Other urls found in this thread:
ride or die
swang and bang
I could heem everyone here and twice on sunday
Black Beast is my boy
But I see him getting walk-off KO'd
Yep, count the Aussies, you have my permission.
Alright folks it's time once again! This time New Zealand takes on the World!
New Rules: A decision win is worth 1 point and a finish is worth 2 points. The main event is worth 2 points with a decision and 3 with a finish.
Previous VS The World results:
Brazil vs World 1 (Belfort vs Gastelum): Away Team wins 6-5
UK vs World (Manuwa vs Anderson): Home Team wins 5-2.5
Sweden vs World (Gustoffson vs Texiera): Home Team wins 4-3
Brazil vs World 2 (Aldo vs Holloway): Home Team wins 9.5-7
I just have one question, since there are only 3 New Zealand natives on the card, should I count Australians for the home team?
raising CTE awareness
yea you dingus.
why is the main card worth twice as much as the prelims? thats unbalanced as fuck
>Living in Poo Peeland
for me,its paige vanzant
let's go face tattoos
come see me at sbg manchester pussy
>"Iran born Aussie"
Fuck off we're full!
Gotcha! We now have 6 fights for the scoreboard tonight
Not the main card friendo, the Main Event. Its the headliner and the most important fight of the night, so it gets a little something extra.
that is one proud aussie
Saved to my BSA banter folder lads.
Unless you're an elite athlete, you are FAT @ 230 lbs. You're tittering on the line of obesity adan.
The fact people consider Conor the p4p 1 is fucking infuriating
lol I live 5 minutes away from Serra BJJ in Levittown. come see me any time. ask for Paul C. where do you train, chubs?
>the anakin skywalker hairstyle
anyone full grown non manlet male who has some resemblance of muscle mass is not nearly obese at 230
Out of interest, who is then?
Memety Mouse?
Even the HWs in the UFC who weigh in at around that weight are carrying around a lot of fat.
>tittering on the line
hes so far away from the line he cant even see it, the lines a dot to him
You're on steroids
lemme guess you're 5'8 or lower
Daily reninder that Asian fighters can only compete with eachother
For sure 100%
This guy has the firefox logo tattoo?
>being a short manlet who isn't a lean 230
Why does everyone call Canadians Adan around here?
hey, I've got one of those too
is this mokhababa a bogan?
>some resemblance of muscle mass
Sadly this doesn't apply to any of you.
>manlet detected
No not mighty mouse but it just cant be Conor, hes had 1 submission victory in his career. He wins fights due to his overpowered left. He doesn't take risks like people say he does
>chad mendes!
Another little person with bad reach and chin
Stephen Thompson is skinny af lets see Conor fight him. He only has handpicked opponents. If he didn't have as much power every single fight of his would look mediocre
yes they are the same count them
please mighty manlet leave
this moron needs to stop shooting for takedowns
Jones, I'd even argue Stipe is higher on the p4p list than memegregor.
No, he's a camel jockey
how long until WME starts up the celebrity fight league? I wanna see the Biebs/Bloom rematch. don't any of you goofs even pretend for a second you wouldn't watch the shit out of that
whatever he is, he's completely fucking retarded. why is he trying to outwrestle a D1 wrestler?
>All these (you)'s
I triggered a lot of fatsos
Press F to pay respects
I like the way you hate the Irish.
Commendable tßh.
>y-y-y-you fatties aren't elite athletes
An average man who isn't a manlet should have no trouble being a lean 230.
Derrick Lewis isnt funny
I live in bongland and even I've met a hundred people with the same shitty black person personality he has
People talking about breath of fresh air fuck off
Maybe I'd find him funny if I was a 13 year old hype beast
I hate Mark Hunt as well but I hope he wins
Consider how out of shape the average UFC HW fighter is
Then consider that most of /heem/ weighs around the same weight and never trains
seriously, who should the goof be?
You are a triggered manlet lmao.
How many Fs can we get for Adam West?
Sorry I triggered you dude
>I hate Mark Hunt as well but I hope he wins
You sound like an bitter faggot m8, go eat a bag of potato smiles and cheer the fuck up.
It's the Ruger Firearms logo
it's only 9PM here and I'm already dozing off. this card sucks
you sound like a great lad
explain You are clearly a jealous manlet lmao.
You're literally obese rofl
>10% bf
Why are you lying on the internet?
Moraga should be cut if he cant finish this bum
you should upload a pic of yourself to shut him up for good
Stream fucked up, please tell me this shit eating leb is getting his shit pushed in
>being a bitter faggot
lol get a life bud
Heres one now
An immature retard who finds Derrick Lewis spouting "ronda rousey sexxx ass"
funny. Honestly grow up you
what were you expecting?
You and i both know Lardo won't do shit
damn that girl is hot as fuck
Some one post the webm of Moraga in his dad's suit.
take that stick out of your ass
nice try nsa
Sorry I triggered you jealous manlet.
And heres another one. Hows it bad to not find a fake retarded black man act funny?
>become a bitter humourless cunt like me
Nah I'm good m8.
that was Cariaso
It wasn't him, it was another dude
Was he signed on image?
Moraga is making him look like a noob
Wow, what's this cutie's name?
I'm pretty sure that's chris cariaso
who is she?
Finish this bum already Moraga
All manlet spics look the same to me.
Where did you get this picture of me?
why is it gay to have sex with her even if she has a penis?
kek at that pic
t. Nigel
>nice try nsa
you're ducking hard mate. the only way to win this argument is to upload a pic of yourelf. block out the face. otherwise you're just another retard on /heem/ shitting up the thread. why even chat shit if you won't back it up? it's as bad as any typical dork.