Cavs in 7

Kyrie takes MVP

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he didnt even show up for the first two games

he was just warming up

The only team in any relevant sport to blow a 3-0 lead in the playoffs was the Yankees in 2004. I doubt any team will do it again.
>inb4 some hockeyfag talks about how one of their shitty teams came back from a 3-0 deficit
Keyword was relevant sport.

>Refs take MVP

Just like last year. We know how that went.
He figured out Klay. He can't be guarded anymore

>relevant sport

if lebron averages a triple double every game and kyrie averages 40 points every game, cavs sweep in 7

Lebron is averaging a triple double and Kyrie takes the MVP? Come on.

Not even. Kyrie just needs to average 25 and play defense. Same goes for Love.

Who gives a fuck about this fixed Jewish trash

Sure, a bunch of niggers jumping around and scoring two thousand of points per game is really relevant.
>you can watch the last 2 minutes and still get the most important 2 minutes of the game

Did you watch the game? The Cavs winning this series doesn't depend on the all-stars playing up to billing. It depends on the ROLE players playing well. That's why they won that game. The role players need to play perfectly 3 more times which is highly unlikely. Took 4 games for D-Will and Korver to hit a shot, no idea why they would magically start doing it all game. Same with JR. These players are too inconsistent to pull this off. The Miami role players would have made this a lot simpler. That group was much more consistent.

*raises paw*

Lets be honest here. There is no way the Cavs can take this series to 7 games. They broke multiple records, and only beat GS by 20. So yall tell me, is it sustainable?

I think it's about 8% chance of happening. If Cavs win game 5, it goes to 50%.

Refs will make sure it goes to 7 games.

You are watching a literally scripted "sport."

Kek, Kyrie getting MVP would kill Bron's legacy more than losing would

Pretty much
Durant and Klay were just average, while Steph and Draymond shit the bed
Improve just one of them and that 20 points becomes 10, improve 2 and oh look GSW probably wins. And that isn't even factoring in Kyrie/Love vanishing like they tend to do

Nope. Its impossible. I just ran the numbers

Well the nba made back 21m on potential lost earnings if it was a sweep. So I guess the script should end now.

>the script should end now.

Forget about it, goy.

You can't be this stupid

Do you ever sleep?

>Make more money by extending the series by one game
>Would suddenly stop extending the series when they could make even more money
Nah, the 16-0 hype is already gone so they can't market it anymore. We're going 7.

>having interesting endings is a bad thing

If Kyrie gets MVP, it means LeBron wasn't even the best player on his own team. Scottie Pippen never won a Finals MVP award
If the Cavs lose, "Oh well, Lebron's teammates aren't good enough. He still won 3 rings and could win more"

>Lets be honest here. There is no way the Cavs can take this series to 7 games
Are you sure about that, goy?

Baseball is more luck based than hockey

>all these GSW fans and millennials complaining about refball

>draymond green "un ejection"
>5 warriors with two fouls 5 minutes into the game

You'd have to be seriously deluded to think there isn't something fishy going on with the refs

>inb4 but GS ended up with more FT!!

What, like 2 more lmao? Meanwhile the cavs had like 20 FT in the first period

See: Game 4 was decided quick and easy in the first quarter. Everything after that, including the calls against the Cavs, were masking measures to make everything seem legit.

I swear you guys are deluded as fuck. I'm not even a Memeors fan, but I'm not blind. The NBA would have lost a shit ton of money if the Cavs got swept. Even the refs get paid per game, so it's in their interest to keep the series going too. + Nike will have a big word with Silver about their golden boy getting defamed like that.

Time to bet on the Cavs.

I wish my hairline and beard grew like that...

If the Casv get refballed another win in game 5 this series is going 7 and I will finally admit that NBA is more scripted than WWE

>DUDE lmao ISO man

Nobody can do that 4 games games in a row. Might as well say if the Cavs get 200 points every game they'll sweep.



For me, it's Kyrie Irving

Can Kyrie tear up the fucking dance floor?


I'm fucking dying, but it's not really that luck based.

It's KD's turn for a ring. Hes the most qualified player for a ring who doesn't have one.

Can we all agree that if the Cavs somehow come back and win in 7 this will officially surpass 18-1?

Even the last years 3-1 surpassed it

If there are no injuries or Lebron floppin to get someone out, yes.

>reading comprehension

Lmfao. It'll just prove how fucking rig that shit sport is.

LMAO @ delusional Leaveland fans, thinkin that winning one game against the GSW means they winning a chip. This aint the same team as last year. KD is 100X more a threat than Harrison Barnes. Plus nigga clutch as fuck too. Dubs in 5, tomorrow, they'll win by 9 points with KD winning Finals MVP. Can't wait for Bronsexuals to drop like flies due to suicide.

>tfw Kyrie could put up 60 a game and LeBrick would still get MVP because of his fake-ass reputation
Kyrie is #2 PG in the league, no lie. He deserves better.

Why didn't LeBron win it in '15, then?


>don't take the first 3 games seriously because you know the refs will always make finals go to 7 games
>watch as other team tires themselves out trying to gain a meaningless 3-0 lead
>BTFO other team games 4,5,6 due to refball
>enter game 7 fresh because you haven't even really had to try all series
>other team is exhausted and mentally crushed from losing 3 in a row

Lebron's BBIQ has transcended the actual game, and now he masterminds the entire series in his mind. He's so far ahead of everyone else right now it's ridiculous.

Currently, Paddy Power has the Cavs winning the series at 14/1.

How crazy is it to put down £100?

Cavs lost in '15 silly. Dunno why they picked Iggy of all people though

lmao why would we commit suicide for losing to your stacked as fuck roster? We were the underdogs all along, nobody even expected us to win a single game. You seriously have some sort of fucking victim complex.

nobody even cares about your fucking ring, not everyone is mentally weak enough to kill themselves over it. If you win, guess what, who cares? Our lives will just go on while Dubs fans will just become more delusional and start crying about non-existent "haters" everywhere. You guys are seriously so fucking pathetic. Congrats, you won a ring, and your team is 100x better than everyone else's team right now and will continue to steamrole. No real basketball fan is even still going to watch next season anyway

No one played particular well and he did play good defence (only other time since 2007 LeBron has shot under .400)

The Warriors didn't score a ton of points that series. They won mostly because they shut down the Cavs offense. And Iggy was the person that everybody gave credit to for that since he was guarding Lebron.

For Curry, everybody had the image of Delly forcing him into an airball to end a game, and the narrative was that Curry sucked. Even though he played better the last couple games it was already set in people's minds.

>being this mad

holy shit lol. You can't really use the "stacked as fuck" roster line while also rooting for the Cavs aka the highest payroll in the league by a lot.

>this logic

>bookmakers give first made shot is 3 pointer props at 4+ odds and give promos to abuse this shit
>memechuck is most popular bball saying on Sup Forums
>user trying to bet longshot dogs without knowing who's he betting against instead of memechuck nobrainer
What went wrong and why are you such a hothead?

kobe and magic didnt win every fmvp, and lebron would win it regardless, kyrie had average games 1 and 2

Wade had average game 1 and 2 in 2006. LeBron will win it because he's LeBron but you don't need to be great every game

ThE cAvS cAn'T dO iT

Since they couldn't give it to LeBron because he lost, they gave it to the one who guarded him.

I'm glad someone else noticed this. The reffing was biased as shit towards Cleveland early in game one, then once Cleveland got a huge lead the refs started calling it fairly evenly to make it less suspicious, yet every time GS got close to within 10 they'd start giving Cleveland calls again.

dubs for dubs win

meme magic is on the King's side

>2 fucking %
meme magic aint saving the cleveland cadavers.

Hell yeah

Also dubs confirm cavs in 7



Why don't they put Iggy on Kyrie? I rather have lebron try to score 40 at this point than letting Kyrie go wild