>5 ft 7
>always talks about being a "man"
Other urls found in this thread:
>watches mma
He's 5'9"
t. actual 5'7"
Why don't you say that to his face fucker not online and see what happens.
>watches divegress faggots scream and cry on any contact
t. doesn't understand weight classes
outed yourself twink
Say it to his face op
Prove you're a man
>see what happens
This guy knocks out other midgets, i'm not impressed. Any real welterweight and above would have him crying. He couldn't do shit to me.
Literally nothing wrong with being under 6 ft, "Manlet" is such a stupid term too. Height really doesn't matter, as long as you got a good face, teeth, and body
Why are irish faggots so goddman loud all the time even though they're half the size of everyone else.
>Height really doesn't matter, as long as you got a good face, teeth, and body
>caring about being pretty as a male
Being able to reach the top shelf at a supermarket is pretty nice.
And then the potato does what? Punch him in the face because he is above the law?
Mate yank tourists here are renowned for being the most loud and obnoxious tourists. And other countries would probably say the same.
>you have to be an 8 foot 300lb nigger to be a man
Really gets those neurons firing
Why are manlet sso good at sports?
Yeah, pretty sure a teenager that spends most of his time in a Cambodian Nursing forum can beat up McGregor despite weighing more than his own bed
You wouldn't even be able to touch him, he's a counter-puncher with amazing movement.
You're a fat neckbeard that thinks his weight will do anything. Delusional faggot
>tfw I'm a Trinity wanker and have to literally squeeze through obese, obnoxious American tourists just to get into the place
t. 5'6" skinnyfat """man"""
Shorter distance required to complete full ROM of their limbs, thats why manlets tend to dominate non-height dependant sports.
t. obese waste of oxygen
Well there might not be much wrong with being under 6ft per se, but once you starting getting below 5-8 that's legit no meme manlet territory
A couple of times open hand then I'd cock back my fist and plant one right in the middle of his nose.
Yeah. Yeah that'll do nicely.
Next manlet dyel on the list:
[X] McGregor
[ ] Memeweather
[ ] Tyson
I'd just grab him and hold him there until he got tired. But I'd also like to point out that I would get no pleasure out of beating the shit out of him.
>Wears shoulder pads and helmets because they are a bunch of soft cunts.
>punching his face into the sleeper hold
makes me laugh everytime
>5'7" leprechaun
.....................again, why do people watch MMA
>going to war with birds and almost lose
Surprised no one has posted the webm of Shogun laughing at this manlet yet