. Soccer is actually irrelevant here.

>neither team has ever been past the quarterfinals except the US 80 fucking years ago when there was like 12 teams
>literally who in terms of elite world talent combined in history
>sport is still meme-tier here in popularity, 80-90% of the population has no clue they play tomorrow, even less know why

lol no they're not good enough to warrant that distinction. Not even close. Don't delude yourself.

can someone please move this thread to /asp/ where it belongs


Nazis were the real victims

The "rivalry" includes a 3rd world shithole.

And nobody cares. Really, a Brazil vs. Argentina is a world event, or Germany vs. England/Netherlands/Italy, or France vs. England. USA vs. Mexico has nobody paying attention.

More than they do dive grass against beans in the 6th friendly of the season

Mexicans hate your stupid ass too. It's just that everyone hates chicanos.

No, literally no one gives a shit about ice fight other than northern flyovers - who are irrelevant.

Two bald men fighting over a comb


That's why your thread is getting anything beyond laughable responses except for your right, huh?

>It's just that everyone hates chicanos.
Then my white friends are doing a piss poor job at it, seeing how we always hang out and they especially love going to all the soccer games that come to the city, including the Mexico/USA games.

t. Chicano

>No, literally no one gives a shit about divegrass other than wetbacks who snuck into america - who are irrelevant.

Andorra vs San Marino have more rivalry

>literally no one
Why do I always see a mix of white, black, asian and hispanic people at the US games? be retarded?

It's not my thread, and I'm literally telling you right now furpuck is that irrelevant. I don't know anyone in my college here in California who watches that trash. It's football nationwide followed by basketball, boreball then soccer and then hockey as some regional shit in irrelevant flyover states.

Maybe 60 years ago.

>a leaf

>tfw mls used to let us use flares in games. The mls tries to cater to much to soccer moms instead of the actual fans that'll eventually be generational supporters.

It's America's game du

>the USA vs Mexico game in the Concacaf cup two years ago got 100,000 people in attendance
>inb4 chicanos
It's unironically one of the biggest rivalries in the world.

England's true and only rival is Scotland.
Even Wales is too superior for England's level

It's just seething eurocucks shitposting and retarded Cletus' like you who are butting in.

I don't rate it but the shitposting on here is funny

It's also hilarious how America is the better team despite football being their fourth most popular sport

>Personally, I think USA vs Mexico is in the same level of hype as Brazil vs Argentina, Germany vs Holland or England vs Germany and Italy vs France.
Well, you are wrong.

>It's also hilarious how America is the better team
Based on what? It's this non-sense over confidence that always kills us.

3/5th rule.

We are hardly ever over confident, we are under confident in fact.

I'm waiting fuckface.

Even in the US nobody is really paying attention.

Strange that hockey gets national media coverage for their playoffs if nobody cares. Meanwhile I don't even know if soccer has playoffs.

>hockey gets national media

Compared to divegrass' coverage in 'murrica, yes

I can go on espn, foxsports, google news sports section, nytimes etc. etc. and find little to fuck all on furpuck - even during their season/playoffs while I can at least find one or two articles on all front pages on soccer.

I was going to answer, but you were rude so fuck off.

It gets national media. In Canada.

Go cry more little baby

>n-no one care about hockey but flyovers
The average hockey fan here is middle income-upper middle income. The average soccer fan here is poor, try again.

Celtic vs Rangers mate

No one is talking about clubs idiot

>2017 Stanley cup game 4, 5.7 million viewers
>2016 mls cup final 2 million(600k were on Spanish tv)

Plus mls cup is a one game showdown, whereas the Stanley cup is a 7 game series. Sorry nobody cares about soccer outside of your enclaves on the west coast

>representative of soccer
>those piss poor numbers for a furpuck final

Well keep pretending parts of California are representative of the nation at large. That conceited delusion is why the rest of the country doesn't like you.

t. White cuckboy mad at my Chicano brothers for fucking all the white pussy

>white girls
>fucking shitskins

they're all too busy being blacked over here desu

So much yurop salt
The qualifiers in azreca are super intense

>white girls
>ever going out with a goblin spic
You believe the chicanos too easily. I can assure you that most white girls view all spics as potential gardeners at best
t. Live in Santa Barbara, CA with a large upper middle class white population and a large poor latino population.

just like my grandmama said
mexikaner werden nie gedeihen

it is a meme at this point you dip
no still regional mostly, sport needs to grow in the states and when it does watch out

Do you rate our rivalry as one of the best in the world?

Best and strongest in CONCACRAP but that's it,

>not Nips vs Korea

Yes, because it creates a massive quantity of butthurt and shitposting.

def one of the fiercest in Sup Forums history

Not enough controversy for it to be a proper rivalry yet. Basically you need a player to do something unbelievably cunty at great personal cost to the other team at a world cup - which hasn't quite happened yet

if you are a 1st world country then why do you watch handegg?

Who cares soccer is gay

Nops. True rivalry happens when:

>Both teams share the same domain (state, league, confed) and have a dispute for dominance
>Both teams have a extense list of shitposting dating back for at least half century
>Both teams have beaten each other on a final, or semifinal at least
>Both teams have historic rivalry for things off the field (mostly for countries)

>England vs Germany

You mean England vs Wales.



Youre confirming OP's point. All those 4 points are confirmed by the Mex-USA rivalry.

It's not a rivalry when one of the sides doesn't give a fuck about the other

The only rivalry between México and USA is in invading eachothers country and ever since USA found out building cars and phones in China, México is beating them so fucking hard.

Racial hatred ≠ football rivalry

How else is ready for pissbag, lazers and general subhuman behavior tonight?

Ultras """culture"""

>ultras """"culture"""""

Mexico has enough barbarism in the form of drug cartels, enough for both countries. step up your organized crime, fampai.

The most passionate rivalries in the US are in College Football. The US is a big fucking country and obviously not everyone is a Soccer fan but for those who do care playing against Mexico is very similar to (Ohio St-Michigan, Alabama-Auburn, etc..)

Is the most important rivalry of CONCACAF.

And CONCACAF is the third most important confederation.

I'd say 8/10 in importance.

European "rivalries" are all cucked. The players don't actually hate each other. They are all friends who swap shirts and go out to dinner after the match.

The actual on-field rivalry between the players in USA/Mexico matters. There is legitimate bad blood. The """rivalries""" between any of the major Western European powers are laughably tame at this point in history.

inb4 finest athletes Mexico has to offer gloat about tying a team composed of rejects from 5 other sports

>taco flag
>8/10 importance

o i laff

>England vs Germany

Do Germans even care about this? I feel it's a slightly one sided rivalry

>Germany vs Italy

I will root for the USMNT once Klinsmann's kid is the gk

nope sadly enough boreball has more cause of muh history, despite the fact that many baseball """"athletes"""" are the same as the beer-bellied dipshit middle-aged men who still watch it

In a worldwide context
In a local scene is 100/10, is the only other CONCACAF country that cares.

I rated it before Donovan retired. Now there isn't a player on the USMNT that we hate (closest would be Castillo but he doesn't even play).

Manlet defenders eternally and unrecoverably btfo

Until tonight

Mexico should be steamrolling USA given that mexico is a fut nation.
But it doesn't happen, I'm always baffled by it.
So I guess the tension between countries and the fact that it's one of the few things "we" can win against the usa, makes it entertaining, but I don't know what people outside the US or Mexico think about that.

i don't think anything about mexico ever because it is an irrelevant third world shithole. I could care less if we ever played them in any sport ever

There's a rivarly in baseball and box too, we have beated them in that too