How do we beat the beaners at their home tomorrow?

How do we beat the beaners at their home tomorrow?

build a defensive wall and let pulisic handle the rest

Got any ideas, Texas?

i'll give you a hint

make sure bradley stays behind in mexico and doesn't come back

is that bald fuck still getting called up even after klinsmann is gone?`


Based Altidore scoring a brace and cementing his place as the GOAT. Dax McCarty getting a start. Fabian having a great game.

Yes but this man isn't anymore. Progress.

They are missing three pretty good players aren't they?

Also don't let fucking Chicharito poach a goal. Put your worst defender on him and never let him get even an arm's length away.

Will there be Trump chants or are the US supporters liberal faggots?

don't know anything about him but maybe he was called up to appeal to pot smoking chicks

they probably got wet everytime he played

tecatito is out for the summer so USMNXGTSP might have a chance

they tried banning puto

sadly the liberal faggots are going to la azteca to chant " i believe that we will win" while their wives are left to the care of their black lovers.

it's an away game, in mexico

those americans would literally get murdered on the spot if they did anything this cheeky

they will probably get piss bottles thrown at them anyway due to their gay pride shirts

They would suck beaner dick on live TV first.

I don't understand why everyone hates Bradley
Is he the greatest player? No
But he's very good for and very loyal to the national team

Brad Bobley

>Marcuck Royce - 1 major club trophy in 5 years at the club; disappears and injures himself so he never plays for Germany who wins without him.
>Christian PulisGOD - 1 major club trophy in his first full season; carries the hope and dreams of all white men in America and already carries his shitty national team

We don't have to
We already got the points we needed

>very loyal to the national team

what does that even mean?

it's not like he can just decide to play for another country if he wanted to

being loyal to a club is special, loyalty to the national team is a given

Who cares if he's loyal if he's always a garbage player on the field. He needs to fuck off back to my little sawker and never come back to the national team.

You don't, just park the bus and hope for a draw.
>da beanz r 2 stronk

Park the bus, pray that Pulisic does something amazing.

try to eek out a 1-1 or 0-0 draw

Park the bus. The fans will get frustrated and start booing their own team if they can't score. Then go in for the kill.

Bring Tom Brady and have him channel the USA enengy to the team

>But he's very good

>he's very good
By what fucking measure?

Make a goal in the first minutes of the game, and let the pressure of the stadium do the rest.

Also, dubs

Make Donovan young again

Loan >us Vidal and Sanchez for one match.


*clap clap, clap clap clap*

>Park the bus

So nothing new then.

PulisGOD is already better than Landycakes.
