Why is Islam such a disease?

Why is Islam such a disease?

The Middle east, the Philippines, Europe.

Wherever it goes its people create problems, mayhem, and fight their neighbors.

It's the antithesis of global neoliberal capitalism so it surfaces as a countervailing force at the fault lines of the current world order.

it's the antithesis of civility and public order

As we understand it perhaps. However one must understand that the goals of the jihadis we oppose are not measured on the scale of years but in fact decades. The goal of daesh is to exhaust the West's will to fight with incessant violence and create an enduring political counterforce to globalization, modernity and liberal democracy by drawing western countries into more aggressive conflict against Muslims.

there isn't some grand scheme, the religion itself is just a cancer

Have you read the manifestos of Bin Laden? We must know our enemies to defeat them, and they are not unthinking; nor are they stupid.

Islam is the greatest force of good in the world.

Its biggest enemies are the biggest enemies infesting the globe

>American animals
>Jewish rats
>communist dogs

Islam is the only significant force of good in the world.

are you enjoying Netherlands mohammed?

>he doesn't know about Islamic Gommunism


The true enemy is the Jew.
Both Christians and Muslims both believe Jesus has a connection to God, only the Jew does not.
So long as the USA houses the Jew, we will continue to suffer.

Baathists aren't communists you idiot.

It is the master religion and the cure to the parasite that is Judeo-Christianity

They're essentially National Socialists which isn't far off.

Islam was founded on overthrowing the previous social order of the land and establishing a new more just order from it, Muslims are literally Social Justice Warriors.

>any religion
American education

Gommunism != communism

It's a meme you dip


thank god we have the USA to save us

because it's a false religion

Aren't the Phillippines catholic?

for the most part yes, but they have some muslim region in the southern islands that is ever a source of disorder

in fact they are fighting something of a war in one of their cities against islamic militants

source of resistance against spanish and american invaders while the rest of the country bended over like cucks

several organisations became part of IS recently.
dunno how things are going on in there.

>people who created the Anti-Comintern Pact are Communists