Do Polish people still hate the Germans?

Do Polish people still hate the Germans?

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Nope, these cucks like them more than the French. They also like the English more than the French. Irony.


Drink bleach, russian dog.

>They also like the English more than the French. Irony.
Lulwut? You could power a rocket launch on the Polish fannypain over us

Yes they do, but from my observation they hate pretty much everyone. It's just that they have an actual reason to be butthurt about us.

They've been genocided by so many groups of people that it's unlikely they even care anymore

Since they don't owe you anything, they're less harsh. Or so it feels. Because France has always been friendly towards P*land. Seeing them being such dicks makes us regret desu.

do they? Russians did so much worse...

>Do Polish people still hate the Germans?
the real question is. do they hate us or the Russians more?

The Russians. You can at least reason with germans, since they're fucking human, unlike asiatic russian trash.

But it's literally like choosing between aids or cholera.

I never got this meme. I thought polish people were nice. All the pole diaspora I have ever met were super nice.

Only young DDRers


many people just don't like them, including myself. But at least they don't waste time on chit chat when you want some information from them. Fun fact is that german companies (big and recognisable) don't like to pay for our services on time, some small companies doesn't pay at all. So the "German solidity" is now a meme, some people say that todays Germany is not what it used to be in the past.

>trash calling others out for being trashy
ah pollacks, your butthurt enlightens my day. Everytime

Russian detected

>Russians did so much worse...
that's why we hate them so much more

>Russians did so much worse...
The only thing we did to them is returning our rightful clay aka lands of Western Rus - Galicko-Wolynskoe knyazhestvo.

Muscovite mongoloids have nothing to do with Rus

Poland should be destroyed and Poles should be genocided once and for all. Almost every nation in Europe is sick of your degenerate, rude behaviour and lack of any contact with reality.

Rusen bitte

>At first Uzbeg did not want to empower Moscow. In 1327, the Baskaki Shevkal, cousin of Uzbeg, arrived in Tver from the Horde, with a large retinue. They took up residence at Aleksander's palace. Rumors spread that Shevkal wanted to occupy the throne for himself and introduce Islam to the city. When, on 15 August 1327, the Mongols tried to take a horse from a deacon named Dyudko, he cried for help and a mob of furious people fell on the Tatars and killed them all. Shevkal and his remaining guards were burnt alive. Thus Uzbeg Khan began backing Moscow as the leading Russian state. Ivan I Kalita was granted the title of grand prince and given the right to collect taxes from other Russian potentates. The Khan also sent Ivan at the head of an army of 50,000 soldiers to punish Tver

Psst, Ivan. Hey! Wanna make a deal?


Patethic ruskie mongrel


We fucked them over in 1380 and totally BTFO them once and for all in 1480. And later we even conquered all what remained of them. So I don't care about your butthurt, larpers.

I don't give a shit, these people who attacked poland are at least 90 by now, besides I wasn't there anyway

but apparently you can get beaten up just for speaking german in warsaw...

It's not hate, it's just knowing what to expect

>The Russians. You can at least reason with germans, since they're fucking human
Robots are souless but you can reason with them, with eurasian savages not so much.

>Europe is sick of your degenerate
>rapebaby of the Golden Horde calling himself European
>ruskie calling ANYONE degenerate
Your country is like degenerate central of the world, Ivan

Bit rude
But I heard some brits got beaten up for speaking english too.

nice ad hominem, you sound like obnoxius, embittered people. that's why nobody likes you here
The poles I have met personally were nice lads and didnt even care about that political and historical topic. But you guys always stick to this shit, insulting anyone. Maybe a first world country made them more reasonable, or maybe Sup Forums-pollacks were wrong and only the good ones emigrated westwards and the worse ones stayed. Who knows

wah wah, ruskie nigger

Not really. At least not as much as in early 90's.