>bernie not dropping out
Even if he gets 100% (ONE HUNDRED PERCENT) of the delegates, he still doesn't have enough to beat clinton.
>bernie not dropping out
Even if he gets 100% (ONE HUNDRED PERCENT) of the delegates, he still doesn't have enough to beat clinton.
>implying socialists understand math
To prove a point I guess.
He may run independent.
>legendary ashkenazi smarts
He's going to bank HEAVILY on swaying superdelegates away from Clinton.
The final Reddit meltdown will be AT THE CONVENTION
And the rest of the political race until then is BEGGING
This may come as a surprise to you, but some people have this thing called integrity. Hillary is as corrupt as they come and honestly,
>caring about Bernie staying in when it gives Trump better odds
You're either a below average Trump supporter or a Hill shill.
Was Bernie a Trump plant?
obama told him hillarys goin to jail. confirmed by dubs
buttmad burnout detected
The donation gravy train is too rich to pass up.
Holy shit that would be some genius ass idea trump would do
What are the chances of him running as an independent? Because that would be gg Cliton and Trump wins by default, surely?
If her indictment actually pans out, I'm not hold my breath, he would be the only valid candidate.
Why did he talk to an empty Congress in 1991? Like or hate him, he stands for what he believes. It only makes sense that he wants to further his 'revolutionary' movement.
>stealing other people's wealth is integrity, honor and traditional
you know, bernie is bankrolling off your sorry cucked self
The blessed repeating digits confirm that this all according to keikaku
t. Libcuck
Psychfag here
He's been a career politician for so long and now he has power, he's going full ego at this point.
They said they wont be releasing any more of her emails until after the elections are over, and that there will be no indictment.
Dunno why you think there would be, a corrupt woman like that, known for having people killed, get in trouble?
She doesn't have anywhere close to the delegate count being claimed in the media. They're gaming the system with commies doublethink to make his supporters believe she's already won.
Because he keeps hoping that the FBI will indict Hillary as he extends his campaign for another week. And he'll hope for that to occur sometime before the convention. A Jew doing jewy things. Who would've thought?
He's probably banking on her getting indicted.
If he drops out now they just hand it to Biden or something. If he hangs in there it'll look like a complete stitch up if they do so.
Doesn't matter man. He wants all his delegates on the conference floor and he wants to dictate a more left wing platform for the party.
He's a slimy kike who's still hoping for Hillary to get indicted.
He was mathematically eliminated in March, but he is also rolling in money donations, so he has no incentive to quit. I'm not sure, but he may get to keep the leftover cash.
1 9 6 8
I think Bernie genuinely believes the stupid shit he says, he thinks he's starting a "revolution" and wants to get as much attention before he dies
Civil War will happen
>donate zero dollars
>"Hurr Durr, Bernie is bankrolling off you"
Teaching american youth to never give up in your beliefs.
being a trump plant pays well
he's also now 134th in line for immortality gene therapy
let him dilute hillary's share
TRUMP is guaranteed to win
Obama sold her out
Bernie is not gonna make it
Because Clinton could very well be going to prison and awarding him the Democratic slot.
Only if you were being insincere enough to count superdelegates that don't vote until the end of july as having voted in march.
He's trying to force a contested convention, not necessarily to win the nomination at this point, but to force the DNC into adopting his platform for the General Election.
Bernie really thinks he's leading a revolution.
Despite his stupidity policy-wise, wouldn't you think he's just trying to make the most of his donater's money?
Violence will erupt soon and blood shall be spilt. Kek has willed it and will show us more signs of his decisions.
Non-meme answer: because he wants personal meetings with Obama and Hillary to guarantee he gets influence on the upcoming Democratic policy agenda.
He want his legions of marxist college kids and dindus to bern the dnc.
Do it Bernie, crash the party with no survivors.
If Sanders threatens to go independent, do you think Hillary would step down?
He would split the vote and basically give Trump the election, unless they let HIM be the party nominee.
He could actually sway superdelegates with this threat
They never change their votes once they have claimed to support someone. Even if they technically could, not one ever has. Short of Hillary suddenly being caught eating a basket of raw puppies, they have no reason to change now.
user, what you're witnessing isn't a revolution nor does it have anything to do with politics. This is the greatest retirement scheme of all time, funneling money through ad agencies straight into your personal bank account. The closet commie is THE best plebbit / reddicuck scammer of all time.
Crashing this party...
Probably the case.
Best case scenario for him, he'll push the narrative that he will have a lasting effect on Hillary and the Democrats so he doesn't destroy the party.
he wouldn't be talking up the convention if he was going to run independent
i would like to see a a four person race with Romney/Trump/Clinton/Sanders tho
>implying they wouldn't just anoint Biden
This duh. That's why his speech basically sounded like a concession speech the whole time but then he ended it by saying he's staying in. He's delusionsl but not as delusional as his supporters; he wants to influence the platform. Of course, he has zero chance at even doing that since Bark bark bark lady BTFO'd him.
Hillary is too stubborn to concede anything to Sanders. Obama will probably have to make peace with him on their meeting Thursday. It might involve Obama making a speech, with goals that Hillary then has to live up to.
Opposed to cooked puppies?
more reddit shekels
hillary would not step down
He is praying to his kike god that the FBI will step in and stop Hillary.
That or he was a plant all along and he is just raking in more cash to give to the DNC.
Those are the two only real options.
Because even if he doesn't get nominated for the Presidency he can still force the Democrats to change the party's political ideology (the "platform")
Then the basket stops being the appropriate kind of dish, and the whole ambiance is ruined.
That psycho Hillary has been waiting a long time for this.
With out a shadow of a doubt she would have Bernie killed before stepping down.
Delegates only have to vote for their pledge on the first ballot. If there isn't enough votes for a nomination they can vote however they feel like.
Is Hillary actually opposed to anything Sanders wants? It's more that he is upset that her slogans aren't as left as his slogans are. Just because the 15/hour wage wasn't her exact monetary starting-point, doesn't mean she would oppose it at all. All their campaign promises have to go through the exact same congress anyhow.
Hillary is a neoliberal. She hates everything Bernie stands for, like higher minimum wages ($15), single payer healthcare, increased federal funding for college students, closing some of America's overseas military bases, withdrawing from the middle east, and chastising Israel
Super-delegates have already declared who they plan to vote for. Since they started this system, other candidates in past elections have tried to convince super-delegates to change their minds, but none ever do. Never, not even when they have a good sounding reason. Hillary polls too well against Trump for them to even bother yawning at the idea of changing votes. If Sanders had been able to convince even one of them to change their vote, he would be on television to brag about it constantly, but he hasn't, and he won't.
Because he's in too deep. he genuinely believes that by staying in hes doing the right thing by his supporters, the donations he continues to siphon from them are just irrelevant in his twisted mind. Equivalent is a doctor finding out you have cancer and not telling you because it might hurt your feelies. at this point its either pride or stupidity.
>anime picture
All you need is a leaf and everything would be as expected.
Wrong, superdelegates always vote along with the pledged delegate count and some even switched from hillary to obama in 2008 because obama was winning so much of the pledged delegates which is why she ended up losing by so much.
>more funding
>only 1 primarily left
>won't look like the bad guy when the DNC kicks him out at the convention
>possibility of kickbacks from shillary and obummer
Honestly for him to stay in there wasn't any other option, doing this actually helps trump and only harms the DNC
Your claims are too imaginary to even be funny.
>bernies ideas and his supporters
>says the shillbot making a bunch of fictitious claims about superdelegates.
Wait, do the dems have a brokered convention?
Oh I c
>dropping out when the other person is under FBI investigation and superdelegates could change their mind
not even a bernout but you have to be a fag to give up to shillary clinton
he was stupid to not attack her more from the start
If they brought in Biden, there would be zero chance of most Sanders supporters supporting Biden. It just won't happen. If they gave it to Biden, Trump would win in a landslide. Reminder that Biden voted for Iraq.
>Hillary flipflopped on every position she has ever held except going to war
>She convinced Obama to topple Libya for no good reason
>Responsible for the individual mandate (the provision in the Affordable Care Act that forces you to buy health insurance)
>The speeches earning her millions of dollars, all conveniently to the same financial industry which nearly destroyed the country in 2008
>The Trans-Pacific Partnership, an Asia-Pacific trade deal about China that does not include China and hands transnational corporations the right to sue for damages to future revenue and overturn national laws
>Terrible track record as the Secretary of State (how IS Honduras these days?)
>Victoria Fucking Nuland wants to start World War III and Clinton would back her up
What did he mean by this?
she won the popular vote too.
Trump made a few veiled threats to do that, but he was winning.
Polls are worthless it looks like