This Sanders supporter is gladly backing Hillary Clinton for President!

I still love Bernie, but I recognize that Clinton needs, deserves my support going forward!

With Hillary Clinton as the presumptive Democratic nominee, we see history in the making: the first female nominee of a major party to top a presidential ticket.

She will be a progressive leader who will push for a higher minimum wage, a more green planet, a better economy for Americans of all economic levels, and access to higher education for every student deserving of a path to college.

Tonight, and for the rest of this campaign, #ImForHer. Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Party’s nominee for president, and the best hope from this point forward to creating a better America for our nation’s future.

I didn't think of it like that before

I am now a #cruzmissile

>I still love Bernie, but I recognize that Clinton needs, deserves my support going forward!>They won't notice I am a paid shill
>Being this naïve in the current year
>Not using the catalog
>Not seeing the dozens of other Hillary threads




>TFW Bern runs Green Party

Reddit shills, you realize no one gives a fuck which Jew fucks your party over on here, right?


Oh wow. I am now a #MerkelSturmabteilung

>hillary is completely everything bernie stands against
>bernie shills switching to support her instead of the closest person to bernie, trump
man you libcucks sure are fucking stupid

What loyalty do we, as Sanders voters, owe to a party that has never represented our values? If Sanders decides to tow the party line he will have lost my respect.

Either way I will vote independent and Clinton will never have my support.

Wow, really makes you think.

you go girl, correct that record!

I am with her.

I am overwhelmed by her love. By her endurance as a candidate. I am overwhelmed by her graciousness, her kindness. This woman who has made world history tonight and will be our first female president!

This woman who is the most qualified candidate for president in the entire history of our nation.

I donated $35 tonight that I cannot really afford.

I am with her to the end. To the wall.

I am with her.

I am with her.

I am with this woman, whose contributions to our American democracy have never been acknowledged, or appreciated.

I am with her. She, who has always done the extra work and gone the extra mile… All of her life. For everyone.

I am with her. Not because she was for me. But because I believe that her heart and her love for America, for people who are downtrodden, and people who are discriminated against, is abiding. I am with her. I am with her always. I am with her because she is ever underappreciated, ever underestimated, ever vilified.

I am with her.

Because her candidacy is the promise of America. I am with her because she is the compassionate, loving, committed candidate that I have waited for, all my life.

I am with her.

Because, this was never going to be easy. She is a woman, after all. She has been attacked all her life.

I am with her.

My candidate. Who has ever, without knowing me, been for me. My candidate, who has ever been kind and compassionate. Who has ever worked her heart out

I am with her

And, in many ways, I am her.

I guarantee you that at least 80% of these Berncucks that say they'll never for for her will in November. They'll use the excuse "le lesser than two ebils! neber Trump! He's a racist xenophobe!

They will be defending her as Trump attacks over the next few months, all the scandals and skeletons in her closet will disappear.

>we see history in the making: the first female nominee of a major party to top a presidential ticket

Voting for Hillary for the Sup Forums butthurt

Thank you for Correcting the Record! $0.20 has been deposited into your CorrectTheRecord™ Account!

Hillary Clinton will say anything, and change nothing.

t. Obama, 2008

>Supports Bernie
>Bernie loses
>Hillary embodies everything Bernie was against
>Voting for Hillary

You Democrats really are stupid, aren't you?

Trump is going to shit all over Hillary on the debate stage. Sadly, it will be the first time many plebs actually hear about many of her scandals, because leftist media is such a shill for her, and hides her past.

The Establishment screwed you.
But you're not out of the fight.
You have one way to stick it to the Establishment, and it's not with another Clinton presidency.

I too will vote for this was criminal profiter. Let us all hold hands as the world burns around us, and be thankful that in this current year we will show to the international community how progressive we are by driving this nation into a brick wall.

Why not vote Trump?
He loves his country and people.
You don't want to end up like us.
Prices are becoming third world tier.
80$ for video games.
40$ for a 26er of booze.
Might as well just nuke us at this point.
Save us user, vote Trump.

I'm sticking with Sanders. He'll be my party's nominee regardless--was confirmed a while ago. I'd have voted for him under my party even if he'd won the Dem nomination.

You Republicans really are naive, aren't you?

That's not how political parties work. You're not voting for a candidate. The extraordinarily complex checks and balances instilled in our Constitution does not imbue the President of the United States with sovereign power. A Democrat works with congressional Democrats to pass aspect of the Democratic platform into law and govern according to its principles. They are the representative of a party. They are not just an individual. A vote for a president is a lot more than just a vote for a person.

Are you a registered member of your party and a voting citizen of the United States of America?

You are the Establishment, motherfucker.

How mutch did you get paid for being this retarded?

6.5/10 pasta


She's worse then the mob.

You're a Bernie lover? So you realize that the TPP will be a horrible corporatist takeover of America and ruin the environmental laws, labor laws, wages, etc?

So how can you support Hillary when you know she's just gunna push it through like Obama tried to do?

"I am going to give a major speech on probably Monday of next week and we're going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the Clintons," Trump said tonight.

"I think you're going to find it very informative and very, very interesting. I wonder if the press will want to attend. Who knows? Hillary Clinton turned the State Department into her private hedge fund. The Russians, the Saudis, the Chinese all gave money to Bill and Hillary and got favorable treatment in return. It's a sad day in america when foreign governments with deep pockets have more influence in our own country than our great citizens."

I spent the entirety of the primary season “feeling the Bern.” But it’s clear now that Hillary will be the Democratic nominee. She has more pledged delegates than Sanders, as well as more votes overall from the American people. And since her victory is now imminent, it’s time for Bernie Sanders to step aside.

Look, I get it. It feels totally unfair that our guy lost. We’ve all been there. (The election of 2000 comes to mind.) But cutting off our nose, and the collective noses of every American, out of a personal sense of pique is the last thing our revolution was about.

When Hillary and Bernie were in the Senate, they voted together 93% of the time. You could do a lot worse than electing a second President Clinton — you could help elect President Trump. And then you can really kiss our revolution goodbye.

>that font
>no sources
Seems reputable.

Fuck off, shill!

Hillary Clinton is everything wrong with politics. She will serve any cause, take any handout, do any favor, and say anything to get her way. Do you think she cares about you, or your neighbor, or anyone but herself? Can you name ONE black person that gets $750,000 for a fucking speech? Hillary does this because she craves power and thinks she deserves it. She was a shoe-in for President before the race even started. Trump could give two shits, and his candidacy is a big "fuck you" to the establishment and political class. Any self respecting Bernie supporter should know in their heart if someone as honest as Bernie can't beat someone as facetious as Hillary, Washington D.C. needs someone like Trump to fuck up the entire rotten system.

>started with no money
>lifelong public servant
>has ~$200,000,000
Reconcile that and I will vote for her.

I'm a Bernie voter too but I cannot reconcile these things. Apparently "public servant" is a more lucrative career than I ever thought.

The sheer amount of dirty tricks she used in the campaign against people that identify with her party has left too bad a taste in my mouth.

The whole point of our movement was that we were going to change money in politics and the disproprtionate share of power held by wealth-centers of society-

I can simply never vote for someone who takes money from those very same people and organizations hand over fist. She is supposed to be working for the """people""" not her donors. That's the whole movement and I'm not going to further that movement by voting for literally the most wallstreet backed /donor serving opportunist in establishment politics.

I'll write in Bernie before I do that shit.


>She just gets fatter and more hideous by the day

>This Clinton Shill is going to pretend to be a Sanders supporter who is gladly backing Hillary Clinton for President!

This! How can she possibly call herself a servant of the public I will never know. I was listening to her speech tonight, and I heard her say something along the lines of "We dont want a President who attacks the press when they ask tough questions". And I laughed so fucking hard I threw my plate of chicken nuggets at the wall and almost hit my mom. Shit was crazy senpai.

clinton shills are out in much more force than usual

Bernie backs Hillary with all of your precious donated money.

Literally taking your money and transferring it elsewhere without your say.

Good thing this old man is out. We would've seen a lot more of that with his brilliant economic plans.

Ready to trudge up the Hill!

Google nigger.