>Your top 3 artists/groups
>Your opinion of Jackson Pollock's later work
I want to test a theory.
>Your top 3 artists/groups
>Your opinion of Jackson Pollock's later work
I want to test a theory.
lil peep
lil xan
yung lean
>The Novembers
>Hank Mobley
The entire point of Jackson Pollock's work isn't what he's painting but how he's painting it - it's effectively a variation of performance art where we don't see the peformance, only the result. The movements for it have meaning, but the entire thing does not. And it applies to the whole screen rather than a focal point. I find it very interesting, though if we're talking about art I'll always be more of an impressionism dude.
All of jackson pollocks work is garbage
>Massive Attack
Everything to be said about Pollock has already been said. One of the most important artists of the 20th century.
Neutral Milk Hotel
Its fine. I like its use on Ornette Colemans album and the Stone Roses.
Only liberals like this shit. Its literally not art.
Depeche Mode
Julia Holter
Scott Walker
Is Mural a later work? I like that one, otherwise prefer Morris Louis.
>every negative comment doesn't list their favorite artists
>every positive comment lists their favorite artists
follow the fucking formula faggots
>Adriano Celantano
>Ennio Morricone
>Andrea Bocelli
it's looks-a pretty cool imo