Don't meme

Will Trump lose the general?

No he will win in a landslide, nobody like shilldog.

>Those digits

nobody actually likes Hillary
she's inherently unlikable
whenever she's on tv she loses support
a lot of people really really unironically like trump
whenever he's on tv he gains support
the debates are coming up

Kek has already decided. Questions as to whether or not Trump wins the general are a wasted effort.

Have you ever met a Hillary supporter? Has anyone?

The only reason she won the democratic primaries is because the DNC and MSM rigged it. They can't do the same in the general.

>this is what trumptards actually believe

>Have you ever met a Hillary supporter? Has anyone?

You are asking Sup Forums this?

there's a chance
I hope not

shouldn't you be watching the bernvictim rally?

some of us actually leave the house and lead somewhat real lives.

the only legit Hill supporters I have met are liberal women teachers/academics.

First debate isn't until August 6th
time to settle in.

Probably, because the media controls the election and tells people Trump is literally Hitler. I'm still going to vote for him though.

Trump has no chance. Unlike Hillary, he is an open book as far as criminal investigations are concerned, and every time he talks he strengthens the will of those who reluctantly support Hillary.

Trump destroyed 16 mini bosses but this final boss battle is going to be pretty hard.

Without a shadow of a doubt. Trump may AMOG his way through whatever beta he's up against, but Hillary is a woman and you can't bully a woman or else you look like some kind of faggot.

to bad its fucking opposite day

negative affirmation is a meme. No one votes on the prospect of someone else winning, they largely stay home.

Didn't work for McCain or Romney, doesn't work for gay-marriage or abortion or gun rights.

The only guaranteed way to pull votes is positive affirmation.

Yes, Hillary is unbeatable.

Probably not. Being a realist here. We are doomed. And so is the Constitution. And the Bill of Rights. I will praise Heket for bringing us this far. But the ride has to end sometime.

Before a new more terrible ride begins.

Prominent republicans are REVOKING their endorsement of Trump today. Has that EVER happened to a presumptive nominee before?

He might lose the popular vote.

Having said that, he's going to take Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, New Hampshire, Nevada, and Ohio. He has a great deal of Midwest appeal, and Florida and Nevada just feel like they're going to respond. It's not nearly as daunting as a lot of people make the math out to be.

I don't feel good about Wisconsin, Iowa, Colorado, or Virginia (thanks, people moving to Virginia from other states).

Those that have should just change their party affiliation. They're no longer Republicans.

>Prominent republicans

oh no, not the political establishment that Trump made irrelevant at Indiana.

that means nothing anymore, the entire political world has changed.

Post this question after the debates and we'll see.
At the moment its just indirect shit flinging.
But once they're both on that stage, it will be much clearer to see who will have the momentum.

The sad fact is that the two party system is largely based on people trying to STOP the other guy, not because they particularly like the person they are voting for. This year it is far more extreme, but it has been this way for a long time.

Ask any republican what they like about Trump, and they will start talking about Hillary within the first 20 seconds.

No meme-ing, he will lose by 10%, easily.

those are the last crying neocons who haven't yet been put in the ovens
>unless you follow our orthodoxy and listen to our advisers we are going to say we deny you on principle
i wish the trotskyites good riddance

I for one, cannot wait for November to collect Sup Forumstears when you guys get collectively BTFO like you did in 2012.

While it breaks down that way due to party alignment because you vote for the one you hate the least, it also creates an incentive to not vote which is what candidates are trying to do.

Most people know who they would vote for if they were to today and that isn't going to change much in November, but what can change is if they actually vote. In this way, negative affirmation
>support gun control
>stop abortion
>vote against Trump
doesn't work because it's something people already don't like. Positive affirmation is what convinces a likely voter to actually vote.

Does anybody in the world honestly give a FUCK who Paul Ryan is going to vote for?

Trump has built his campaign so if the establishment turns on him, it's seen as anti-establishment, and if they endorse him, it's also seen as good because the establishment is giving in.

Nobody fucking cares

I sacrificed my soul in the name of lord Kek, to grant him dark power to Trump.

Sup Forums didn't meme romney anywhere close as they memed paul at the time, or maybe i'm remembering things wrong. Now it seems to be universally trump all the time.

>mfw Bernie runs third party and no one gets to 270

this will be the day of alex jones' phema camps

Americans will pretty much always swap parties after a certain period of time. 8 years of Obama has a lot of average people pissed, especially now that Obamacare is hitting everyone in the wallet pretty hard. It will be close because American media turned politics into "you're either Democrat or you're racist", but people are sick of hearing it, too. I don't realistically see Hillary winning, especially now that Bernie lost. The Bernouts will likely become apathetic towards voting before hopping on the Hillary bandwagon.

Paul Ryan is already backpedaling because he realized bitching about Trump this late in the game outs him as the democrat-lite he's always been.