Explain this, UK

explain this, UK

What is there to even explain?

Brits are literally niggers.

Angle genes kicked in :D

Vanity's a hell of a sin

Try learning to wash your hands you filthy swampnigger, almost chucked my lunch after reading some of the Dutch posts in that thread

She couldn't have just done squats?

and what the fuck is a brazilian bum

Why get a Brazilian operation in Turkey instead of Brazil?

a fat juicy ass, it's the only good thing about your country apart from your liveleak videos

The ass of a brazilian

Youre supposed to know this.

Women logic regarding excercise, expectations and results are incredible retarded.

but you can't get a fat juicy ass with plastics, no?

what plastic, you idiot. they inject fat in your ass

Oh my sweet summer child

>be brit
>request bum lift
>they mistakenly fuck up your face because it looks like a bum

im eating and this literally made me spit my food out

What the fuck...?

Well...some people actually find that attractive.

that bitch is ugly af

Maybe not the face, but the combo of no exercise and plastic gives you abomination-tier results.

those aren't implants. it's fat. and yes, it looks incredibly disgusting because it's unproportional

Horrible ineffective bait is...
Is that really that best bantz you can come up with? How about you go to your local pub or watch some guy ritchie movies or something? Come back here after you mature and grow. We'll be waiting.


>this is British banter now

She looks equally ugly before and after.

Turkey is kinda good at esthetical operations. People visit here all round the world for this.

But what about brexit?

>Be a millionaire
>Decide to get your surgery in a third world county
She deserved it I guess