Really makes you think
Really makes you think
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Think that Mark Twain didn't know he was being cucked.
You rhyme with him.
I don't think Adolf Hitler rhymes with Donald Trump
>doing that American Oath thing, "We the American people"
>suddenly that's considered Sieg Heil tier
>we live in a world where just lifting your hand is considered fascist
>we live in a world where using violence against your political rivals and suppressing free speech isn't considered fascist, but lifting your hand is.
President Trump can't come quickly enough.
Mark Twain also said "There once was a big black guy named nigger Jim"
"Can you explain to me how trump is like hitler?"
Makes you think huh
This Trump = Hitler meme is just going to drive more sensible people to vote for him. You're equating deporting ILLEGAL immigrants who harm the economy and by extension, every hard working citizen, to exterminating people. We're at the point now where suggesting enforcing the law is tantamount to genocide in liberal insanity. In the privacy of the voting booth, sensible people won't be attracted to that.
What really makes me think is the fact that doing the same thing twice, and expecting different results is insanity
That really makes me think. Anyone else?
Kind of on the face there Twain.
>I actually really like cuck Louis and beyond Sup Forums have no reason to hate him
Being honest here. Only a few of his jobs revolve around race. Most of it is just bitter aged anti-social everyday observation with a twist of too far.
Scary quote. Was Aristotle fairly based?
The Struggle continues
Oh actually it seems that quote is fake.
Can people on this board pls stop posting fake quotes?
It won't be seen that way. The message will be simplified to: Hitler blamed the woes of society on a minority and now Trump will do the same. Prevent history from repeating itself by voting for Clinton. Add the feminist angle on top of that and we have the next president.
Stop it OP my penis can only get so hard
One thing you liberals don't understand is that even if Trump was LITERALLY Hitler, like Hitler process Trump or is a reincarnation or some shit, he can NEVER do what Hitler did.
It's like pottery
t. Marg Tuane
>being for your nations is bad
>recognizing that a very speific race is using the media to distort the truth and manipulate the population is bad
>wanting to be strong as a nation is bad
Hitler was right isn't just a meme. Before Pearl Harbor America was all too content to let Hitler do his thing. It was only because we were personally wounded and forced to get involved that he failed. As the Victors we wrote the history books and the Jews. Always with their twisted media control. Endlessly remind us how evil and wicked he was while shouting it in the faces of everything that even if they look white and enjoy all the benefits of being white. They are poor victims that demand pity and special consideration.
Cannot wait to be part of Trump's reign. Since we will be the Victors. We will be remembered as heroes.
>history doesn't repeat itself
>Several commanders tried to invade russia during the winter
I love Sup
my room mate showed me this video under the guise of "look at how Donald Trump got all these people to seig heil, lol that's so wrong you can't do that" so I just was like haha ya w/e, looking at it now it looks like a bad angle of people raising their hand like they have a question
>Trump is like Hitler
it would be more accurate to say Mussolini,
the charismatic bully that comes from media
He is literally the first proper conservative, I have been getting into his writings and generally like him.
>Occupy Democrats
Shitty Propaganda.
Some people in the crowd went full sieg heil then retracted their arms. Understandable mistake.
Wow guess I'm a cuck for Bernie now
Actually Napoleon invaded Russia in May, Hitler invaded in June.
It's just they all planned to win before winter.