Honestly if I was that doctor I would take any offense what so ever.
Honestly if I was that doctor I would take any offense what so ever
whats wrong with her
She's white
>be doctor
>woman gets examined
>her baby will have severe mental and physical disabilities, will never live on its own and will be a burden for everyone involved
>be a good professional and care for your client, informing her
>get a letter that simply proves your point as the woman is attwhoring for kikebook likes
>possibly be exposed and have your career ruined
>the baby isn't even healthy, proving you were right from the start
The ride never ends
Future common core honor roller
she is a Sup Forums user
fucked up gametes
the day will come when every baby will be immediately sterilized after birth and then un-sterilized somehow.
i know you can't unsterilize someone but think about the possibilities, some kind of temporary sterilization
i'm a dreamer
It's a Mongolian
Thread reminder try not breed with woman over the age of 30. The chances of having retard babies due to dusty old eggs grows exponentially year after year
id like to be against abortion but i dont want a retard baby. Who in their fucking right mind would decide to let such a defective thing exist?
ive made several comments about my disdain for retards to my friend.
she told me that she hopes that i get a child with a disability.
what do Sup Forums?
Oh his career is in no risk, it'll just be a bunch of butthurt snowflakes trolling him
give the kid up for adoption?
Many such cases!
Her dumb cunt of a mother browsed reddit while she was pregnant
Spoiler: It ate the first 2 letters
By Azura! By Azura! By Azura!
Jesus. I don't even understand why these things aren't destroyed before birth. Think about natural selection, or just it even breeding.
>informing the Doctor of where the retard gene came from
Pretty responsible desu
yeah i would obviously try to do that. i couldnt believe she actually said that to me. If i have a kid with her she might not let me put it for adoption.
orphanages are packed with more retards than most people think.
donkey brains
this is the only right answer.
that cracker sperm is weak and thats why she came out a retard
>knowingly giving birth to an infant with a serious congenital disorder
we need to erase the 'fairer' sex and do our reproduction in vats.
sickening. this is why the west is dying.
That's because you're evil religionnews.com
Reminder that in a few years progs are going to be advocating for sexual relations with the retarded, and turning down the attentions of a downer will be tantamount to sexism.
best thread in a while
lol'd out loud
It's a white male
She's a chromosome smuggler
According to a European study, 90-92% of prenatal diagnoses of Down Syndrome have the fetus aborted. Women dodge the sole blame on this one, it's the pro-life movement at fault here.
Here's an example of a man making the wrong choice and a woman making the rational right choice: abcnews.go.com
poor eyesight at such an age = sam hyde tier thick glasses later
Holy fuck keked
That's the wrong choice though
Those eyes look mongoloid to me!
That kid will never know what a normal life is.
Just a selfish parent who wants to puff her chest and use her fucked up kid for coverage and publicity
>not even once
They will regret it when older.
Based doctor is based.
"Upon inspection you should toss her into the pit of death"
Fuck you buddy, I spit some beer out laughing
>Children are born without the ability to think, react to their surroundings, or function as an adult human being
>People keep them alive anyway, spend huge amounts of money on therapy and equipment that does nothing only to end up with an empty shell of a human being that can only drool or might smile now and then
>These people think they've accomplished something, that they're winners and those who said that the child should be aborted are losers
Retarded waste of resources. These people deserve the financial hell they brought upon themselves, all of the sake of "muh all life is sacred"
They'll die and their child will still be a helpless baby. Their life is burden and regret.
>mother birthed me at 35
>phimosis and horrible vision
I wonder what the doctor said to her.
He should put it up for adoption. Really the right thing to do is throw it off a cliff but you can be prosecuted for that nowadays.
>i'm a dreamer
No, you're a retarded spic
>If you do this, you run a high risk of your child getting lost on loli forums some day
>Chances of autism are almost 98% miss, are you sure you want to go through with this?
top kek
People knowingly giving birth to retards makes me rage.
Like somebody with a physical handicap or a mental illness can still contribute to society.
But a fucking retard is good for nothing except being a doorstop.
No doctor would say "I don't want that fetus to live." They try to couch it in a nicer way, obviously. But the fact is, you could've aborted and tried again for a functional member of society. Instead, you've created a burden. Great job, hope you don't apply for a host of government benefits to shift that burden onto everyone else who has to work for their share.
>he's never fucked a girl with an IUD or hormone implant
We could probably get them to pull plows or something.
at least my mother was quite healthy throughout her life
overweight mothers bearing children is why we get autistic children and this.
Yep, it's all nice and stuff until they stop being 'cute' and the reality that you've got a completely dependent human until the day you expire - at which point everything gets handed over to the taxpayer to provide 24/7 care.
> I didn't want her to live
> Now I just want her to die
Joe dirt it.
Go on vacation and just leave it somewhere.
Retards are actually fairly effective for menial work. I've been around a lot of tards for work-related reasons and a lot of them actually handle just fine, if not a little slow.
>sterilized and then unsterilized
The word you're looking for is contraception, and it already exists. It isn't applied to babies, however, because it would fuck up their development.
Take it to the zoo and let it crawl into the gorilla exhibit. As long as you're watching 3 other kids you won't get prosecuted.
I've worked with retards when I was a teenager. One at CVS and two when I worked at Pathmark. All 3 were 100% useless. The retard at CVS would just steal food all day.
>my mom had me at 40 and my dad was 44
>I'm perfectly fine except for bad vision that runs in the family
Got lucky, I guess.
> my phimosis was caused by my mom's dusty cut
you wut m8
That's not how this works.
I feel sorry for the child that the parent is so child-like themselves that (a) they are using them for a photo op for their own moral vanity and (b) that they couldn't make the 'right' decision for the child's sake.
Life is hard enough for someone who looks normal and is at least sort of functional. I don't understand why you would (with a doctor's warning) still bring this child into the world.
She'll bite
Oh my fucking god, throw it in a fire.
Okay. You will predecease your child and the rest of us will pay for your selfish choice to bring a literal retard into the world.
>I'm perfectly fine
Well you're on 4chin, so you can't be all fine.
Australian tier bantz
the thing about Down syndrome, is it has a lot of serious physical problems too. Have you ever seen an elderly downsyndrom person? they all die young from tons of health complications and suffering
wow so brave.
:ok hand emoji:
What about queen elizabeth
Fuckin buddy of mine was turbo cucked by his wife, they got preg about a year into their marriage and then they found out it was downy. He was like OUT OUT OUT and she wasn't hearing any of it, she eventually shamed him into keeping it and raising it.
It's been 8 years and I haven't talked to Brian, mother fucker has an 8 year old down syndrome kid that has helped him spiral downwards into a violent alcoholic that can barely hold a job.
Yeah, besides the obvious, though.
The Irish will eat her
Shes a Sup Forums user tacobro
A lot of these cases are also over exaggerated so the parents can get attention.
>Look at what good people we are, caring for a disabled child!
She's really going to enjoy the part of raising her where she never stops acting like a child and has to support her while she works a minimum wage job her whole life.
I feel physically ill when I see one of those creatures. That bitch KNEW that she was carrying a mental defect, and decided to subject it to existence anyway. Fucking heresy.
It's almost as cruel to those things to let them live their sad lives as it is to make the rest of us see them and eventually pay for their useless existences
>mexican dubs
Do these people just keep the retards for the benefits checks?
Oh wow i bet the doctor is slapping himself now, how wrong he was he must feel so silly such a healthy developed baby girl.
Shes already so intelligent and developed already she can post her own hashtags such as #imhappyimalive #ideservetolive.
Reminds me of that crazy feminist that fucked a mentally disabled person, adding agency to the mentally retarded as their own actions and thoughts.
Cute puppy :3
She's nearly as fucking ugly as Zika babies
These expensive abominations should be strangled upon immediate entry to the world
1 Like = 1 prayer. 1 Share =100 prayers. Let God know how much you care and He will cure this poor girl.
If I had to make a guess, I would say probably yes. If someone was wanting the best life possible for a child, and the child has a disability, it can't take care of itself. So, if they were cruel enough to bring her in anyway, who the hell is going to care for it when the parents die? The answer is probably that they really don't care.
At that point it's more like choosing to have a pet rather than a child.
>women demand the right to choose
>women get the right to choose
>bitch about a professional helping her to make an informed decision
I have to admit, that is the cutest little downer I've ever seen.