
The /brit/fast club edition

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First for Islam is the master religion


me on the left


absolute pleasure to do business with you, Sunshine

>there are people in /brit/ so new that they weren't even aware of the FWG/ozziemoot drama

elena > nancy >big suze > toni > zara > dobby > sophie

Alri user? Reckon I should go sort out this mop on my head haha. We still going to the pub later yeah? See if we can pull some fit birds and shag 'em senseless.

wonder how many of these images hitler actually said

cleaning out the runts, had enough

absolutely screaming



that's not a mixtape

Better than Ed Shitran

>eating 2600 calories

fat fuck

>nancy only second
>big 'coal in the hole' suze that high
>dobby that low

botched my 'cide attempt
now I'm well and truly fucked

nah mate, i'm bulking for the lads holiday in zante


Can anyone explain Aisha to me?

Shagged an absolute 9/10 two nights ago and still riding the high

the sex wasn't even that great, but its not about that is it? Its the confidence high you get from knowig some 9/10 wanted to fuck you.

Music sounds better, food tastes better, the sun shines a little brighter.

Now I get why normies are so obsessed with pulling. Might make a habit of this...

dobby is best girl

*devours feces*

excuse me but that's our word

>eid mubarak
Thanks Aisha x

how is one expected not to develop yellow fever

They're all legit, Sup Forumsdditor faggots start crying like bitches and going into denial mode when you show it to them. They practically even get heart attacks when you mention Friedrich Nietzsche and Julius Evola both loved Islam as well.

>The Arabian epoch (...) was the most cultured, the most intellectual and in every way best and happiest epoch in Spanish history. It was followed by the period of the persecutions with its unceasing atrocities.
Adolf Hitler, Secret Conversations, 1941-1944, Farrar, Straus and Young, 1953, p. 493
>Only in the Roman Empire and in Spain under Arab domination has culture been a potent factor. Under the Arab, the standard attained was wholly admirable; to Spain flocked the greatest scientists, thinkers, astronomers, and mathematicians of the world, and side by side there flourished a spirit of sweet human tolerance and a sense of purist chivalry. Then with the advent of Christianity, came the barbarians.
Adolf Hitler, Secret Conversations, 1941-1944, Farrar, Straus and Young, 1953, p. 54

mentally ill communist
probably lives in a city

you should be cutting by now retard

ah yes the so called catholic

thank you for trying



it's expected when you're not a massive nonce

the bf attached this pic to a brick and sent it to me through my window

I'm just like Judd Nelson in that flick



Getting a lot of mileage out of the new Mein Kampf audiobooks.

Fingered Chanmomo behind Tower Records in Shinjuku

*sneaks up behind you with a baseball hat*
*cracks you over the skull*

Meant to post the link


She's berates others for cultural appropriation even though that is something she is well versed in.

*sneaks up behind you*
*suplexes you*

exceptional post, just for that i'm gonna blare despacito with the windows open so the whole street hears

don't believe she would engage in sexual acts

Post feminine boys x



>ed shitran


just watched this incredibly awkward scene. she claims to be a virgin and i can believe it, she looks emaciated, the guy can barely get more than the tip of his cock in, she bleeds, she asks him "how do you know if you've cum". looks like she wants to die while she's getting fucked.

>I work in sales

Easy way to identify someone with a low IQ

don't really care for feminine boys x

state of that

disappointed in her

The Church in Rome was for nearly a thousand years was the religious wing of the Holy Roman Empire; a Germanic Confederation. The Germans were the guarantors of Christendom.

As they began to be victorious over the Moors, and expel them from Europe, the racial dynamic began to form. Southern European Christians, liberated from the Islamic yolke, became incidentally white. Same with the far-north Europeans who had recently accepted Christianity.

>tfw not extroverted enough to work

*it was a hologram*
*snaps your jaw into two*
Heh nothing personnel kid


Need a way to motivate myself tomorrow lads, any ideas?

kinda enjoying the commie songs 2bh
thank you, please make sure to use the fullspic, non bieber version

mentally deranged narcissist

irish aren't people


>disappointed in her
she's a fucking spastic


t. arrogant student

she probably went home and cried until she fell asleep.

really enjoying the utter meltdown over on /biz/

have a look lads

listening to some red army coir with the gf. pic related

fapping to the thought

lmfao what the fuck is this shit
she goes from "i've irish ancestry" to "I'm irish"
in a matter of weeks
>my family are all from Ireland and let me tell you they work hard to make their keep
??? We have higher wages than most of Europe


Work tomorrow

nocoin retards fudding over nothing


she's just clinging to a false identity because she's dull and has no purpose, happens a lot on the chon too

in love with a boy

>share with germany

is it me

christian rock is actually pretty good desu


>meet girl online
>been talking for ages
>really like her
>REALLY likes me
>been on about meeting for ages
>been putting it off
>calls me tonight
>basically tells me that she thinks I'm no interested in her or have someone else
>really sad, quiet conversation
>says she's just gonna go and leave me be
>persuade her to stay and say we will meet this week

I am REALLY fucking nervous but this is literally make or break and I know there is nothing I'm gonna be able to do to keep her around after this

I'm part Jewish but I always think it's best to not mention that on here.


puero rico is a brown shithole

why are lefties so keen on disarmament


cargo cult


those big titties

nice blog, definitely keep us updated!

Not him but I unrionically have a soft spot for tankies even thought I disagree with them
good lad

stop appropriating american culture

nobody actually likes grime. the media has built it up to ram diversity down our throats.


why do you hate Europeans?

>why do lefties not want humanity to perish in a nuclear apocalypse

which bbc period drama is this



The actual races of Europe.

shes from carlow

what happened lads

They think armies cause wars.