How was your first kiss?

How was your first kiss?

*starts crying*

what's a 'kiss'?


>he lives in normie: the country, yet he can't even get a kiss

surprisingly not bad

A random chick at a club

My friend said give user a birthday kiss

Ouch :(

Kinda alright. Although it wa during dare game.

just kidding m8


I got a female friend of mine to pretend she was my ex girlfriend, and then asked a random girl if she'd kiss me to piss off my ex.

I was 12 years old, playing doctor with a girl in her room and touching her intimate parts and I gave her a peck on the lips.
My "real" first kiss was with a cheap slut at a party.

I'm an apie.

In central park, we'd both had never kissed anyone before. I remember we laughed about how silly it was afterwards

Like a 30 minute make-out session with my first gf when I was 13

Drunk. Was about to leave. Asked some American girl to kiss me and she did.

Drunk with some slut ugly as brick

It was by a drunk girl who was kissing everyone in the party. I was the 12th.

Drunk girl who I probably caught have sexed if I wasn't autistic

felt kinda awkward when she started chewing on my lips from the bat. i never knew she liked me that much

heh it was the g-greatest thing ever. i get k-k-kisses all the time haha i-i've stopped counting after 100 haha

With a girl at highschool, it was awful.


At the movie theater and I got a boner

There wasn't

i've never kissed a woman to cheek or anywhere else. not even my mother

>almost 30
>meet beautiful and charming girl on the internet
>we meet up in real life (she flew to my country for this)
>she knew I was a KHV
>chilling on the couch under a blanket
>out of nowhere gives me a kiss on my lips
>after that we cuddle down and I'm lying on top of her
>visibly shy, but she doesn't mind, I just go for it
>ask her how I'm supposed to do it properly
>she shows me

God I miss her so much

it wasn't


Kissed a girl who was two years older than me, behind the school building.
She took the initiative.
The kiss itself was pretty bad but tasting a girl's soft, warm, wet mouth felt bretty gud.
My dicc got hard and she was rubbing it with her pelvis.
She ended up being my gf for the next 8 years.

Awkward, I was 13 and she was 17.

I'm thankful that she taught me about everything, never went around speaking about my first times like most older girls do when they date a younger guy.



Pretty meh. Though maybe the memory is tarnished by the girl being a massive cunt

With another boy when I was 6. Still remember that moment. I am not gay

never had one

with my "gf" at 12

i dont even know

Kissed her in an empty Starbucks while we were supposed to be in class
It was pretty good
She ended up being my gf for the next 5 years


Holy shit kindly fuck off

you first

This is a board for normalfags, you can shut up or fuck off

Dont know was too drunk.

Pretty good. With my first gf at 13.

24 kv reporting in

Hasn't happened yet and never will

Dunno. Haven't had it yet.


or else?

you're all gonna make it lads

It was quite nice


the 'keep it simple stupid' directive in software

Does that Bottle game count?

>kissed a boy
>not gay
user it is 2017. Nothing to be ashamed of.

Stupid no sex monk

let me guess, she was from scandinavia, i don't see why any girl would travel to a shithole like bosnia to kiss a pathetic virgin muslim

>go to schoolmate to teacher her how to play guitar
>walking back to the train station afterwards
>she says she kinda likes me
>i tell her I like her too
>she stops, leans in and gives a quick peck
>feel tingles the whole ride back home

bretty good


Fuck off back to facebook normieshit

awkward but fun

I think i kissed a girl when i was when i was like 9, though it was just playing. Other than that, i've never gived a kiss, there have been a few girls interested on me but i'm too autistic for answering correctly to social cues and i usually end dropping the sphagetti

First one was more like smooch, when I was 15 and took a girl to the movies (dont ever do this on a first date)
first propper french kiss was when I was 17

It wasn't

pretty lame, i think, i dont even remember her

pic related.

Only one kiss in my life and I was drunk in a club. Sweet memories my ass. The only positive thing was that I did not get an std since I would literally have killed my self if I got herpes on my first kiss.

>I would literally have killed my self if I got herpes on my first kiss.
lmao. and I've thought only the 'murrcans peddle the diseasemongering.

>peddle the diseasemongering.
Are you saying I should not worry about things like that?

Her name was carla.
she was a tiny, petite little spic broad

pretty great cause it was lewd and sloppy. maybe a little too wet.

still it was right before we went to business which was pretty solid for a first time too. I was sitting in an office chair and she was riding me while our mouths went ham on each other.

good times.

If you ever kissed a girl you probably should be out being a chad instead of being here.

>This is what virgins actually believe


I don't know because all the girls avoid me

8th grade, department store dressing room, there was tongue and fondling involved.

Was with my oneitis at a party when we were both drunk

I was a kid, she was my sister
Bonus: First and only kiss, I'm also a girl and she's lesbian now

Beat this

I'll beat off to it

Spain actually.

>italian grill
I don't even consider myself worthy of replying to her comment directly

That's the story of my life too


It was at a school party, when I was 16. Drank way too much and had an awkward kiss with me not knowing what to do with a slut.

The end.


>freshman playing varsity football
>girl two years older than me on the cheer squad starts coming onto me
>we go out on a date she drives me home then starts sticking her tongue in my throat

pretty unexpected but hot desu

>it's my mom

Legit story, in kindergarten I had 3 girl friends who wanted to see what it was like to kiss so they lined up and let me kiss them
Now I'm a loser

Not bad, it was a month ago with my new blow up doll

>I'm also a girl

t. LARPer shitpostatore di /ita/

Magical. In Prague, under a tree near Charles Bridge, it was and still is my first love and my first kiss. Glad I didn't waste it on some cheap slut, now I have a really wonderful memory.

with a prostitute at 17

I had to pay to someone fucking kiss me kek what a disaster


Ho filtrato /ita/ molto tempo fa, non so chi sia LARP

Is she white?

>sickness that just goes away and becomes dormant on its own
>literal fucking death sentence
really made me think dear Finn.

Sat in the park on the swings and she said "You're 15 and you've never kissed a girl before?!" to which I replied and after a pause she asked me if I wanted to practice

this. i do miss her..kind of.

except for the whole becoming toxic and making me break up with her for it thing. ahh bittersweet memories

I was 16 and it was very awkward. It was 2006 and I was playing spin the bottle on the bluff of a river after our town Christmas festival. I got matched up with this half cuban/half russian girl about a year younger than me. I just remember her having very thin lips, it was weird. Later on she hit me up but her mom hated me so things kind of broke off. She became a huge SJW later so nothing lost.

how old are you guise?


I put my age in the greentext REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I'm 23