Who else here is a right-wing atheist?
Who else here is a right-wing atheist?
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I am.
I am
Economic leaning has nothing to do with someone's faith or lack of it
No, I am Spartacus.
Right-wing agnostic here.
Fuck libshits.
Everyone is not equal, otherwise we'd all be working the same amount.
Religious pandering on the right pushed atheists to the left, now that republicans have stopped focusing on gay marriage and social issues as much we should see a shift among atheists.
Churches should pay taxes. They have economic privilege.
Nice. How do we red pill other atheists? It's always amazed me that they claim to be in support of logic and reasoning, but completely throw it out the window when it comes to race, gender and culture.
"let's discriminate based on sex and race" is not exactly logical m9
la derecha Católica, sobre todo
eugenics is my shit senpai!
And speaking of Eugenics..... Clinton LOVES it!
They aren't true atheists then, just "statheists" as molyjew likes to call them. True atheists follow facts wherever they lead which includes speculation of higher power to biology to economics
Non-religious Ethnofascist.
Checking in
In my experience, they're fairly moderate people unless you're talking about the contrarian highschool cunts that refuse to say "god" during the pledge of allegiance.
I guess you'd redpill them the same way you'd redpill anyone else.
If I'm a right-wing on every aspect save for gay rights, while calling for the showers and ovens on every HIV-pozzfag in existence, does that make me no longer right-wing?
Religion is for the weak minded
Immortality can be achieved vis-a-vis scientific advacement, which only nationalism can facilitate
If your an atheist your retarded, go and do some reading on quantum mechanics.
I am.
Fuck LARPers, desert religions and tranny-fedoras.
Come on fedoratipper. Shoo.
This is a Christian board.
Catholic Fascist Crusade when?
>He fell for the Christian board meme
Advocating for gay-rights isn't "left-wing" it's literally just objectivity. There's no reason to be against it unless you're religious.
Advocating for gay rights means advocating for the destruction of the family.
>this is what r/atheism believe
>he's this new
>who else here is a contrarian
Im right wing because I believe in personal responsibility. You don't get to know what I believe in, because truthfully, I don't know. You're just being an asshole out (you) hunting
Gays should have equal opportunity and shouldn't be culturally ostracized. I'm not sure they should marry. The family unit builds strong nations. Marriage isn't about two people loving each other. It's about two people loving each other and building a strong family. Gays, who often have high IQ and creativity, should be the dreamers who help push our nation forward. Just as we should recognize the differences in gender roles we should recognize the difference between gays and straights.
I'm a Atheist and Paleoconservative
I am.
I am, I am not certain of the existence of any God. But I do not believe that I am neither mentally superior nor more advanced than religious people.
Tradition and Religion are important, without them we small humans are looking st in the enormity of space thinking that we may be the pinnacle of reasoning. Atheists, believing that they are all powerful, have no existential reason to exist nor to create, as there is nothing worthy of serving for us to have a reason to create.
If you are an atheist, you better believe on something secular bit great; as a nation or your people.
Nationalism and racial pride can easily replace religion imo.
I am but i see the religion as a bulwark against worse, something needs to give people direction in their lives and we know from the 20st century that having secular religions is a bad idea, so were not left with a lot of options.
Hey Op, check out Mussolini's Wiki page: he was an ardent Marxist/Socialist. He was editor for a Socialist newspaper. He wrote a book denouncing Catholics until he reached an accord with the Vatican.
>Marriage isn't about two people loving each other. It's about two people loving each other and building a strong family.
Are you in favor of restricting marriage to fertile heterosexual couples who have agreed to produce and raise a child? I'm not sure I understand your position otherwise.
Thus there is no excuse for thinking that you and your hat "Are The Shit".
I am new to the concept of secular religions, tell me why they are bad (in specific the one purposed in the video), and what do you think of nationalism as a "Second religion": Church and State work together so no-one prefers their religion over the Nation, but if anyone becomes non religious they still have the Nation to praise
Right wing athiest reporting
Fuck the mudslimes, fuck the white traitors who want them in the west, and fuck the pope for kissing the feet of those barbaric savages.
uncle bennie was a catholic
Ummm, No.
They are natural deviants, and no matter how much they pledge themselves to logic, or reason, or what ever bullshit you believe in that makes someone worthy....
They will always be first and foremost, loyal to rebellion against natural law.
An ideaology paints a path towards the future. Fags have no true investment into the future. Not even through surrogate mothers, which just a science experiment to justify themselves.
Right fuckin here. Damn near right wing satanist.
I am.
The differences in race are everywhere. Whites built amazing buildings and the greatest culture to ever grace this world. Take a look at the Palace of Versailles and then compare it to anywhere in Africa and I think you will understand that there is a difference between whites and blacks. Also, women have never given a shit about politics, they choose based solely on emotion or whatever gives them instant gratification, this is why they generally vote liberal, unless they are married to a conservative man.
What does pol think of Stefan Molyneux? Is he based?
>authoritarianism with no religious foundation for the masses
it's like you want to be Stalin
Hello Stefen.
Stefan "hey, Schlomo, look behind you!" Molyneux is currently overdosing on the redpill.
He'll make Mussolini pale in comparison.
I wouldn't say to gas every HIV positive person, just the ones who won't go on ARVs, bug chaser faggots, and ones who intentionally infect others.
I was specifically thinking of the more radical secular religions like Communism/Stalinsim. I see no problem with some sort of humanist church as it seeks to fill the gap of upholding the good aspects of religion such as moral behaiviour but without the superstition. Nationalism works but is very crude kill or cure remedy to this, we have also seen this go wrong in the 20st century. I would like to see some more pride in our history, at least the good parts. Now we just denounce everything because we were mean to some other peoples more than a century ago. Some mild patriotism should be instilled in the schools.
yeah he *was* a socialist. then he invented fascism when he realized that socialism was shitty and gay
Stalin was pretty successful, so why would that be a bad thing?
Just the fact that he got away with killing off tens of millions of people without his country having that stigma for forever, yes, even a huge chunk of people defending the ideology behind it, should be something that needs to be respected.
Is the right akin to the left in its basic policies? For instance, how big a government should be and own?
Thanks, anything I should be reading?
He killed intellectuals. Smart people. If your country had a Stalin, he would execute you as soon as he found Sup Forums in your browsing history. That is why Stalin is not ideal
The night is dark and full of terrors.
>He killed intellectuals. Smart people.
Leftists nowadays paint themselves as exactly that, user.
I'd say we adopt what's good and don't what's not. Cutting out the cancer is good.
Atheists are fucking obnoxious faggots. Go back to tumblr you faggot. Agnostics > Atheists
Internet atheists are a cult on their own, an SJW cult. They reject the old faith in favour of a new feministic faith.
There are a heaven and hell even. They live in hell, awaiting heaven with their "activism" of being constantly offended.
Not specifically, most of the sources i have by hand are in Dutch or about The Netherlands. But read some stuff by Steve Bruce about secularization that is pretty interesting but has a lot of the old timey opinions of Max Weber. Weber is also still interesting. Has been i while i occupied myself with this so don't have a few good ones ready.
That's enough for now, Again, thank you
statistics say gays are bad parents
lesbians are even worse
No problem, everything for a true Mexican intellectual ;)
There is an overwhelming statistical certainty that hetero parents are the worst, per capita.
right wing and atheism contradict each other.
>right-wing atheis
Is that an Atheist who doesn't like gay sex?
Christcucks don't have a monopoly on morality, you self-righteous cunt.
Mussolini was a Catholic, ditz
Basically what's happened to me.
>I'm an atheist btw ;)
worse than femanon posters. get out of here teenagers
>Mussolini would become anti-clerical like his father. As a young man, he "proclaimed himself to be an atheist[168] and several times tried to shock an audience by calling on God to strike him dead."[166] He believed that science had proven there was no god, and that the historical Jesus was ignorant and mad. He considered religion a disease of the psyche, and accused Christianity of promoting resignation and cowardice.[166]
>true Mexican intellectual
I like that, since I already made my statement than I will go back to my vexillology hobby
That is why I left Christianity for Asatru.
I am
>God Fucking Dammit, what a rookie mistake
>current year
>not being a gnostic
>not realizing that you must become the god that saves the universe
>not reading the first work of metaphysics by Parmenides proving eternal life
Leftists are useful idiots. We are actually people who look at realpolitik issues and are a threat to someone who wants to force collectivism on an entire country. We would undoubtedly be executed.
>be aussie from byron bay
>read tao of physics
>hurrrr durrrr quantum vibrations n sheeeeeeit
Fuck off new age hippie
>I'll use science when it suits me, especially when it doesn't make sense.
>Using the wooest of science to argue for magic sky fairies.
cool. so how do you, as an agnostic, live your life any differently than an atheist does? do you say a prayer every once in a while, just for the heck of it?
Bless you, patriots.
sup brev.
I am. However I am not a fascist, I support capitalism and the free market.
Me. Just wasn't raised religious.
Everyone has the right to believe what they want to, though.
Super pro science fascist reporting. Fascism is the only ideological that embraces through science, such as differences in race IQ. Science can also help answer questions such as what reality is and where we come from, through the "Big theory of everything" by Tom Campbell.
Faith is for the weak, a nation must strive to empower and strengthen its citizens so that they can advance the nation beyond belief.
>being fascist
nigger fuck off back to the 1930's nobody with a brain likes fascism
>Who else here is a right-wing atheist?
You are preaching to the choir my man. The better question to ask is "who isn't"
>rookie mistake
Americans 30 years of age who have been speaking nothing but English all their lives get that one wrong. At least you corrected yourself, considering English is probably your second language.
>english is pretty hard
>not an argument
I would love to see your counter argument for how fascism worked out and still plays a major role in society, considering the largest implementation was in Italy and Germany, where they both were only fascist in about a span of 21 and 12 years respectively. I would argue Germany's prosperity during the late 30's was because of the moves made by their democratic government that hadn't come into effect yet.
Same economic struggles today in the US as back then. Economy and social unrest (SJWs and Commies) leads to political revolution.
I used to say that in primary school, the it clicked and I quickly learned. I am currently learning German as a third language for it being the language of science and for lulz, now, that's difficult.
I guess English would be hard if you only hear it and never learn the technicalities from a book, I thank being a Spanish rape-baby because Spanish has very specific rules in everything so it becomes second nature looking at languages like that when studying
Atheists in nutshell
>be atheist
>Doesn't believe in God/Gods and want to have nothing related to him
>Devotes his whole life proofing the non-existence of god to theists.
You guys say the word "God" more than most theists.