Really makes you think...
Really makes you think
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None have endorsed anybody though??
Yes..lets listen to all the guys who fucked this place up am sure we can trust there opinions...
>Really makes you think...
Fuck all of you faggots who keep posting this shit, and fuck all of you faggots who respond to this shit
Who's the guy on the right? A fifth living president that got Bearstained?
Look in a mirror cunt
>two are named bush
>one is named clinton
>carter has said good things about trump in the past
really makes you think
Well of course. Trumps is going to undo their evil works
>and all of these were complicit in murders and wars on scales never before seen in history and the rise of global corporate oligarchy and rule by fear
Yes it makes me think trump will be the next president
Why don't nigs ever fucking smile?
it's Jimmy Carter senpai, the worst President of the US in the Post-New Deal era
Pretty sure Bush endorsed his brother Yeb!
wow 3/5 of them are democrats. must mean democrats live longer and must be better then! Im a #Hilldog now
Really makes you think
Suck a dick, tardbasket.
Jimmy Carter is a die hard Dem who will only support someone with a D in front of their name.
Bill Clinton is married to Trump's opponent for god's sake.
Trump has done nothing but bash Obama for years.
Trump eviscerated Jeb Bush and basically called W. an idiot over Iraq.
Bush Sr. is so senile he likely thinks his son is still in the Oval Office.
Proves nothing
>that's called bipartisanship
I'm thinking so hard right now
>two Bushes
>one Clinton (+ a Clinton running for president)
>Kenyan establishment puppet
These people have Stockholm syndrome. Do they like getting fucked up the ass? Do they like being exploited? Maybe they just want a monarchy for the royal Bush/Clinton family.
the only good president from the last 50 years is dead so he couldn't make the pic. the Veep, the nig, the retard, the rapist and the BTFO in 1980 bitch are not who I care about getting support from.
Republicans and Democrats have been sleeping with each other for decades. 2 sides of the same coin. They are against trump because trump is not part of the establishment
>these five pieces of shit don't support Donald Trump
>establishment politicians dont like an anti establishment candidate
how ever could this happen?
really makes you eat, doesn't it?
>dubyah and Bush Sr. obviously endorsed Yeb!
>Bill obviously will endorse Hillary
that leaves one unbiased president.
-2 to hide checks
Trump has verbally attacked the dynasties of 3 of those presidents along with Obama.
He probably wouldn't waste his breath attacking Carter He'd probably praise his volunteerism
Really does make me think on why the Fuck should I get my political opinions on these old geezers... XD
>Criticizing Trump, when they were the ones that put the US in this position in the first place.
All these people going after him means Trump ma have validity in the corruption of politics, right?
>5 war criminals that sold out the country hate Trump
really makes me think
Thinking Status: Made Me
>implying he's against any of those things
no it doesn't
i was just thinking.....
There are four living former presidents, 2 of them support jeb bush
Perhaps america should pay attention to the people who actually know what the job entails.
Kennedy i assume you speak of?
Eh... I miss Jeorge jr
Okay, but he destroyed the political hopes in an embarrassing fashion of the two Republicans' close relative (son/brother), and completely trashed their legacy.
The Democrats obviously have a massive conflict of interest due to their relationship with Hillary, and wouldn't support the Republican, anyway.
The fact that other politicians don't like him is a large part of Trump's appeal. It's a good thing. The political establishment hates him, as they should. The gravy train is over for those bums.
>one of them had his brother humiliated
>one of them had his son humiliated
>one of them is about to have his wife humiliated
>one made his opponent secretary of state
>one of them is the worst loser one term president
Not an argument.
Of course the Dems don't like him, and both of the GOP former presidents are directly related to a man that was utterly crushed by Trump to get the nomination.
Why are they posing for pictures with their nigger? Shouldn't it be out picking cotton or something?
How the fuck is Jimmy Carter still alive?
Why is bush Sr. standing first in line? Is he secret king or something?
Peanuts hold the key to immortality.
You know George Washington Carver? Faked his death, took out the Carver from his name, and changed his first name to Denzel.
It means that the globalist shitstains that ruined our country are afraid of seeing their corrupt work undone.
>3 democrats who'd never endorse ANY republican
>2 bushs, same family as the autistic turtle who got stomped by Trump
>All 5 are establishment crooks that have contributed to the downfall of America
Yeah, really makes you think...
Redpill me on Jimmy. Was he a cuck?
The reptilians are very enigmatic. Hard to tell if it was really one of them or a puppet.
Jimmy Carter endorsed Trump
Really makes you think ur a fag.