>backward ass country does backward ass things

evolution is just a dumb theory

i aint no monkey my nigga if we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?

dumb atheists

>In U.S., 42% Believe Creationist View of Human Origins

The funny thing is that evolution is mandatory taught in Iran which is a fucking islamic theocracy

t. Intelligent design

(((darwinism))) is a jewish (satanic) scheme to make people question god

>pissing off our old testament god with "theories"


>this flag
>this topic


literally Sup Forums Sup Forums tier

no wonder these Sup Forumsards applaud Sup Forumsurkey

>dumb shit

praise intelligent design and the islamic extremism, kekistani

you guys would get on with these hardcore muslims and its ideology

Good. I think you dont understand how religious biology teachers teach that theory to student. They spread their bullshit about how evolution is a lie how fossils were made up how darwin lied etc. Now they stop touching it. Which is better everyone has internet and people will have less prejudice

i don't like this georgian spy but why do people put this much importance on evolution anyways? it literally changes nothing for me atm. why would i give a shit? worse things happened in turkey but didn't get any coverage while this gets shoved into our eyes.

he is a turk
hitler was german
stalin was communist

turks are subhumans

Somebody just nuke Turkey already tbqh

It's a sure sign of the state of general populace.

Helps if you properly understand a theory before calling deciding it is dumb. You didnt evolve from monkeys, you and monkeys both share a common ancestor. Monkeys are your cousins.

stop falling for obvious bate you mouthbreather

At this moment you must be very euphoric and enlightened by your intelligence because you took a such obvious bait.


looks like a Greek

once it begins it affects anything else. people become very naive and start to believe any other unscientific/superstitious bullshit. and it makes your academic/scientific authorities very unstable and weak, and people become more and more 3rd world subhumans who are bigoted and driven by a hivemind. also anything scientifically "western" becomes an easy target for the religious extremism and its enthusiasm

its astounding that still some of you defend this shit. hope this garbage is within Sup Forums retardism

people never believed in theory of evolution here. hs teachers used to mention it for a while. they also told us its not law but just theory so better for us to not believe it. and that was all.

türklerden daha bir asagilix millet yox

it's just a theory anyways

Religion is the root of all evil, an opium for people.

They're trying to hide the fact that they evolved from Cockroaches.