Is there any other genre of music that is so self-absorbed, so desperate for validation...

Is there any other genre of music that is so self-absorbed, so desperate for validation, so pathetically obsessed with itself, so childish and image-conscious, so accepting of conformity and mediocrity as Punk? No. There isn’t. Because Punk is the fucking worst, at least in North America, and it needs to get right or go away forever.

Punk is a petulant little child that is wrought with an Oedipus complex, an oral fixation and a collective transference of identity issues (somehow stemming from a lack of identity) that causes it to be constantly screaming for attention. Punk ALWAYS needs a great big dick in its mouth to calm it down and stroke its melodramatic ego. Punk wants to be heard and seen. It wants to rebel; yet, if you look at it, it ironically shuns your gaze because you are not credible enough to soothe its aching teats.

Punk wants to be different, but only within a strict set of guidelines. Punk is a tireless masochist. It suffers, it moans, it whines, it annoys; it is a culture of emasculation, castration, penis envy, communism, capitalism, liberal faggotry of the highest order, and third-grade intellectualism. Punk is weak, ill-formed, small-minded, an accident. Punk is modern man in search of a soul, yet it looks not to the heavens for answers — instead it stares in awe up its own gaping asshole, whispering with quivered lips, "You go, girl." Yes. YES. Punk is a cliche, a reproduction, derivative and fucking lame. Punk is an echo chamber.

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Great post

hard rock, hip hop, classical

Modern Pop music comes to mind.

You're right, but only on the surface. A real punk may be dressed in the attire you just posted, or simple work pants and a blank hanes tee. A real punk doesn't have to play really fast and really loud. A great example of a true punk band are The Minutemen. A couple of guys doing what they want with no care in the world. That's punk.

completely agree, not sure about your analysis, but it is undoubtedly shit. the only good thing to come out of it is post-punk

>hard rock
Take that back, now.

your equally petulant criticism only applies to the british punks, where the entire scene was a bunch of posers other than joy division and the sex pistols. the american punk scene was actually vicious and sonically varied in immeasurable ways

yeah the problem is your whining and insulting can have "punk" replaced with whatever your favourite genre is and still be coherent pretty much anything, which means it is a valid argument against nothing

american punks are even worse, especially the "hardcore" scene.

You're not saying anything new.
Still doesn't stop me from spiking my hair, wearing red laces in my Dr. Marten boots,or a beat up leather jacket. And I prefer leopard print trousers to plaid zippered bondage pants, and I don't have a bullet belt as of yet.

I don't care if you think punk is dead. I'm punk for life.

I didn't choose the punk life, it chose me.

I'm so punk I shoved my cock down your mother's throat after fucking your sister up the ass. (And they both begged for more!)

The problem with normal punk is that it doesn't go far enough with the anti-intellectualism or is too pseudo intellectual

10/10 post to be honest.

>haha, im totally not triggered guys!

Art- and experimental punk/hardcore bands are amazing, but the rest is unoriginal and rehashed garbage

lol how? did you actually read the OP?

not really


where did you find this copy pasta?

white people being hardcore punk fans is the funniest thing in the world

people being hardcore punk fans is the funniest thing in the world*

this is true, every single punk song is trash with zero exceptions

kys OP

>A couple of guys doing what they want with no care in the world. That's punk.
Beethoven was actually the first punk rocker

Agree with this, best punk bands had the dumbest lyrics and weren't concerned with homo shit like Reagan.

>A real punk doesn't have to play really fast and really loud. A great example of a true punk band are The Minutemen. A couple of guys doing what they want with no care in the world. That's punk.
Eh, not really. Punk means you're going against the grain of society and not caring if you piss people off. For example, Sup Forums and right-wing conservatives are the new punk. Now, if they were to actually focus their autistic weaponry into music(rock) than it'll be good.

This. I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.

t. soyboy

Nice pasta.


Nice. You have a band?

if anything, being centrist is the counter culture
you get vilified by both sides (the responses to this post will confirm this), and it doesn't even matter how extreme they are. you got far-left faggots calling out centrists if they hold even the slightest right lean, you got moderate lefties calling them out for not being left enough, you got moderate right-wingers calling them out for pandering to the left, and you got far/alt-right racists calling them out because they think a brown person's opinions matter
you could possibly argue that centrists aren't counter-anything, but I'd argue that makes them counter-everything


punk is a ghetto


But the thing is that centrists aren't given any thought, just like they were never given thought when left was the counter culture. What the left fears more is the right counterculture, because those are real opposition that can usurp their power just like they did with the right about 10 years ago.

nah, just white people

That's NOT what punk is. Punk was always about putting music back in the hands of the common man, a response to shitty corporate arena rock stars.

its not that centrists are vilified its that they're so easy to dunk on for saying pretentious shit like this

Given the current American political establishment is dominated by far-right republicans on every level you are actually mainstream.

>inb4 college sjws rule the world
They have no power aside from being able to get people banned from speaking at colleges. There is nothing rebellious about being right wing, even the left party in America is right wing.

>complaining about a dead genre
good job op

...what have I done?

I just made this pasta just to fuck with people by switching out "Metal" for "Punk" and now it's getting reposted. I've created a monster!

>They have no power aside from being able to get people banned from speaking at colleges.
And getting people fired for wrong think, and scaring businesses into apologizing and backing down, teaching impressionable high school kids, getting shitty policies through, etc. I can go on, but the fact is that left is still most popular in terms of industry influence.

>Given the current American political establishment is dominated by far-right republicans on every level you are actually mainstream.
Sure, but those are neocons who are basically liberals in conservative clothing, so to speak. The fact that they cockblock most of trump's decent policies speaks volumes.

This, punk is just about being yourself, just most people are afraid to do so

>getting people fired for wrong think
Rarely if ever happens - boogeyman.
>and scaring businesses into apologizing and backing down
Businesses have always done this as not to alienate potential customers with politics, also happens when right wingers get triggered over things
>teaching impressionable high school kids
Another boogeyman, there is no high school liberal recruitment agenda also the implication that only the left tries to gain more support for their side is silly - everyone tries to push their politics on everyone
>getting shitty policies through
Once again Republicans dominate all levels of government so nothing can get through without them acquiescing. If you're referring to the Obama years, most of his policies were centre right or continuations of GWB era policies.
>the fact is that left is still most popular in terms of industry influence
The left is definitely dominant in the entertainment industry but I was referring to the general political mood of the country. In fairness I'm not sure if you're suggesting this, but I disagree with the popular assertion that the entertainment industry has a very strong influence on the political discourse of the whole country - all sex scandals aside.

I just don't see how these SJW types have any kind of real power that can affect widespread change outside of some isolated incidents of people losing their jobs (something I strongly disagree with to be clear). I could make the same claim about the right given the amount of people (including the sitting president) that have called on NFL players to be fired or disciplined for exercising their first amendment right to take a knee, but I don't think that this is a pervasive trend throughout the country.

>those are neocons who are basically liberals
I get what you mean about the neocons being for big government in all the wrong areas but I don't that makes them liberal. Also Trump has completely given into the neocons at this point so I disagree with distancing Trump from these people.

To get back on topic, I don't think that political ideology alone can make you counter to the system or society because society is generally pretty left (with popular culture being home to a very vocal minority on the far authoritarian left) and the political establishment being far right. Either way, you are on the side of a machine bigger than you which is antithetical to the spirit of punk in my opinion. All you can really do to be punk is embrace your own individuality ad wherever that takes you and if that means left or right or somewhere in between then so be it.

>Another boogeyman, there is no high school liberal recruitment agenda
This is where you're missing the point. Very few people on the right actually claim there is a centralized agenda that schoolteachers follow to incorporate propaganda into the curriculum. However, it's hardly unheard of for literature teachers to openly soapbox when they should be going over the curriculum. This is especially true of those north of the Mason-Dixon line, the Great Lakes states or the West Coast.

Personal anecdote: In my sophomore year of high school (2005), I remember my American Literature teacher saying without a hint of irony that garbage collectors should have wage parity with medical doctors. In my junior year, another teacher indignantly shouted, "I WILL NOT HAVE YOU READ A BUNCH OF BOOKS WRITTEN BY DEAD WHITE MEN!" This is hardly isolated to the literature departments. "Lies My Teacher Told Me" by James Loewen was required reading for my American History class.

Say what you will, but the progressives have continued pushing hard and will now fight even harder now that Hillary Clinton didn't make it to the White House.

It sucks that you had teachers try to shoehorn an agenda into literature instead of just discussing the work and any political discussions that it provokes, but you are also proof that it kids aren't as impressionable as many make out - especially once they get some distance from that kind of environment and get to see more of the world.

fuck off, nigger

This was especially rich during my senior year. At one point, the teacher flat out tried to generate hysteria by claiming she read that 1 in 3 women will be raped. The entire class didn't dignify her with a response, and she got angrier. Even then when I was less politically informed, I thought that claim was absolutely absurd. I can't think of a single nation anywhere on earth with the possible exception being somewhere in Africa (and even I doubt it's that bad over there) that could be remotely true.

It may not be in the curriculum, but it's in the teachers.

>follow link expecting some kekworthy rant about metal as a whole
>it's just another trve metal fan whining about SUN BAT HER

>Rarely if ever happens
Try going into a alt right protest or say that feminism sucks in your social media. You're bound to get fired because someone pressured your boss that you're racist and that they'll never work for them again, blah blah

>Businesses have always done this as not to alienate potential customers with politics
Yes, but liberals make up the majority of these backlashes. It happens everywhere, in commercials, video games, music, etc. If enough people get offended by stupid shit, than they call whoever racist and they're force to remove or censor

>Another boogeyman, there is no high school liberal recruitment agenda also the implication that only the left tries to gain more support for their side is silly
Maybe not so much in highschool, but colleges and definitely university across north america definitely have high liberal-marxist teachers that force their world views on impressionable peers.

>Once again Republicans dominate all levels of government so nothing can get through without them acquiescing.
It's easier said than done. Some of the seats are filled with neocons who just go against Trump just to spite him.

>The left is definitely dominant in the entertainment industry but I was referring to the general political mood of the country.
It doesn't matter if the majority have a right view, what matters is who is on top. Most that run many industries are run of left and DO have an agenda. Not to say the right wouldn't have an agenda, but right now the left are off their rockers about "white privileged" "diversity" and all their faggotry.

>that have called on NFL players to be fired or disciplined for exercising their first amendment right to take a knee, but I don't think that this is a pervasive trend throughout the country.
Being unamerican is american now? Guess I should have just sit down in my highschool during national anthem! Hell, why stop there? You see where I'm getting at?

Everything here is wrong and stupid, I was going to take time to refute each of your points but if you hold these views in the first place, you don't listen to reason. Get out and see the world kid, there is more than a left-right dichotomy.

>I was going to take time to refute each of your points but if you hold these views in the first place, you don't listen to reason

Someone's taking their toys and going home early today.

The Minutemen are a bunch of rambling fag retards.

been doing this thing since I was a child, it was this revolutionary thing my parents put me on back in then 90s. It's this whole concept of just, y'know, being a good person.

PC culture is retarded. Culture breathes through humour and being able to laugh at itself.

But people like you are even worse. What do you even have to rebel against bro? Go fucking hang out with some ugly brown dude who mildly creeps you out. Ask him light up the hookah, play some hindi songs. These are good people you racist fucking asshole. People that love to laugh and play music and party.

I don't know what desolate state you in live in there in 'murica, but wherever it is, get the fuck out. Go travel. See some shit. Please.

So, no argument than? Guess it's settled.

You seem lost. Reddit is to your right and across the hall.

is this not a pasta? i swear i've seen it before? either way i'm saving it, thanks!

The alt right is fucking cancer. Theres nothing cool about it, and you're only peers are the redneck dregs of american society we'd all be better off without. PC culture is a myth, and if you really think the 'PC liberals' are more controlling than the fucking right wing I don't really know what to tell you.

>been to India
>been to Japan
>been to China
>been to the Philippines
I’ve been to more countries but I’m not going to bother listing them all.
Travel made me more conservative, stop projecting so hard.

Right? How could being right wing be rebelling against anything meaningful when they have all the power. What kind of overclocked victim complex do you have to have to look at America and think "thats right, liberals have all the power"

but why do you want to rebel against PC culture?

>why would you want to rebel against people who want to destroy your culture and revise your history
Not to mention they’re just insufferable bellyaching fucks with a victim complex. The alt-right is cancer but so is antifa in the US.

Sure smells like soy in here. Is plebbit leaking again?

PC Culture is a myth. Its next to nothing. It's not firing a football player for kneeling during the country's theme song. It's (maybe) getting fired after years of sexual assault.

Much like Alt-left, its a buzzword they came up with as a justification after their views were already made up.

help me understand here — who specifically are these people and what about your culture are they destroying?

Reddit, you mean Sup Forums mini? The place that had to ban shitloads of alt right safe spaces because it got so much bad publicity? You think thats like, some left wing hangout?

>you're only peers are the redneck dregs of american society
False. That's why you lost the election, why you're being btfo every day on every place on the internet that isn't 100% censored by PC corporate execs, why even the leftist media turned on antifa, why you see so many movies, games, etc., that push a PC message failing spectacularly, over and over again, and why you will see Trump win again in 2020. Anti-PC is a massively popular sentiment and the "alt-right" is mostly young urbanites. Be afraid.

>if you really think the 'PC liberals' are more controlling than the fucking right wing I don't really know what to tell you.

Go read /r/politics or /r/news. It’s pretty clear that they’re left leaning

Oh, it's this thread again.

>lol goyim why do you want to rebel against a culture that guilts you and tells you what to do, think, and not say! Hehe nothing wrong, oy very drink some more soy milk gevalt

>PC culture is a myth

come on dude that's not a real argument, take some time and lay out some actual points.

>We're totally not nazis guys! We just seem to not like jews very much its cool

I named one of those groups. Antifa.
Yknow the people who’ve been rioting, protesting and destroying monuments?
Regardless of whether you think confederate monuments should be removed or not, tearing them down during a protest isn’t the way to go about it.
Not to mention it’s extremely rare to see any of these protestors face legal repercussions regardless of property damage.
You’d honestly have to have had your head buried in the sand for the past couple of years not to notice any of this.

Now fuck off back to r/traphouse

>we're totally not soyboys guys we just like to drink a lot of soy milk

And in response to that I'd submit the most watched news channel: Fox news, as well as the murdoch media empire. The two simple don't compare.

I notice it and I generally agree with it. I guess you notice it and generally don't. The only thing we can do on the Internet is agree to disagree I guess.

>It's illegal and wrong to even discuss ideas that disagree with the PC status quo in any way and even to the slightest degree, even if you yourself disagree with those ideas, and anyone who does so is literally Hitler.
>But remember. "Nazis" posting mean things on anonymous image boards are the dangerous ones.

Oh please, the fact that you're scared of antifa means the propaganda has worked on you. They barely exist, the right just constantly needs a boogeyman to whip people up about.

You're not giving me any argument yourself you heart bleeding faggot.

>nazis were the only groups of people that dislike Jews
You'll grow up one day.

Keep moving those goalposts! You can't prove that I'm wrong if I just change the subject every time anyone responds to me! :)

Eh, good enough for me.

>disliking a group of political radicals means I’m afraid of them
Actual nazis also barely exist dummy. Most people aren’t extremists

you didn't ask for my opinion man. I reckoned if I provided it I'd just be another liberal trying to force his PC worldview on others.

>soy boy liberal acts passive aggressive instead of making arguments even after being directly called out
Gee wiz. What a surprise

>But people like you are even worse. What do you even have to rebel against bro?
oh I don't know, people on both sides who are too extreme for their own good? centrists tend to look at both sides of an argument rationally.
I actually have no idea what the fuck you're talking about lmao. did you mean to lump my centrist post in with the alt-right fuckboys?

there's no winning here. what are your favorite bands. do you like Unwound?

For the life of me I will never understand how anti antisemitism has come back into vogue.

I wonder (((who))) is behind these posts?

lol yeah man its the big zionist conspiracy out to get you ok

there's literally nothing wrong with disliking jews btw, look at their history
I'm not sure what's worse, a jew or a muslim. you can't trust either of them, but at least a muslim will straight up tell you they're a muslim

>t. ((()))
My kike senses are going off the rails here.

>jewish shilling online is not real
>the "big zionist conspiracy" is not real

go back to Sup Forums

>has no arguments

Unironically Nirvana, Led Zepplin, Oasis, Motley Crue, Senium, King Gizzard, Aerosmith, and Metallica. There some other lesser known knees but I'm too lazy to remember them.

>m-muh pole
Like clockwork