Market is crashing now that he's lost.
Quick sell off your bernie memes
Other urls found in this thread:
Super rare bernie photo. Only 1/3 photos of bernie are this one. Do not save
We must weather the storm, my Bernie Bros. I already donated, somebody match me.
>tfw both sister and mom were feeling the bern
>tfw they now have to either see the light of Trump or vote for a lizardman
God bless.
I have a few I can drop off, so long as they're given a good home.
This is now a /JEB/ thread
pls post bernie memes here
That's pretty fucking good.
>unfucked my shit
I love this meme
Rest in fucking old el paso now and forever, reddit
Feel free to CTR+S amigo. Completely in your possession.
Well now that I have your blessing, know that they'll be nice and cozy in my hard drive indefinitely.
>The Triforce
I still kek.
Dump Bernie memes! Their value will decline rapidly! There is no dip to buy!
I like vans
Of course, I just want to make sure they have a nice little folder to leave in, and not some shitty unorganized junk. I care for memes, especially the out-of-date ones.
Speaking of which, here is a gem.
Always been a fan of spoilerposting.
Not a Bernie, but too good not to post.
>Tfw that was the pic that did it for me.
It was just after I killed Frosted Flakes. I came to Sup Forums for a bit, and that happened. Good/Bad times I guess.
That's some side-crippling shit right there.
Just woke up. Is it finally over, anons? Has reddit killed themselves?
So if you like Bernie Sanders you have a small faucet? I don't get that one
I suspect that they're trying to via some girl-tier way like pills if they haven't already.
Delusions of grandeur that have yet to plummet, as far as I can tell. A resilient bunch. Like weeds.
This is all you need to know about socialist bullshit merchants.
> Bernie Sanders was asked to leave a hippie commune in 1971 for “sitting around and talking” about politics instead of working, according to a forthcoming book.
I kinda feel bad for him, tbqh, for he'll die as "that guy who ran against emperor trump".
Not sure if bait. How old are you son?
He never did though, that'll be Hilldawg. Sanders will fade into obscurity.
This is almost all of mine.
It's a dick-piece
Someone post the Pina colada one
Oh fuck, I lost it.
I'm 45.
You put that on your cock? What the fuck?
That's all kids. Don't spend them all in one place.
Yes, you put it on your dick. It's a male chastity device. I don't know why anyone would enjoy it, but they do.
This is why the voting age should be back to 21
Much appreciated.
Feel da Boin!
>That guy who ran against Hillary
You should be happy, his inaptitude would have been Americas problem, fuck him.
he hasn't lost you fucking shill
there are only 17% of the votes counted for california, and the districts where Clinton was strong have been counted first
just wait and see.. Bernie is going to comback and clobber Hillary about 2 hours from now.
He'll easily capture the California Primary and swing the super delegates over his way in July
stay deluded nigger
ill buy it for 10 bucks
Bahaha i was the one that made that green text story
Hell of a way to get money for retirement tho, you gotta give that to him at least.
Found the same pic.
Replace "dank" with "free shit" and it'd be perfect.
The nuttiest thing about that is the only loans you should be shackling yourself to, if any at all, are widely available stafford subsidized loans, and those interest rates are a damned sight smaller than many car and home loans.
Like, there are myriad existing options to federally fund college if there is financial need present. Fuck sake, it ain't hard. States have plenty of opportunities as well.
The funniest part about him losing is that most of the bernouts don't even realize what's happening
why couldn't the bern victims create high quality oc?
They merely adopted the memes. We were born in it.
They don't know how to use meme magic like we do.
No Jeb don't do it!