I'm European

>I'm European

i'm not

You should genocide the Irish for identifying as European

You mean greater middle east

Fuck you for founding this shitty Anglo-Protestant country. Only nice part of the New World is Quebec really makes you think.

i am european

I am 1/64 European

>mfw whites all BTFO
>poos and chinks all going to run rampant as whites lose control
>dark age of humans
Good thing about whites is that the really smart ones understand the concept of the greater good and a stable society. Really good chinks, I'm a ching chong, still succumb to greed and self interest. Rooting for whites desu, anyways, I can still make fun of poor and dumb whites who's net worth is still

>Look at all these old statues
>I mean, just look at them

Very few whites are like that. We've all succumbed to the Judaic love and morality of money and capitalism.

How different would the UK be if NI and Scotland left



Would probably have to drop the U from the name. So it would be just called K at that point.

It would literally be like California and New York not having to be held back by all the flyover states

Based haakase

>Only nice part of the New World is Quebec
The best thing about the New World is that we practically stole a massive amount of perfectly good land from Europeans in trade deals, I mean tons of it. Just become a nature fag and embrace the good part of what we have, as a US citizen you have a lifetime's worth of nature to explore and going innawoods is one of the actual freedums we can enjoy that the government doesn't actively fuck us on.

Nope, you aren't. You left, you extracommunitarian.

reminder that can you vote politics but not geography.


>reminder that can you vote politics but not geography.

What did he mean by this?

I am Greek

Whites are submissive cucks with inferior and recessive genes

Are you a t*rk?

No, I just made fun of your grammar.



greeks are white

got it

>German flag posters

but you are european


You got me.
I was brought here to breed your genes away, dirty Alman.

I am a British Islander


Are you ok?

There are Spaniards living in African cities who are more European than Br*ts