So I know most of you guys are Trump supporters as am I, but what are some things you dont like about him?

So I know most of you guys are Trump supporters as am I, but what are some things you dont like about him?


Only that he doesn't go far enough.

Trump is absolutely phenomenal, and my favorite political candidate of all time.

Having said that, he sometimes says things on which he doesn't elaborate, allowing the media to latch on to things and create controversies where none should exist. Had he mentioned La Raza first instead of just in passing at the end, there wouldn't be a controversy right now.

It will blow over, granted, but right now he should be riding a wave instead of fighting with cucks who, at this point, should just change parties, anyway. Ryan and Graham are absolute scum.

Just worries me he might pull a Reagan and give amnesty to illegals

I don't like that his enemies' hired goons are so lacking in creativity.

I don't like that he is so strong/good he makes shills go on Sup Forums and make threads like this to gather intel for Hillary's attack ads, OP.

I don't like that he isn't already the president yet, also I wish he were younger so we could make him president for life and he could rule for the next 50 years.

> NSA shill
> Kike shill
> Not really articulate but i see he just does that to communicate with the man
>Kinda vague, but read some of his books and he explians

Not perfect, but he is the chosen one at this point.

His daughter is a jew and he supports the zionist state of israel. Kys if you support him and call yourself redpilled

he is shifty about his views

How huge of a meme he is

He needs to start speaking on a more intelligent level and stop giving the media easy shit to smear him with. If he had hammered home LA RAZA and nothing else then this bullshit contrived controversy with the beaner judge wouldn't be happening, at least not on this scale.


Very pro nsa but other than that I have nothing to complain about. The only alternative to Trump is just as, if not more, pro nsa and she's horrible in all the things I care about.

He's just too much of a total badass. I mean come on Donald, ease up on the little guys!

I genuinely don't think he gives a shit about the vast majority of issues one way or the other, and has a handful of sticking points which he will never compromise on.

Perfect formula for getting things done and making deals, if you think about it.

Hes a little too jewy for my tastes

whats your opinion on the fact that trump is actually from a black lineage. And his true grandfather named Trumkapacus caught vitiligo and that's why he looks white.

>mfw trump is a true African King come to make America finally great unlike that half breed devil.

>pic is what Trumps ancestors looked like.

>MUH JEWZ!!!!!


he talks like a ten year old

I personally dont like his strong connections to Zionists and Israel, he seems very ready to throw our rights away for security and he speaks very childishly. Plus like others said he never really elaborates on his stances or policies.

Basically. My only problem is when I'm like "why are[n't] you saying this??"

He's too thin skinned
He's never worked for anybody but himself, so it makes me wonder how well he will work for us
His foreign policy is naive

Not his fault but a good percentage of his followers are complete idiots.

Wouldn't exactly say I'm a supporter, though I favor him more than Clinton. The country isn't moving in a positive direction and Clinton is more of the same. If Trump carried himself in a more professional manner and clarified some common misconceptions, I think he would absolutely crush Clinton. However, seeing that he hasn't done this, I'm almost convinced that he is puppet being used to convince Americans to settle with Clinton.

Not an argument.

He worked for his father.


He supports Jews.

>doesn't post an argument
>decide not to post an argument myself
>"N-not an argument!!!"

He never really directly worked for his dad. They were his businesses to run.

He rarely tells the truth in public.

I went to Trump University and got nothing after spending huge sums of money. Therewere no teachers, no classrooms, no books, no nothing.

He's a fraud. But I'll still vote for him because I'm stupid.

He's mortal.

If you're going to concern troll, at least make it a little less obvious.

>A concern troll is a person who participates in a debate posing as an actual or potential ally who simply has some concerns they need answered before they will ally themselves with a cause. In reality they are a critic.

yea critical issues only is probably how he deals

he is just professional tier bait god when he talks on issues

like he will say something that sounds fucked up to normies and they look at the real statistics and theyre actually worse and they prove him right

i wonder what he has in store for us and if congress wont cuck him

I don't like how he keeps winning. It's too much. I need a break from all the winning.

Policy on torture.

Nice strategy, shill, but there's nothing stopping Trump.
When Trump gets asked these baiting questions like ''are you ever wrong? do you ever take advice? what do you think are your flaws?'' he flips it and doesn't answer it the way they want him to answer. He's too smart to be baited into talking shit about himself.

When Trump wins then we will talk about what we don't like.

I could go on a fucking humungous diatribe about the jews and tell you my argument, but if youve ever been here before this summer youd already heard most of that shit. Please read more on the subject without the doublethink glasses and then call people tinfoil

Wouldn't say Im a concern troll, I side with Trump and will be voting for him in November, but there are things I dont like about him. That being said I just simply wanted to see if others did as well, no need to worry leaf.

He isn't occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as POTUS yet... this is a real problem.

He can only be the leader of USA and not the world


>blah blah blah
Your tinfoil hat is on tight m8.

He worked in construction with his own hands, then he took a loan of 1 million dollars and started his own business.
Stupid shills should at least learn something about his early life before they talk shit.

More policy arguments, less bombastic reactions.

I already know what's wrong with the Jews, but if you'd pick any other candidate over Trump just because Trump likes Israel, then you can eat shit.

I only disagree with him is about domestic law enforement, they have way too high budgets.
We dont need to spy on our own, this is soviet union tier.

I also think this is one of his downsides as well, Torture is an extremely ineffective way of gathering any sort of intel.

That's going to be fun. It's going to be amother George Bush.

I do not like how he never server in the U.S. military.

I would also like to see Trump visit a gun range or go shooting with Milo.

trump hates stoners


trump is the most American candidate to run recently imo

I can't think of one thing about him that I like.

i bet people say the same thing about you

His nuclear proliferation ideas. I think those are really bad ideas.

>implying im not voting for trump
He's the best puppet we have the choice of selecting.

you like my trips

That he attracts shills like you to Sup Forums.

I don't like that he feels like he drove his brother to drinking himself to death. As someone that is drinking hisself to death I would never want my family to think it's their fault.]

>"D-don't kid yours-s-self... I'm o-one of you guys! It's just that T-Trump is bad!"
>$0.02 has been deposited into your Paypal account


yeah. i just came

He's not actually racist.

>Implying Jews killing Muslims and conquering territory like real men is a bad thing

He's bad but not the worst. Know who to vote for. Also youre a nigger for greentexting like that.

sucks zionist cock

the size of his tax cuts would fuck up our debt even more

I dont like how he supported torture. I dont like how because of the dumb shit he says he wont win the general election because the media brainwashed people into believing he is literally Hitler.

i dislike that he hasn't deported the illegals yet

but tax cuts stimulate the economy


His stance on climate chance.. but it gets harder and harder to deny and if push comes to shove he simply changes his opinion on it.

Military experience doesn't always translate into good leadership.

>doing one thing right makes them good
Good goy

good shit man i was gonna type just that same shit. took the meme right outa my head.


thats to much for a leaf to understand i guess.

have fun with your scumlord of a pm. as he destroys what little you have left.

dipshit leaf

noctua fans on evo i got the same shit bro shit is so jew shekel

>Not his fault but a good percentage of his followers are complete idiots.
as if sanders wasn't supported by retards who want free shit and clinton isn't supported by idiots who tries to be moderate between sanders and trump

You're supposed to post a demonstrably bad President if you're trying to negate his argument

all his children look like they have fetal alcohol syndrome

and what we dont like is the blacks and the jews. gas the leftists now


thank god he never server for military then he would be a super computer and easily haxed

Sup Forums is truly fucking dead, jesus. I can't tell apart shills from retards, anymore.


at least my country isn't infested with niggers and gun loving bible fuckers with an IQ of 80

I don't like that he used a teleprompter in his last speech after bad mouthing people who used teleprompters several times. Makes him look hypocritical.