25 days until me and Bayernbro come to a decision about your future in the /holyalliance/

25 days until me and Bayernbro come to a decision about your future in the /holyalliance/

would madrid fit or are they too evil


yeah they will fit in

i think the idea is teams with Italian managers

oh i see, doesnt zidane follow the italian school of thought?

madrid should be added in, replace the idea of teams with italian managers to teams who cucked messi

>messi never scored against chelsea or juventus
>buyern/chelsea cucked him out of a CL win
>the important parts of the same bayern squad cucked him out of a WC win (important!!!!)
>real madrid just ended his career short

fund it

he's a berber too so might as well be italian

yea, just make a chrome dome Madrid pepe I suppose

but romani/a/, Alfonso and US Customer would get their feelings hurt

I said I'm out.
I can't photoshop for shit or I would've already made my /JUST Alliance/.

come down your high horse, mister arrogance

Btw why is the 6th of July so important?

Madrid won't fit because Bayern, Chelsea and Juve are all antiheroes but Real is a legit antagonist, a true bad guy.

they're an antihero too, barcelona are the bad guys

There is already the JUSTice League

Also, you said Benfica was your best friend yesterday

can someone ban this fucking autist before he makes 24 more threads

reddit is that a way friendo

based romania working the amerifat smarks

I never said so, you posted that pic on your own.
I said Atletico and Benfica should make part of it


Good thread

Now where are we on working in 7 time European champions AC milan into this holy alliance?

Milan is in the Fly Emirates alliance with Madrid and Arsenal right?

Inter makes more sense than Juve. They won a CL in 2010 and being shit in the league didn't stop Chelsea from getting dropped.

Arenal are eternal reddit alliance with Dortmund, Atletico, and AS Reddit

Milan is pulling out of that halal gypsy alliance

juventus out. They don't deserve to be in the alliance

>Reminder that we MUST stick together

What did they mean by that?

>can't even beat meme teams like Dortmund and Arsenal in domestic cups
>but hey we won the CL 4 years ago

>tfw your club is not part of any alliance


Dortmund won the CL more recently than Jjuventus.

>Man United

>Europa Dominance Coalition