Pol is always right

HuffPost kike literally trying to incite a racewar against White Trump supporters

> Violent resistance matters. It was the Watts Rebellion, not the Watts Battle of Ideas, that exposed the enduring systemic neglect, poverty, inequality, and racism faced by that community. Similarly, it was the LA Uprising, not the LA Protests, that led to significant changes in the Los Angeles Police Department. More recently, the Ferguson and Baltimore Uprisings both helped prompt the Justice Department to investigate their corrupt police forces.

> Last, I want to briefly note the problematic nature of people with privilege condemning violent resistance to Trump as an absolute moral failing, or denying its logic. Don’t be that liberal.


Other urls found in this thread:


This deserves a bump

>voter intimidation is okay when we do it

Here we go again.

He blocked me on twitter


>gay pride rally in Jerusalem, Israel
>6 people stabbed

It's only okay to spread homosexuality among gentile nations

I have never seen this before. I wonder if she lost her job for being an anti-semite

>LA Uprising


Here's the archive so you don't have to contribute to that den of jewry's revenue.



>They started it we are just hitting back

Pretending the left hasn't been using organized violence against people with opposing views until Trump ran for president.


What is with liberals and this fucking word?

It shows up EVERYWHERE. The word "problem" alone is enough. "This is a problem." Why the fuck does it have to become "This is problematic"? Is it because they think -atic makes them sound smarter?

>HuffPost kike literally trying to incite a racewar against White Trump supporters
When it does happen, there's no question who will win that race war. And when Trump supporters win, the prize is HuffPo.

And by prize, I mean kill everyone working for HuffPo and burning it to the ground. One less leftist brainwashing outlet and the culling of leftist supporters and agents. It's a literal "day of the rope".

Stock up on implements.

Lefty-speak. It's vague and therefore useful for manipulative purposes.

If you say "This is a problem" then most people will expect you to not only be able to clearly explain what the problem is but also follow it up with a solution. It's more concrete.

If you say "This is problematic" it's like "This has the appearance of a problem" or "This is problem-esque". It's a degree removed from an actual problem. It's the shimmering reflection of a problem. The identifier has mystic divining powers that the rest of us must rely on for interpretation and explanation.

tldr - typical marxist kikery

they're literally publishing an article inciting political violence. is this not illegal? In Canada this would constitute as hate speech

That would happen here if those sort of Jews didn't live in ghettos

Thanks for putting it that way, that makes a lot of sense to me now. Adding the -atic makes it a more vague term that allows them to circumvent actually explaining any particular problem, and instead alluding that something is "problematic" (as in in it makes them feel that there is something wrong), which lets them declare any arbitrary thing they want to be as "problematic".

Burgers should be mass reporting to the FBI and writing complaints to his boss for inciting violence. Incitement to violence isn't protected by the constitution, especially not when the violence is actually happening.

Tfw you're a Mixed Race Jewish Immigrant, Trump supporter....like me.

we are all black jewish women here user, each and every one of us ;?)

>niggers rioted in LA twice, look at how much better off they are

Yeah it really makes you think


It's even used by french canadian medias. Bunch of idiots.

This is sedition and under normal circumstances be prosecuted, but the media and a good portion of the .gov is so cucked and leftist it likely wont happen let alone be publicized on national tv.

This is exactly the point that Milo brought up at UCSD. A rich jew like Soros and various SJWs are trying to push blacks into a race war which they will not, and cannot win. People like Soros and this huffpo faggot aren't going to suffer. The people they are instigating will.

It wasn't all that long ago that the democrat party used the KKK as their enforcers. Now they just get blacks to do it while they live comfortably.

Fundamentally, some things never change.

>race war against white Trump Supporters

What are these cucks gonna do when the many black, hispanic and asian trump supporters, a lot of whom are veterans or LEOs, jump in to back up the white supporters?

Check their privilege?

Blacks have been useful idiots for some time, but once the bullets start flying they will realize very quickly that they backed the wrong horse. It won't take much to get them to turn on those that caused the problem to begin with, and then the day of the rope happens.

The targets are white people who are "fascist" so its not hate speech for some reason

true, having spent some time in the USA, I can say without doubt that black americans are by far the most racist and sexist americans, followed closely by chinese americans

The sexism and racism of black americans is just part of their "vibrancy" so it's excusable of course.

they have a higher victim status than libs, so they can get away with it. They are in fact the best ally you could ask for against Liberals.

obama was anti-israel, fyi