What's the deal with Mexicans?

Why are they not able to handle their own affairs? Why do they feel so entitled to our bread? Seriously fuck off to Tijuana. We are tired of propping your country up.

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop giving them money.
Stop financing the cartels.

It's common sense.

You give illegals free education, healthcare, drive licenses, University loans, food stamps and give them even more money if they have fuckton of children and then wonder why poor people move to your country? Are Americans really that idiots? Don't give them anything and they will stop.

Why won't people listen to this?

Because liberals.

Fucking Mexico

It doesn't take a Mexican intellectual to figure this out.

fucking traitor fucks its gonna be funny when there's a civil war and these cucks get ass raped

mexibros just wondering
is mexico really that shit? I mean like I make less than 10k a year and the worst thing that's happened to me recently is that subway ran out of banana peppers for a bit


If you are smart enough to not get killed by niggers in the US you are smart enough to not get killed by the cartels here.

maybe I should move to mexico and buy a house for $15

you use peso's right? how much is a house in pesos?

So basically the only reason you people come here is to get freebies?

That's what American retirees are doing. I know an American couple that moved here so their kids don't get indoctrinated into being faggots and feminists at school.

You give them a relatively large amount. Not to mention they get even more for breeding like rats.

With the way Trump has been going with the whole deal, it would seem as though he would
not be too keen on all of this, if he doesn't know already. It is likely that he would put something in action, in an attempt to stop it

Pretty much

what's your name homie? you seem pretty based
how you know so many english?
how does lit everyone on earth seem to know so many english
your english better than me and I'm white

Mexicans love huffing gas, glue and other assorted inhalants... I'm not surprised at all that they can't form a coherent argument in favor of their illegal occupation of california.

I thought Americans cant own property?

Just a random beanposter.

I learned by playing mmos 24/7 back in the 90s. Also know some basic huespeak

Chicken or egg. They are ineffective people and cannot improve their lives or acknowledge their mistakes because they are ineffective.

They are just a shitty petty trashy low iq people.

Go ahead and count the number of responses where shit fuck puke mexican will blame someone else for their problems.

u give me many sads my bean friend
if you're ever (legally) in NC come hang out sometime I shall teach you the dance of my people

>Mexico repeating Trump's talking points.

It's fake, my neighbor is a Vietnam vet.

I think foreigners can't own more than 49% of certain companies, but you can own land as long as you do the paperwork.


Mexicans don't even want them. They might as well be gypsies


Mexicans are brotier

congrats you are now my reply to libs



Some day my fellow Sup Forumstard.

Some day.

reminder that these chicanos, are just freeloaders like the niggers

Those are not mexicans. Mexicans live in Mexico, those are chicanos and they suck dick.


I'll start calling them that from now on


Prepare your anus jajaja

try it fucker you'll have to get past the wall!

Mexicans are filthy people in every sense of the word.

Did you know Mexicans wipe their asses with their bare hands and then they just smear the shit on the wall?

No toilet paper. They don't even wash their hands!

And then they EAT with their hands!

Filthy, nasty people

the secret is out

Whats the difference? Their IQs are the same, hence they must go back!


Mexicans the new Poo in Loos?

Delet this

Mexico is home to the largest American expat communities for a reason. It's dirt cheap and close to home. There is a sizable community near Chapala. A house can go for about 300,000 pesos to 1m. Remember 1 dollar = 18 pesos.

They're not that bad but they don't flush their toilet paper (because of bad sewer systems I believe). They wipe their asses and then toss the shit-covered paper in the trash. Nasty as fuck from a Gringo's perspective.

I like how they don't allow foreigners to own beachfront property though. Wish the U.S. would adopt similar rules.

This, hated changing out the trash at my job, and getting hit with putrid smell of beaner shit



can't deny some support them, but most see them as people in some sort of limbo (people from nowhere), but most burgers keep saying we do support them

who is "them"?

There are Mexicans of European descent right? Where do they live?

Many American Elders are doing that, since Mexico is cheaper they live their last years in luxury

Here, San Miguel de Allénde. One of the Most Beautiful cities(?) in the world

yes, they are not from here or the US (and this applies to those chicanos who wave the mexican flag and beat up whiteys)

chicano means American-born with Mexican parents, right?

Once Again:
Why do you even listen to illegals?
They do not pay for shit, they do not participate in anything, it's not their country, yet they get angry when the U.S. does something they do not like

I will give Mexicans credit, many of them are Catholic

the majority live in the northern part of the country, though they have move to other cities (except in the south, you will not find anything closely related to a white person in miles)

Make Mexico Spain Again


it wouldn't work, they're not whites (probably some of them are, but they were colonized by ahmed and the gang and things got bad)...so no

If that's the case, then I'm "chicano" but I do have US Citizenship. I honestly have no desire to go to Mexico at the moment.

And when they visit mexico they act as if the world did not deserve them. They keep talking about how great the U.S. is while working in a miserable job, they have the privilege to be an american citizen, yet they do nothing with it, most Mexicans I know are a lot better economically than the average Chicano

don't these people realize that California would be an even bigger shithole if it was run by Mexicans??

That requires thinking in future, they only care about their own present

Not gonna lie, here in San Jose, CA the illegals have a better life economically than most "chicanos"

This is why we need a wall.

If only we had annexed the country during the war. It would have been tough going, but by a few decades ago, Mexico would have been culturally American. And prosperous, and free.

Is it too late now, Mexibros?

That's because an illegal at least leaves to work somewhere else, however it is completely possible to live in your respective country but living in the U.S. is so much easier. A ChicANO is stock between two cultures, two worlds and two identities; in the U.S. they are "Proud Mexicans", and in Mexico they arrive as "Americanos", that leaves them as mediocre, they fit nowhere, both countries hate them and thus they rebel back.
(Octavio Paz, I fucking love you. If you find a translation of the essay "El Pachuco y Otros extremos" in the book "El Laberinto de la Soledad" by the author I just mentioned you may understand more about this)

dude, we are in trouble, but if you don't get rid of kikes first there will never be peace, you are reasonable people (asians are minding their own business, except for the gooks apparently), but kikes seem to want to kill you and ruin world. so gas kikes first and then whatever you want

No such thing in practice


>Are Americans really that idiots?
Haste sorprendido. Muchas personas te gustan Bernie Sanders....


literally " ni de aqui, ni de alla"

*les gusta
te: Second person, singular, neutral gender
le: Third person, singular, neutral gender
les: Third person, plural, neutral gender


I somewhat understand. I'm a "chicano" after all, but I don't identify as Mexican. I identify as American.

Most of these chicanos who are "proud to be Mexican" have never set foot there. They really make me cringe.

We can do this.

We will unite the continent.

The thirteen stars shall fly from Nome to Panama.

Because that is clearly racist and also sexist, this biggot and his dangerous ideas should be ignored. We need more diversity, it is our strength.

>All lobbied for by Mexican leftists

If you are born in the U.S., follow it's culture and nourish from it then you are American. If you are Chicano, but follow Mexican culture, then you are either an in-adapted (I am not sure if there is a word for that in English) or a "Stranger". Lastly, if you try to combine both you get nothing; no culture, no identity.

yo no se yo se nada

Mexicans are the strongest race in the world.

Exactly. That's what the people of former Yugoslavia thought also and nothing bad happened over there...

Fucking moron.

Hell no, Empire destroys cultures. We can be the greatest of allies, but intervention like that leads to a lack in culture, a reason of being and a reason for self-sacrifice.

Vote trump into office and kill liberals.
I assure you things wouldn't be this bad if those filthy illegal criminals didn't have hordes of cucks enabling their actions.

Reemplaza norte por NL y esta arreglado.

Just because some of us are brown doesn't mean we're Pajeets

> Norte/ Frontera region
> not being a literal shithole

For you

>not believing in the transformative, redemptive power of the Emprie of Liberty, and the blood of the faithful

Come on Jose, you're gonna have to read de Tocqueville. Get on board.


This guy knows what's up.
Americans would be astonished at the Mexicans they would meet in Mexico. Totally different people than you meet in the States.

Mexico took the land from others anyway so why the fuck are these losers trying to play a moral highground when they stole the land also.

its too big, Baja is pretty cool but tamaulipas sucks even locals agree

Mexcio is just a fucking spanish colony anyway they have no more moral or ethnic moral grounding to the land than anyone else.

Learn some history Muhhamad.

I was born here and I fucking hate Mexico now because of pol. I went there to vist a couple of times and dam I went to a party in the city and, came across a 15 year old hooker who would suck my dick for 50 pesos or fuck her for 200 pesos plus people would straight up tell me at times that there gonna jump the border I kid you not I wonder if those people made it here he told me he was deported once but, wants to come back here I don't know why though.