Since he is about to leave anyways, how did he do as president Sup Forums? What is your evaluation?
Since he is about to leave anyways, how did he do as president Sup Forums? What is your evaluation?
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love him
Hillary will be a great guardian of his legacy.
A nigger can't do anything but a terrible job.
Worst president ever by this point.
He was an experiment. We gathered useful data. Hopefully it's enough to convince everyone never to do it again.
Saved the country from a spiraling recession
Pulled us out of Iraq
Got Osama
Basically told the fbi to stop giving a shit about pot
Made poor people pay for health insurance or get it
Did a 10/10 job
Top 5 president
Go back to 2008 and realize how fucked we were now look at us. Both sides were screaming we are fucked!!!!!
Now we are backing and beating ass
this. 2000s have produced back to back worst presidents ever
probably the worst president ive ever heard of, not even exaggerating.
as a diehard pol user i liked him. thought he did a good job. would have beer with
Great president - shitty Congress
He did well with the shit he inherited.
I don't have a feel for this
What a nigger. We may never get back to baseline. Shit just got so fucked up.
Very average president, if he wasn't The First Black President he wouldn't be historically relevant. Can't say he left the country in a great place socially at all.
I give him maybe an 8.5/10 because his foreign policy has been shit for the last couple years, but yeah, fair points
Definitely top 15 president
Pandered to people who 1 out of a million might do something valuable in their lifetime in return for praise in high school history books.
Please do not refer to President Obama as a nigger.
Pretty bad.
He'll be remembered for Osama, and being the first black president.
On the other hand a disaster on Civil liberties and inept in foreign policy.
Pretty good for a NWO puppet
Obama is a no good watermelon sucking allah worshiping NIGGER
Divisive, inexperienced, and unprepared for the challenges that faced his administration. His blundering in the Middle East allowed Iran to expand its sphere of influence, led to the fall of Mubarak, Qadafi, and turned Syria into a lasting nightmare. His support helped create the great migration and rapefugee crisis. Meanwhile his drone policies resulted in the extra-judicial assassination of American citizens, and killed more civilians than they did under Bush.
Obamacare has been a complete disaster as predicted.
Obama's indirectly responsible for helping fan the flames of events like Fergeson, the Trayvon Martin shooting, and others by taking a stance before the facts came in. The US is now more racially divided than it has been since the 90's, or even the decline of race tensions in the 70's.
The only good thing I can think of is that he put Tom Wheeler in charge of the FCC, and we're finally seeing some pushback against the Telecoms.
took too many naps and 420 breaks
got tired of him shrugging his shoulders as a reply to questions
I was suppose to save $2400 on my health insurance.
Where are my fucking savings?
He's nog.
He did his duty in spreading islam, and seeding America with mooslums. He will be rewarded greatly in paradise with boys like pearls and women and wine which will not make him drunk.
Best president
He was a below average president at a time when we needed somebody great.
What we needed was Trump or some other visionary man who could change things.
Obama was just.. bleh... a hack.
he would be great as a post crisis president. Like a Ike or a Grant.
>Saved the country from a spiraling recession
no he didnt we are still stagnant
>Pulled us out of Iraq
and created ISIS which is worse
>Got Osama
completely unimportant
>Basically told the fbi to stop giving a shit about pot
not true he has stepped up federal drug investigations
>Made poor people pay for health insurance or get it
The worst thing yet, just making an already fucked health system worse, forcing people to purchase a private product with the force of law.
Obama is the worst president since carter
I am pretty sure Tom Wheeler was not supposed to do that. Tom Wheeler went rogue and is now going back at the ISPs now, the ones that probably put him in charge.
Typical shill who just did what the Jews told him. Destroyed what little semblance of traditional heterosexual marital values we had left. Gun grabber. Yet still managed to be called an antisemite by Netanyahoo.
5/10 just meh
ISIS would have been created with or without Obama, other stuff I agree with.
>"look guys I'm 24 and smart"the post
Yeah good old days... Double digit unemployment, 200,000 troops getting ied'd constantly in Muslim countries for no reason, stock market at 8,000. 13 Benghazi incidents happening in 6 years, billions wasted on throwing pot heads in jail, government intruding into marriages telling people you can't get married , Osama bin laden running around, 80% of our oil being imported, American auto dying, bankers ripping off hundreds of billions, oh yeah great times
Nothing has changed
The economy would have snapped back into place regardless of who was in charge because surprisingly the US isn't run by a single man
other than that he's stoked racial tensions, groveled to foreign powers and acted like a total nerd at times
he did kill a boatload of brown people though
overall meh
As a conservative, Obama did not help guide the country in the direction I'd like it to go in, but he did make smart decisions separate of his politics like some of the things you mentioned. He did not of the radically left bullshit Sanders is proposing. I'd say 6.5/10 is an honest rating. McCain would score higher if he had won. Romney is a faggot and embarrassment for trying to stump Trump
race baiting communist piece of shit. When trump turns this country around faster than a patrol agent stopping a family of illegals, normies will realize how fucking horrible he was
It's an even bigger shame if other countries such as Canada followed the lead of disregarding everything important for raising rainbow flags in ambiguous locations for newspaper photographs
Always thought Bush was bad, but this fucker takes the cake. I'm 45 and I have never seen a nation so divided by race and identity politics in my life, it's frightening.
>80% of our oil being imported, American auto dying, bankers ripping off hundreds of billions
Explain to me how Obama changed any of this.
Wheeler didn't go full Title II until a few months after Obama announced his personal support for it.
^Nov. 2014
^Early Feb. 2015
We're more divided than ever familam.
Social policy: 1/10
Economic policy: 7/10
International policy: 5/10
Overall score: 4.3/10
Fuck you Obama. You and your tranny husband have done nothing but balkanize the country with every word that escapes your forked tongues. I look forward to the day that you die. NIGGER
best moment was when he showed up on Jimmy Kimmel wearing only a diaper and then did a duet with Sean "x-pac" Waltman to Summer Nights from Grease
>osama meme
do burgers really believe this?
>bankers ripping off hundreds of billions
Still happening now man.
Awful, awful, awful foreign policy.
-China takes the South China Sea / Scarborough Schoal with no US response
-Russia takes Crimea with no US response
-US signs agreement with Iran; Iran breaks agreement almost immediately with no US response
-"Red Line" in Syria (oops, JK, by red line Obama means, act tough and let the Russians come in and fix the problem after years of inaction)
to name a few.
Obama wants to be liked, that's it. He'd rather be liked than be a leader and make the tough calls. He'll be remembered as an ineffective president, but a nice guy.
He served Soros and his NWO masters adequately. But there is always Improvement. Killary will be their Last candidate, though. After her, America is gone and the NWO will rise under Putin. All is proceeding as foretold....
Foreign policy was good except for the shit Hillary cocked up because it led us closer to isolationist nationalism instead of the military insurance agency of the world.
Domestic policy was terrible but he was low key enough about it that it wasn't too damaging. Overall not too bad. Even the scotus noms turned out to be more conservative than he expected.
>Saved the country from a spiraling recession
>Pulled us out of Iraq
>Got Osama
>Basically told the fbi to stop giving a shit about pot
>Made poor people pay for health insurance or get it
What about the things he had nothing do to with but took credit for?
economy policy 7/10 ? turning america into a communist country. killing half of our power plants. destroying half of our jobs and literally bragging that the unemployment rate has dropped because people have stopped trying to find work. Printing trillions. Tripling our deficit. Adding to the national deficit. Spending like a fucking idiot. Literally sending millions of our tax dollars around the world to build mosques. KYS
and you're a piece of shit racist
He praised Merkel for her actions with the rapefugees. And as if that wasn't bad enough, he cclaimed she brought the country and people together!... Allthewhile the USA are ofc taking almost none.
Fuck you, you racist asshole.
Bravo fuckboi, nice red hot buzzwords that literally mean nothing anymore.
He avoided further entanglement in the middle-east, even though many pushed for boots on the ground in Syria. Deficits have been dropping. Obamacare, with all its imperfections, has reduced the number of people without insurance. The economic recovery, even if it has been underwhelming, has been sustained for over 7 years.
All you really have to do is compare him to his predecessor, who was an absolute disaster. Bush II destabilized the middle east by taking out Saddam, and cost a couple of thousand American lives in the process, all while doubling the national debt.
I give Obama B+.
Worst in the history of the nation. Makes Johnson/Nixon look like saints.
The BAD:
Race relations
Fucked up bad in the middle east
Created ISIS
Obama Care
Muslim and denied it
Less transparent gov
#1 gunseller
Got Osama
Smooth as fuck to have made it through 8 years
RACIST. A word originally used to silence the opinion of anyone who objected to communism. I see its still being used in the same way today.
wow...makes you think
election night 2012 was beautiful.
so many republicunt tears were had. can't wait for an ever bigger trashing this fall.
Not only that, but he didn't get us out of a recession... and since when does a president get the credit for the BOOM in a bust/boom economy? Especially when there are huge trade deficits? What about the oil shale boom? You know we're about to go through a HELL of another financial fiasco. Over 505 TRILLION this time around my good niggers!
This was going on since the 80s, what Obama did was exorcise the DLC Centrist/Blue Dog Democrats from the Party and complete the Southern realignment to the GOP.
Real estate prices are as high as they were before the bubble burst but they're backed by much stronger mortgages that are strictly monitored. You can't go in with your $40,000 / yr job and but a $500,000 house. You must have 20% down or mortgage insurance. Interest rates are low - the government is allowing the people to lend for free basically. Purchases of luxury goods are up. People in general have more money (adjusting for inflation). He loses 3 pts for the bailouts.
>Pulled us out of Iraq
We got kicked out of Iraq by it's government
>Basically told the fbi to stop giving a shit about pot
Told them to stop enforcing our laws
>Made poor people pay for health insurance or get it
Wasted a lot of working people's time to find out there coverage was so shitty that it would take 2 paychecks to pay for it or they could forfeit their income tax return and go without
He fucking sucked, worst president ever.
An empty suit that has done more damage then any sitting president. Americans are craving leadership which is why an asshole like Trump is going to win this.
rates went up in december.... a sign of the shitstorm to come since they went up for no reason..../ since shit is still pretty bad.
>Real estate prices are as high
Inflated with all the money they printed. High prices don't mean high value.
I know that, I was saying those factors in reference you dense fuckwit,
>Made blacks and whites hate each other more
>Forced people to pay for heath insurance or pay a fine
>Sided against his own Government workers in favor of Thugs
And they went back down. They are at an all time low. 3.75% is insane. Back in the 80's it was like 17%.
No that would be Lyndon Jhonson
trust me those words still carry a lot of meaning. Trump is going to lose because he is a racist.
He got employment up but GDP stagnated and the National Debt sky rocketed with his bail-outs post-2008. I'd say he's damaged his legacy a lot with his second term which has been a complete lame duck. His misuse of the executive order is atrocious and his clear vendetta for gun control is embarrassing at this point.
His foreign policy hasn't been any better, essentially causing Cold War 2: Electric Boogaloo and destabilising the entire Islamic world.
Obama will be one of these Presidents that'll be written about positively now but in 40-50 years books will be published severely criticising his Presidency.
right back at you, birdbrain
How is trump racist?
>let's talk about President Obama objectively
Surely this will yield a thoughtful, fact-based discussion.
High prices mean that people have the means to purchase because a: rates are low and b: they have the resources. Given the qualifications for a mortgage these days, it's a good barometer that people in general are doing better.
>obama is a communist mayday
Stop using words you don't know the meanings of, child.
How isn't he?
Just listen to him. Even Paul Ryan called what he said about the judge the textbook definition of racism.
Far too weak of a man to be president. Muhfuckin president feels reporting for duty here watch me cry.
Watch as you get no answer to this.
He is not racist. He is just not anti-white.
You wanna go ahead and define racist? I think when you type it out you might see how it doesn't apply to Donald Trump. It might
>make you think
Terrible foreign policy. Domestic policy was also a train wreck, putting us even further into debt, destroying small business, and increasing medical insurance premiums.
He was good at one thing: playing the media and publicity.
nigs going to nig
>Paul Ryan
So you call someone a racist and can't even define why? lol. Stop getting your news from Salon.
Not very impressive. After 37 years of presidents I'd say he was the worst but only because I wasn't old enough to really experience Jimmy Carter.
>No answer
>No answer
>No answer
Closing in on 20 trillion debt
Welfare king.
You have the burden of proof when calming a negative factoid about someone to PROOF that factoid is true. You cannot simply say "how is he not" You have to give me facts and citation on how he is.
He was the worst president ever. Congrats Bongo.
Bush 2.0.
Bush was a 2/10, Obama's a 3/10 just because he's not an illiterate hick. Continued most of the Bush era policies, changed very little, Obamacare is a fuckfest.
Dead average.
He fucking failed at everything and abused executive power the same as bush, continued bush/Clinton nwo programs and policies, started wars all over the place and after all this:
His fucking signature legislation fucking made health insurance MORE expensive and harder to get than before and benefits nobody except large insurance and medical corporations.
One of the absolute worst presidents of all time right up there with Aron burr George H bush W. bill and Nixon.
Utterly unremarkable man who will, in 30 years, be idolized by the youth due to his false legacy building and end up on our currency.
Never would have been elected if he were white, never should have been re-elected. Didn't accomplish any of his lofty rhetoric, and acted extremely divisively, contrary to what he always claimed to represent.
Not a good President, not a horrible President. Barack "Mediocrity" Obama is how he should go down in the history books. Utterly unremarkable Carter 2.0.
Anyone criticizing Obama for ISIS or the clusterfuck in the Middle East tells me how things would have turned out any different under President McCain or Romney.
Can't partisan hacks just accept that Ragheads are gonna Rag, and nothing short of a continuous 80-year occupation of that region with several generations of replacement could civilize such a savage land.
Obamacare not going far enough is far criticism because of it lacks of cost controls and too expensive Out of Pocket limits.
Facts are racist and oppressive. QED.