Things to consider: >racism >Christianity >hatred of women >the Holocaust was a hoax >flat-Earthers >it is always the Jews' fault >etc.
The list goes on. How much of this is actually satire? Do you anons actually believe this shit that is posted here?
>inb4 Sup Forums is satire is satire is satire
Jonathan Green
>How much of Sup Forums is actually satire? >Things to consider: >>racism Yes >>Christianity Yes >>hatred of women Yes >>the Holocaust was a hoax Satire >>flat-Earthers Satire >>it is always the Jews' fault Mostly true
Grayson Miller
satire inception
Thomas Wilson
Why would anyone on this board who is "red-pilled" be unironically a Christian?
Jeremiah Fisher
If you have to ask... You don't belong.
Dylan Myers
We meme'd our way to the Republican nominee for president. Still wondering how serious we are?
Elijah Powell
>not realizing Sup Forums is 100% satire We are all mocking Nazis here. And showing the world how stupid and cruel nationalist are.
Owen Sanders
*Dibs fedora*
Asher Murphy
>We are all mocking Nazis here. And showing the world how stupid and cruel nationalist are. That's why there are 100 Trump generals a day, but only 1 Hillary general every year?
Matthew Rivera
>racism Real >Christianity A mix of both >hatred of women a mix of both >the Holocaust was a hoax Hoax? No. Ever inflated meme used to demonize anyone who disagrees with kikes? yes >flat-Earthers satire I think >it is always the Jews' fault When you stop finding Jews behind every attempt at destroying western civilization, it will become satire.
Andrew Reyes actually think we support Trump? Read the threads more carefully. It is all satire.
Dominic Powell
Ayden Price
Fact, faggots.
Noah Ward
>>racism yes >Christianity believe what you want >hatred of women that's /r9k/ which spills over here sometimes. some think women shouldn't vote because their tendency to be vulnerable to identity politics. that doesn't mean hate >the Holocaust was a hoax they don't believe it didn't happen, just that it was exaggerated >flat-Earthers retarded underage kids from /x/ >it is always the Jews' fault money makes the world go. all you need to do is look at who controls the money
Elijah Thomas
>it's 2016 why would anyone belieb in gob xD
Juan Lee
Sup Forums is a satire board of peace.
Jaxson Barnes
Christianity is definitely not satire.
Easton Baker
Well, Sup Forums presents itself as nationalist and Trump is at least part-way there. So yes, I do believe Sup Forums supports him.
With the shit Sup Forums has pulled in the past, they would have been able to make Bernie with California tonight.
Jack Carter
>racism Real >Christianity Mostly real, with some fedora tipping atheists thrown it >hatred of women Mostly satire with some Pow's law for good measure. >the Holocaust was a hoax Mostly satire, although most believe that the death count is overestimated. >flat-earthers/moon landing deniers That's just people being dumb. No sane person would believe this. >it's always the Jews' fault If by Jews you mean those that follow Judaism, no. If by Jews you mean Globalists, Zionists, and Cultural Marxists, yes.
Jeremiah Ward
Well, you are simply overestimating us. We are all Bernie supporters at heart. And today is a very yragic day for all of us.
Joshua Scott
I don't even know I just know that im so desensitized to it that I don't even consider if I'm offending people anymore. I had a feminist unfriend me on kikebook today when I interrupted her safe space by poking holes in her logic and expecting her to defend her beliefs. She basically told me "educate yourself" and then told me to check my privilege. Ironically she told me I was being willfully ignorant.
Ayden Martin
>believe the count is overestimated >european jew population goes from 9.5 million to 9.3 from time of war to 1948
You could say it's overestimated alright, or you could outright state it was bullshit and most of the deaths were starvation and sickness after the german supply lines were destroyed
Ethan King
You're not very good at trolling.
What position did you tell her to defend?
Lucas Perez
I pretend to be a Trump loving Nat Soc on here, but the truth is, I'm an anarcho-capitalist that would in reality rather see a Bernie Presidency than a Trump one.
Camden Sanchez
None of it you fucking retard.
Jacob Wood
Yet, it took you this long to realize I was trolling, when I wasn't even trying.
Brody Moore
>racism Nothing wrong with it at all. Supported by facts. >Christianity Better than Mormons. >hatred of women Most women are horrible fucks, and at the very least you'll admit the most outspoken women are unlikable thundering retards. >the Holocaust was a hoax A lot of facts and evidence to support this, most people believe that it was, at the very least, exaggerated. >flat-Earthers COINTELPRO-tier meme shills pushed to make other conspiracy theorists look crazy by association. >it is always the Jews' fault That's just an observation, nothing wrong with it.
Cameron Hernandez
I really hate women, I like christianity in a cultural stance, I have doubts at how the holocaust story was written and reproduced and I believe that the jewish elite is invisible to the media attack visor as a class
Landon Jackson
/r9k/ practically worships women.
Angel Peterson
doubles of peace
Jacob Barnes
>racism reality >Christianity 50/50 satire and reality >hatred of women reality that gets more real by the day >the Holocaust was a hoax harmless shitposting >flat-Earthers harmless shitposting >it is always the Jews' fault reality disguised as satire by the Jews
Michael Bennett
She shared this post
Connor Scott
Benjamin Flores
I responded with this
Christian Jackson
>Slavery is good confederates dindunuffin >omg da j00z owned slavery
what is it with Sup Forums and cognitive dissonance?
Daniel Young
>15 ships >Complete control of a centuries long industry that shipped millions of niggers across the Atlantic Ocean
Nigger detected
Nicholas Perez
I ironically believe most of it. The evidence is too damning. I draw the line at flat earth because of the orientations of shadows at certain times on certain days. > prove the holocaust was real
Gabriel Murphy
Jaxon Jones
Some of it is/was satire, but now some people seriously are starting to believe it.
I know people irl who only browse Sup Forums for news, and they have a pretty warped mindset. Not that normal media is great either, but there's no objectivity, and they act like they know shit when they clearly do not and just repeat Sup Forums memes all day.
The saddest people are the insecure ones who just shout "cuck" over and over again in real life.
Mason Morgan
She's got those Facebook likes; this proves her argument is superior.
Ryan Miller
This is the average Sup Forums poster.
Aaron Cruz
many truths are said in jest also kill yourself
Caleb Parker
so many new fags here tonight
/pol is satire /pol is the board of peace
Seek and ye shall find.
Isaiah Collins
I'm a big fan of anything racist, anti-women, anti-semitic
Jack Turner
Not enough user, not enough.
Jace Ross
The "blame the Jews" thing is a pretty natural response
As Stefan Molyenux has said, the difference between a white man and a Jew is the same as the difference between a white man and a black man.
Just as the black man blames his cultural, economic, and intelligence inferiority on the white man, the white man blames his inferiority and failures as a society on the Jews, who represent a superior class.
Why are white supremacists always fat neckbeard types? It's all about not accepting responsibility for your own actions. Sup Forums takes it and applies it to every day life as the posters here are triggered quite easily. Thus
>Normal person likes a movie that others don't like "Well I guess I just have unique tastes >Sup Forums poster likes a movie that others don't like "It's a Jewish conspiracy among critics to keep this pure redpilled film down!"
Cooper Morris
>how much If you can't figure this out for yourself, you need to stick around and lurk for longer.
Sebastian Wright
>racism doesnt exist >Christianity Catholicism is the only true religion >hatred of women >holocaust mostly true but exaggerated >jews SOMEHOW true, i dont know how, but after being here i can identity a jew and know they are selfish and money or power hungry usually
Brody Cooper
Everything on Sup Forums is just exaggerated
Do Jews control everything? No, but they have disproportionate influence in the media compared to their numbers
Are all blacks subhuman retards? No, but there is a problem with black culture that can't be addressed by ignoring it
The real red pill is using your fucking brain and eyes and not blindly believing what neckbeards on a mongolian basketweaving forum tell you
Adam Morales
>Catholicism is the only true religion
have you washed and kissed nigger or beaners feet today yet?
gtfo with your abrahamic desert fairy tailes
Adam Nelson
This, except I think most of the Christianity is satire too.
Ayden Martinez
Such a superior class that Jews are dying out, and over 60% of American Jews marry outside of their religion/ethnicity.
Chase Brooks
Without a religion that relies on a third party to decree values, humans change them every generation to suit "socially acceptable standards". Without them written in stone everyone will change the law letter by letter until you really don't have any values at all. It's not so much the "how" of humanity but the "can we keep it together without religion".
Christianity fits the world views of most people here. Love thy neighbor, protect the ones you love, treat people fairly but punish those who wrong others.
Connor Allen
Let me guess, you got those numbers from the world Almanac. If so, they are wrong. The world Almanac doesn't go round counting every individual jew each year. Most of the time they just use population models, which they apply to the last census' numbers.
Jonathan Young
>Racism About 75% real >Christianity Yes >Hatred of women More like a disappointment and extreme annoyance >The holocaust was a hoax This is satire. >Flat earthers This is downs syndrome >It's always the Jews fault Yes but not the Jews as in Israel. We mean Jews as in big businessmen who leech off of a countries resources and act as merchants of death for warring parties. These people need to die. They're the pharisees of the bible. >etc etc
Dylan Cruz
this is an accurate assessment
Asher Allen
Yes as in it's real not satire.
Ryder Hughes
Camden Thomas
Most of these are played up, but most people here are a bit sexist and racist. Very few really want to genocide inferior races, but they hate violent niggers.
Nolan Rivera
>holohoax >satire Either shill, newfag or braindead.
Jack Moore
You're on Sup Forums. It may not look it when you are actually in here, but this is an utter shithole. Zero credibility, little if any impact on the outside world at all. That's being generous. Sup Forums has zero credibility IRL. It may as well not exist in the way of political opinion or opinion in general thanks for the most part due to Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /r9k/.
So when you ask if it's satire, the answer is it's literally all satire. Sup Forums is a website dedicated to shitposting. If people wanted to discuss politics, I would hope they would be smarter than to come here.
Juan Clark
>If it's not an intellectual discussion, it means it's bullshit
Au contraire. Mental masturbation has the very most bullshit in it (cf. reddit)
Ian Gutierrez
>I'm smarter than you in this question but it's not my job to prove proofs about it