Japan overtook China

National Wealth in 2016

1. USA
2. Japan
3. China


Good job, Abe

>South Korea

Literally above your little estimates
>Japan publishes two figures, gross national assets and net national assets. By gross national assets, Japan reports a figure of 7954 trillion yen ($103 trillion), but claims liabilities of 5242 trillion ($68 trillion) for a net 2712 trillion in 2009.[3] However, these numbers are suspiciously large compared with GDP, only liabilities that could be worth that amount given Japan's ultra low reliance on foreign debt (in government and private sectors) is future promises of healthcare and pension for its aging citizens. Therefore, Japan compiles extra figures (which other nations do not compile) and makes their figures less meaningful to compare with other nations.

Not as China and Japan but Still rich

>tfw we overtake Brazil and India

how did we even do it?
They are Superpower at least

Why we have to care 'national wealth' which is clearly not mine?




Wtf I love Abe even more now


It's not 2030.



When is Abe going to give Japan a proper army fit for its size and prestige?

>Brazil, Indiad and Indonesia

How is Aussland so wealthy?

They got nothing but deserts and kangaroos.

Can't think of a single thing made in Australia

It's not GDP rate you fucking stupid IQ 92 Faggot Thai loser


They sell natural resources and overpriced houses to China

Where is Russia?

>buy a 100m2 house in some German city: costs less than 1mio €
>buy a 100m2 house in some city in the UK: costs 5mio €
>UK is now """"wealthier"""

yeah only thing japan makes is anime

Here's personal wealth, not public debt like OP's picture.

it's work out at Wealth per adult x Adults, i think

they got nothing beside natural resources otherwise they would be fucking shithole



>Not as China and Japan but Still rich
you should exclude China.
China is still one-party system gommie nation where outside the tourist areas exists unimaginable poverty and suffering,
China's per capita GDP is $8000 and it was about $3500 in the 1990s,
They barely qualify as human beings. Soulless automatons with no imagination, ethics or values for life.

Everything of korea is advanced and world leading technology.

Korean technology is better than Japanese.
Korean electricity,
food delivery system,
Car makeing,
internet speed and IT technologys,
makeing medicine,
Shipping industry and Ship building technology,
Super computer Korea made,
Aviation technology,
Space Engineering,
Level of the democracy.

Why only Korea is such great in Asia?
Jap copys everything of korea and stealing culture from Korea
That is why every Korean is saying jap has inferiority complex toward Korean people.
This is well known story.

>that decline

i can bet most of it went to canada/australia though.