Why live Sup Forums? I've never been so depressed. What's my next best course of action?
Why live Sup Forums? I've never been so depressed. What's my next best course of action?
Ask Christ into your heart
Go to a therapist, exercise, smoke weed, get laid.
Kill yourself
>or join the trump train
Lord Kek is making everything great and hilarious. You may want to live to see it happen.
Do what I do. Just drink Vodka every time your sad and depress. The sweet embrace of death shall take you one day.
Dear OP, vote Trump and do the best thing for yourself.
Start playing Dota 2
Audition to be on The Walking Dead.
Get prescription for happy pills. Talk to somebody. Why not?
Come home we saved a seat for your, vote trump and stop believing the scare mongering in the media :)
Go see someone to talk to. I've been there and it gets better.
Why is everyone saying exercise? Does it really make you happy?
It helps. It's more fun that work simulation games
>What's my next best course of action?
pic related
I'm starting to get into the same way. It's getting real fucked up, day by day. Every time
I wake up, I'm a littler worse.
Liar! Once you truly decide to kill yourself you are free. To do something really crazy. Oh, you are still scare of the repercussions.
It actually does, it's strange in a way if you sit around doing nothing you feel like a sack of shit.
But if you train every day and when i mean train i mean do it so you are fucking tired after, you feel really good.
Be yourself, enjoy your existence, be kind, generous, nurture your friendships with other people.
Listen to points of view that challenge your own, be gentlemanly and honourable, good mannered and peaceful.
Have hobbies that will expand your perspective on life.
(I love gardening, photography, cooking and fishing)
I'm disabled. I have a spinal injury that means I can't turn my head, nor raise up my arms above chest level.
Also single dad because my wife died in the car crash. My daughter is thriving. She's seventeen and and passes all her exams, makes amazing food, has a wonderful boyfriend, is very good in character.
Also, this:
Go outside and pray.
I have a gf that I can't love because she had some number of guys before me. Lost her virginity to a cop.
I dropped college. No job.
I just stay all day in my room, watching youtube and Sup Forums.
But I'm not staring the abyss yet, still, it's getting closer and closer.
get sentimental
Speaking from experience, I think it depends on the individual
it has proven mental health benefits, and that's just speaking from a biological standpoint. Obviously, it adds structure to your life, which many people with depression can benefit from. The benefits of exercise can go on and on.
But if your problems stem from something deeper than just a biological disposition to negative thoughts or from something that's not just short-term issues with life, that alone isn't going to help you bounce back. There is nobody that can't benefit from exercise and pretty much everybody can do it to some extent though
You know you need to either get back in school or get a job. Or both.