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Is this really in Moscow or central Asia?

Moscow has a massive muslim population, way bigger than London or Paris

moscow is central asia

tbf russia still holds entire muslim countries within them like Chechnya


Why hasn't Putin started gassing all the muslims yet?

Edgelords who still fall for the "Russia is based" meme still don't realize that Russia gets countless immigrants from Central Asia every year. They have the highest Muslim population in Europe and they're like 17-20% non white

but I thought Russia was an all-white ethnonationalist neo-monarchy founded upon Orthodox Christianity and reactionary principles.

Did Sup Forums lie to me?

Those guys don't look Chechen tho

Pretty sure most are Central Asian immigrants

Sup Forums has criticized russia long before Sup Forums

In fact, I saw this thread on Sup Forums this morning

It's the only way to build something there. No moscovite will work for $700 a month


better than the UK with your daily attacks

Don't you people have anything else to do?

Russia has three big Muslim populations. Tatars, Caucasians, and Central Asian immigrants.

How do these groups get along? Do they intermarry often? Do Tatars have anything in common with Uzbeks except for religion?

Because he's not that evil

More importantly, he relies on Muslims for electoral support. If Chechens and immigrants stop voting for United Russia as a bloc, shit can go bad.


Russia has always had muslims tho

>anti muslim
>from singapore
Enjoy 23 years in jail and daily cannings.

Tatars are basically russia. Central asian immigrants are basically very poor indians with tribe mentality. Caucasians are pretty much the most inbred people on the world. Half of them live in moscow tho.
They don't have any special interactions between each other.
pretty much this. They give putin about 50% of all votes he gets


why the fuck would Muslims support PUTIN instead of libs?

He gives them money and turns a blind eye to their corruption and extra judicial killings.

How the fuck did Central Asians and Caucasians get re-islamized so quickly post-Soviet Union?

1. American libs and european one is 2 different things
2. they are very unpopular
3. they support each other: if chechens will try overthrow kadyrov he will use fsb to prevent the "revolution" and vice versa. They support each other

Literal state interference. Plus why would any secular intellectuals stay?

Interesting that you compare Central Asians to Indians. Why is that? I always thought they were just Chinese looking people who lived like Afghans.

Are any Chechens secular or assimilated?

russian politics is a joke. liberal democrats are just a bunch of pro-putin clowns at this point. every debates are pre planned and staged.
there is no independent political parties in russia, no democracy whatsoever. current russia is an authoritarian police state

>of libs
our libs are mostly right winged

Why would they support libs? Russian "liberals" are the very definition of impotent morons, which is something the cultures most of our muslims come from despise

Caucasus and Central Asia for Russia is like Mexico for the USA.
Exporting drugs, non-whites, crime and something like this to the country.

Commies consider them human thrash after they helped hitler so nobody really cared about them
they have similar mentality, they shitpost in internet and instead of cast they have class system.
Chechens are muzzies. They are on their own

I love how russian shits whine about muslims in europe when their own country is filled with them. Enjoy your third world shithole.

Exactly why edgy Western white nationalists are dumb for slobbering over that country

Sure, Russia has Muslims, but the Central Asian ones aren't prone to radicalization, unlike the Muslims of predominately Arab/North African origin in Western Europe.

you should focus on preventing your countries from becoming like russia. this shithole is already dead anyway since 1991.

Russia muslim population is bigger than in the whole 1st world.

Western white nationalists are fucking retarded.They are anti jews even though jews are most likely the reason the USA and the western world are dominant powers and like russia even though it has been always fucking the western world and spread communism and socialism that they despise.

Am I the only right winger that is ok/good with jews?

you are not. jews are ok and are our friends
many of them are also right-wing

Same. I am basically stay with Wilders/Breivik: muslims threat is real and we should cooperate with jews to suppress it

Because that's his voter base you retard

How does he do this when he is very close to the Orthodox Church? Does the Patriarch stand for this?

Putin is a leftist, in Russia there is pro-Western cuckold groups and anti-Western traditional conservative groups.

I agree too: the real threat is islam

i speculate russian political spectrum and ideological structure are pretty different from the west.

i havent ever believed either shitty western alt-rights in favor of russia as a muh white nation or those russians who jump in the favor and speak about russia in line with the alt-rights ideology/values.

>Putin is a leftist,

>supporting kikes
Kek die commie

Western leftism and Eastern leftism are two different things. Leftism in Russia is anti-gay and traditional. Even the communist party of the USSR would be considered far right Nazis by western liberals

russia is right wing and left wing at the same time

Are you retarded?

even centrist and right eastern europe considers communism as nazism

the orthodox church isn't retarded crusaders, half of russia especially the south is Muslim territory. All that happened was that instead of those Muslims paying taxes to the Ottomans or the Mongols, they started paying taxes to Moscow or St.Petersburg and would give troops in times of war.

Putin is a religious conservative and you are a moron

No,you're mixing things up.The communist party in russia is only leftist in terms of economic views

More like 'Muhosransk', am I right XD

>t. I learned about Putin from dr*mpf
You know Putin is just a politician and promotes anything with traditional values like Eastern Christianity and Islam. He even built Europes biggest mosque in Moscow, and cut the red ribbon to open it in a grand celebration with all the heads of states and generals joining. Putin doesn't care about "muh crusades" or the Judeo-Cucktian shabbos goy ramblings of the retards in the rest of Europe. He just cares about making Russia more dominant. Like even half the Russian army is now Muslim because of Putin's massive recruiting campaign. Ironically what dr*mpf supporters don't know is that Putin's support primarily comes from Russia's huge Muslim population who love him because he's anti-America/anti-West. While his opposition is primarily slavic Russians who want to be more homosexual like the rest of Europe.

The Western definitions of left/right do not apply in the East.

1. There are not even so many chechens to replace half of russian army.
2. Putin's opposition is basically everyone because he is just a populism who has no motives but to stay on the throne longer

>$700 a month
I work for $400 in Mukhosransk. Damn.

Saudi money. There was a deliberate effort to connect to desperate and poor Muslims who had been reliant on Soviet cash. Instead of giving gibs along with socialist education, the Saudis gave gibs along with Wahhabist brainwashing.

how the fuck

>anti-putin homosexual
I bet you support Jews as well
I am a nationalist. There are no people who support him in my circle of friends

(((Kosher nationalism)))? You wouldn't happen to be an alt-kike?

I guess it descendants from USSR. They are against everything connected with it, so they are right wing and against socialism.

I don't give a fuck about kikes and americans. Just stay out of my country and get your muzzie loving putin with you

I think I'll move to Russia and start supporting Putin. Also reported you to the FSB for insulting Emperor Putin

good job.
fuck those filthy traitors

>since 1991
what the hell??

Marxists starved your people and destroyed your identity. 50 million dead and a nation destroyed is not made okay because they gave some handouts.

Don't forget to pay taxes to putin's friend, mr. Rotenberg


These people look like they came straight from hell, they look like demons! Russia IS hell!

USSR was more progressive socially than any Western government up until 1991. They were expressly feminist and anti-racist in official rhetoric and worked hard to allow women and ethnic minorities to prosper within their society.

Commies in the former USSR dropped this after the introduction of capitalism to better appeal to older voters nostalgic for Soviet times.

>I am a nationalist.
interesting. sounds like sk. their nationalism, not ethnocentrism, is pretty upside-down like that. over there the right wing supports globalism while left wing support their ethnocentrism.

the globalism is neoliberalism-ish but still different from it.

You're retarded. The USSR wasn't that bad, especially considering the feudalistic conditions it replaced. Russians have a far more nuanced view of socialism than autistic Western right-wingers do.

>Russians have a far more nuanced view of socialism
That's a bit of an overgeneralization. A lot of people can't into nuance and interpret it as either hell or heaven

Look into the famines that happened in Tsarist Russia.

Your the definition of a cringy trump cuck
Consider suicide

Where are the women?

In kitchens

kekd 300$ here

At least the muslims from Russia are patriotic or something, right? They're also "native" to the country, so maybe it helps?


but they are treat like shit in russia, i saw a doc about worker in moscow they literally live in cave of old commi building.

>i saw a doc
typical BBC tier anti-russian propaganda

Where do those asians come from?

from your mother's bed, Tyrone McSanchez

the same we are being told about poland and ukraine(lmao)
although they are inbred slavbydlos, who would give everything to live in germany,uk or france
they dont want to admit it though

>they are treat like shit
Not really, russian laws and criminal code stand for them
>they literally live in cave of old commi building


yeah they created the situation out of their ass. Muslims are treat like shit in russia, their is even nazi gang who beat them you can't denied. They wanted their indepandance so you could live separately but you choose to fight and keep them with you, you can't complain now

at 10.50

can you telle me the difference between kazakh and other centra asians?
I know that tajiks obviously are gypsy tier but what about the others.
Since i was born in Kazakhstand I always thought Kazakhs are supposed to be better migrants than the other mongoloids

It's more like Mordor, honestly.

> the mexico is guilty for muh problems meme..

This shit has to stop, we are only giving the stupid Yanks cheap labor, tacos and some culture to their boring count.

They are the ones sending thousands of guns to our country every year, if the yanks really believe this they are stupid as fuck, you shouldn't believe that shit either.

>their is even nazi gang who beat them
it happened in the past yes but not anymore. also those muslims committed a lot of crimes too so don't pretend they were totally innocent
>you can't complain now
i am not complaining. there is literally no difference for me between them and rural Ivans who come here to work. i barely interact with either of them and they mostly mind their own business too

Bolsheviks literally replaced serfdom with collectivization. Farmers were tucked away in specialized settlements and didn't even had passports until Khrushchev's rule.
Burger, who are you trying to fool?

kazakhs differ a lot. those coming from the northern part of the country are almost the same as russians if we are talking about behaviour and mentality.
kazakhs who live in the southern part if kazakhstan, they are the same as tajiks or uzbeks i think. i wouldn't say they are better or worse, they are just different

>tfw deported 1 million illegal muslims this year
feels good to be Moscow masterrace

As far as I understand it the Russian political spectrum is like this:

United Russia and Putin: Traditionalist populists, the people who are for maintaining the status quo, don't really care for what your religion is as long as you are not a jihadi, moderate anti-West policy.

The "Opposition": LDPR, KPRF and the like, useful idiots, LDPR and Zhirik act as clowns to make UR look like a preferable alternative and drain nationalist votes, and KPRF is just the "old people party" and they just nod along with UR only maintaining communist symbols and none of the policies.

The Liberal/Right Opposition: PARNAS, Yabloko and people like Navlalny. Mostly classical liberals and soc-dems that are pro-Western, they have often squandered away their chances of getting a meaningful number of themselves into the Duma as they have a lot of bickering between each other.

The Nationalist/Fascist/Monarchist Opposition: Dugin, DPNI, NBP, have various classical fascist ideas, some wish to restore the Romanovs, some not. Most of these groups have been at some point been declared illegal.

>don't pretend they were totally innocent
i ddon't say that but regarding caucasians you could let them in their shithole. it's the same in france were people complain but vote for people who agrave the situation. Trust me i live close to new chechen community i see how they are.