Official™ ELITE™ METAL GEAR and derivatives power ranking thread



1. REX

HIGH tier:

4. Sahelanthropus
5. Arsenal

Classic tier:

6. D
7. TX-55
8. 2

OK tier:

10. Chaioth Ha Qadesh

Meh tier:

13. RAXA

CONTRIVED nostalgia bait tier:

14. Outer Haven

NOT Metal Gear ranking:

1. Peace Walker
2. Shagohod
3. Pupa
4. Cocoon
5. Chrysalis
6. Gekko
7. G

Massive power gap

998. Battle Gear
999. Walker Gear

xD tier:

9999. Mesal Gear

Other urls found in this thread:

>gee otacon, didnt you ever wonder WHY they were putting a railgun on the Metal gear? You were in charge of it and all
>I dunno snake, it just never occured to me

Fuck the Shagohod three quarters of that fight is a shitty rail shooter. Dumb fucking broad never turns the right way. Augers are the most retarded method of propulsion ever to exist.

The Cocoon was just a cool fight. It has a chainsaw gun on a huge arm that will slice you up if you try to circle strafe all day and it will shoot you if you try to hide underneath it. If you try to fuck with the anterior vents it will engage lowrider mode and crush you. You can target its AI pod from a distance but if you are that far out it can shoot you with its fuck off gun designed for a fucking battleship. The armor on Cocoon's main gun is fucking invincible - my little brother and I wailed on it until we ran out of resupply markers trying to dislodge its circuit board and it gave zero fucks. When you shoot the AI pod on the Pupa or Peace Walker they lower the pod to ground level so you can walk right in. The Cocoon does not roll over and die for you, you need to conquer that motherfucker by climbing up three stories and walking past a pair of fuck your shit up gatling guns. The Cocoon is the best non-Metal Gear Metal Gear in the franchise by a wide margin and if you disagree you are incorrect.


I found climbing it pretty trivial




inb4 404

I remember getting my ass kicked a couple of times. Fucking thing had guns everywhere. Should be higher on the list desu.

stop playing chink games

Stuck in the shittiest mainline game though.

Kojima's a nipp, chinks are from china

idk mods usually aren't that active during american times
fine I'll bump it up the next time
no lol

What fucking dipshit mechanic left a ladder attached to the side of the aircraft carrier with wheels? Apparently its held on with a single ziptie, why not just remove it? When they clean the shit off the Cocoon, do they stand at the top of ladders with a bucket and a rag? No way, they drive around in a cherry picker and hose it off. There is absolutely no reason to climb onto the Cocoon from ground level by way of a ladder. Somebody needs to be fired or moved to a different department.

>Peace walker

>implying anyone can tell the difference

>not enjoying completionist autism

MGS2 is best Metal Gear game

it has the best metal gear fight but 1 is better

PSP limitations probably gimped the fight

I bought two copies of the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection and a second PS3 so me and literally my own clone could play a Metal Gear game on co-op. We had the time of our lives screaming orders and berating each other back and forth down a flight of stairs. The soundtrack is the weakest in the franchise.

MGS3 was the best all around, MGS2 just had the superior story and was so incredibly groundbreaking at the time

I think we can all agree its best to act like 4 never happened

I legit enjoyed this
>yfw MGS2 legit predicted the current state of the internet

kojokombo really is a genius desu. MGS6 soon

4, 5 and Peace Walker
There's some neato elements to 4 and 5 though, PW was just fucking awful.

Kojima is a fucking hack

Death Standing will prove it

There will be no connection to metal gear

MGS5 was fucking shit and Death Standing will be too

the sneak thru ze active battlefield gimmick was cool and I enjoyed the nostalgia chapter

albeit I'll admit I had some parts of it spoiled including BB so it's probably why I didn't enjoy it all that much

the parts where naomi tried to explain why snake is aging and other nano/FOXDIE shit legit put me to sleep though

>he thinks the ruse cruise is over

5> rest

Don't @ me unless you can refute this with concise arguments

makes no sense when the events of the MSX games come right after

Incorrect means "Is it Correct? No!"
Its not like inflammable. Inflammable means "Is it flammable? Yes!"

completionism autism didn't feel as good as peace walker and most plot elements are boring as fuck

legit operator as fuck though despite having gameplay elements missing from mgs4
kek to be fair kojima isn't above retconing those

Venom Snake is the Big Boss killed by Solid Snake in the MSX game Metal Gear.
Naked Snake is the Big Boss severely burned by Solid Snake in the MSX game Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake.

The greatest ruse he ever pulled was making people believe that hes a competent director and anything other then a hack

>B-but he cant speak English properly, how cute xD what a good guy

He is good at peddling bullshit, Ill give him that much

Death Standing will be a circle jerk for him and his Hollywood friends

the jar baby literally winks at you in the trailer. MGS6 confirmed

Kojima is using Hollywood A-listers for the facial capture of characters in his new game so when a producer at Sony Pictures has the brilliant idea to make a film adaptation it already has a cast Kojima trusts to do a good job. He even gave competent director Guillermo del Toro a bit part so the producer at Sony Pictures can have a eureka moment and sign Guillermo del Toro to direct the Death Stranding film adaptation.

also Emma Stone is a cutie pie.

he literally thinks of everything

>Guillermo del Toro
>competent director

I see it all so clear now

The ruse is, he finds someone more of a hack then his is to make himself look better

show us on the doll where the gook touched you


>muh lists
>muh old spee
>muh late might bro culture

horrible post desu

horrible thread from THE most cancerous flag on Sup Forums
Again, kys.

what's your problem dude?

Ray gets fucked up by Rex.
Raiden canonically fucks up like 30+ Rays in one fight.

Fucking mods are supposed to do it for free what the fuck are they charging now or something?

Leave Romania alone you stupid fucking abo poster

yeah but the ray bossfight on euro extreme is absolute GOATness
uh how can someone who does a job not get paid? literal slavery, problematic baka

>5. Arsenal
It was funny yesterday and it's still funny today

Pure cancer.

are you the NZ guy who got super triggered when I did slippy G posting?

>he thinks I'm in NZ
No, wasn't me, but that was cancer-spam too.

3D Metal Gear games power ranking
1. MGS2
2. MGS1
3. MGS3
4. GZ
5. MGS4
7. PW
8. PO

lighten up
PO is actually pretty ok if you emulate it and inverse the controls

Get the fuck off Sup Forums
Go back to Sup Forums


still here hehe


Fucking mods you had one job