
South Armagh brigade, 2nd battalion edition



ulster will always be british


heil hitler

anyone remember the cuckio meme

Nothing more British than Ireland mate

Shagged an absolute 9/10 two nights ago and still riding the high

the sex wasn't even that great, but its not about that is it? Its the confidence high you get from knowig some 9/10 wanted to fuck you.

Music sounds better, food tastes better, the sun shines a little brighter.

Now I get why normies are so obsessed with pulling. Might make a habit of this.

can no one relate to this?


going to let you rorkes/kippers on into a little a secret.

Australia's Point-Based System is looser as an immigration policy, than our own Tier 2 visa policy. If we went for the Australia's system we'd have even more Non-EU immigration.

facts are no match for memes


i've wanked to karen many many times



asians though, not north africans
100 avg IQ vs 80 avg IQ

sara - the thinking man's bog cleaning crumpet

aisha - the crazy mental bitch

rosy - the dominatrix with a face like a 40 year old bloke


are you literally 12 or 13 years old? i know its supposed to be ironic but i honestly cant fathom men into their 20's sitting at a computer, typing this shit, posting it, having a chucle to themselves. it gives me the fear to be honest.


for me it was the opposite
i got dicked down by a 9/10 rower beefcake when i was visiting a uni for interviews

the realisation that i would never be able to properly date someone that hot depressed me for like 2 weeks - i could never hope for anything more than a casual fling with such a stud

aishas head on rosys body would be ideal desu

Rorkes get confused because they think that everything in britain is broken and they think that australia's points-based system is why australia sends illegal immigrants to a prison island (not australia but nauru lol)

corbs subedition




736404816273D chess

Yeah but its the right kind of immigration



christ rosy is just falling apart

that tattoo is hideous

think we'll ever have coal mining in this country again?




this is why yanks should be purged

This is a colleague announcement

Would Sara please come to customer services, that's Sara to customer services

Thank you


fair point. sounds hot. story?


are you literally 12 or 13 years old? i know its supposed to be ironic but i honestly cant fathom men into their 20's sitting at a computer, typing this shit, posting it, having a chucle to themselves. it gives me the fear to be honest.

the gf

i'm talking about numbers.

australia lets you migrate before you even have a job.

the UK's tier 2 requires you to have a job - which requires an employer to have to do all the labour market tests and pay administrative fees and get accreditation etc etc etc

>the normies on facebook are sharing edl and pjw videos


Still can't believe 9/11 really happened



why would we ever want to

why do you losers obsess over these bints?

she's actually mine



*mines millions of tonnes of coal from the Ruhr valley in secret to fuel the buildup for the war effort*

Ah yes nothing to see here, move along

proper working mans job with a stable salary

Any tips on what sort of escort I should choose for losing my virginity

I don't mind spending a fair whack

theres enough to power the country for centuries.

One with a penis

a tranny with a big willy x


I noticed that, one of the normiest Deanos I know who couldn't give a shit about social/political issues shared some Tommy Robinson video the other day.

Couldn't believe it



reckon it was all a hologram.
not the planes, or the towers. I mean America as a whole


brit on vacation here

XR3i mate, or go for something older and classic like a Mex

imagine being on this plane, not fully realising what's going on until you see the first tower on fire then it dawns on you, you will be dead in seconds

just remembered a while back when a lad posted about the "australian dub of godfather" in reference to a post about a manlet

wish i saved it

the end goal of all identity politics of course

this is why we need liberalism instead

this makes sense because most yanks are actually 100% irish

>not fully realising what's going on
were you passed out for the last 10 minutes or what?

Today is my birthday. I'm 20 years suicidal guy and I can't live like that. I feel like I lived in the shadow of all potential I have. All these year I couldn't decide live or try my best. Finally after rivers of tiers I decided to live, but not like incel , I will try to achieve my goal and find lovely girlfriend. I don't care if it's impossible , I will prove that wrong. If shit will happen , at least I will know that I tried my best and when I will peacfully LDAR. This community is great , I mean it really helped me understand some really brutal, but at the same time helpful things , I will be aware now,there are a lot of great guys here, but one thing I can't stand is hate. I can't stand that some of you guys hate so much.Sometimes I feel disgusted with myself that I belong with guys who want ER or split in someone drinks , that's not normal..They didn't have done anything wrong ,it's society fault, don't be so rude for them and maybe then they will understand us more. And I spend most of the day on this sub , I don't even go outside for thelast 6 months, I need to change that somehow. So , I will try my best ,I will start university fresh again this year. I'm not sub human , so maybe it will help, but I will definitely share my result with you. I decided to suicide at my 21 birthday , so I want to try my best before that. Will miss u. Good luck for all of you , maybe I'm just too weak for black pill right now..

im gona keep comin back till someone remembers the cuckio meme

would they even be able to see it.

Great edition

at least they died quickly


Hologram confirmed

good gimmick

not much of one
>go to Oxford for interviews
>they give you a room and you stay there for 3 days cause there are tons of different interviews
>go out and get icecream after the first day
>chat to this rower/student guy
>6'3, stubble, strong jaw, etc etc
>is also a genius (got in for Maths and switched to Medicine after a year) and very nice
>he chats me up, gets my number
>the next night he texts me and he comes over to the college im staying at
>pounds me into the bed with a dick which is a stastically improbable 7.5inches
>pillowtalk and cuddle
>he leaves


>get into oxford 6mo later
>hit him up
>he has an equally stunning bf now



i got dicked down by a 9/10 rower beefcake when i was visiting a uni for interviews

the realisation that i would never be able to properly date someone that hot depressed me for like 2 weeks - i could never hope for anything more than a casual fling with such a stud

he filled up my bum and was moaning fucking loud when i was deepthroating him

lmao bent twat

bit bent


Evolution through natural selection?

Don't believe it mate

are you literally 12 or 13 years old? i know its supposed to be ironic but i honestly cant fathom men into their 20's sitting at a computer, typing this shit, posting it, having a chucle to themselves. it gives me the fear to be honest.

love kots

indifferent towards buns

just realized that this site isn't good for my mental health haha but i can't stop coming here hahahahahaha

just found out you can die from drinking too much water wtf

I've got a friend at oxford and it sounds easy as fuck to find people to fuck.

they wouldn't have known they were flying into a skyscraper. most of them would assume they were going to cuba like every american hijacking in the previous 20 years

some of them yes, the plane was heavily banked left
would have been brief though at 600mph

w o r k

t o m o r r o w

on the real tho my niBBa this site really degrades the mental wellbeing, ive literally been browsing since i was 13. im 20 now.

been to cuba. it was grim

>dicked down

thins the blood lad. killed leah betts and the media blamed it on drugs.

so why weren't fighter jets scrambled when they lost communication with the plane?

Same, except I'm 21 so you're a newfag compared to me

the bigger the better