How mad is she right now?
How mad is she right now?
I'm sure she is asleep and will refuse to address the problem until the media asks her.
On a side note I'm sure probably lashed out at her staff in anger and when the cameras roll around the corner she will put on her usual game face and pretend nothing is wrong.
I have been watching her for a long time now and she talks to cameras like a true psychopath. She has been lying for so long she has crafted her lying technique like a fine sword. Problem is she hasn't put that sword to the test to anyone who actually wants to challenge her. Trump is going to ear her alive hell even Bernie would if he had the balls to stand up to her.
How do people not see through her bullshit, it's so blatantly obvious she's just pandering
She probably doesn't care as long as she keeps fucking him as bad as she is
Not at all, because she won
She's scared. Bernie talked to Obama and meeting with him again on Thursday. I think we may have an indictment incoming.
I like to imagine she'll have a melt down during a debate and start screaming at the audience.
Hillary staffer here, she had us find a stray cat, and then she strangled it.
Yeah, but Bernie's getting people fired up. And the longer that Commie Fuck drags along his idiotic followers, the less of a chance they'll ever vote for Hillary.
He's literally building up an anti-Clinton army. It's fucking glorious.
What's she supposed to be mad about?
"Damn Obama, what's he up to now?"
This is fucking weird mate. I think we have a happening. Unprecedented really
>Trump is going to ear her alive
Lol, he didn't even dare debate Sanders.
Obama's last act in office will be to arrest Hillary for treason.
The hero we need.
Oh please...President Obama is ready to endorse Hillary and the meeting is to tell Bernie to get behind her as well.
It has to happen now too so Obama can pardon her, which will fire up the Trump base even more.
What a time to be alive!
Despite his inability to win the nomination, Bernie's voting bloc is forcing her to take stands to the left of where her corporate benefactors are comfortable. Enter media anti-Bernie shitpost blitz.
honestly i think bernie knows he can't win and is basically just sticking around to let his supporters down easy.
hell, cruzmissiles are still salty after rato just suddenly dropped out. if bernie stays in for a while more it keeps the bernouts' hopes alive but also gives them time to accept the inevitable.
What a fucking face turn that would be.
Why bother debate a loser?
A big waste of Trump's time and he is not going to convince anybody new to hop on his train.
You don't understand how dumb our leftists are over here. All they care about is that she's a woman with a last name of Clinton. They don't care that her husband is a rapist or that their foundation takes money from Saudi Arabia or any of the other shady and hypocritical shit she's done.
He's saving all his debate juices for when it matters.
Oh but he did debate Sanders. They debated without even setting foot into the same auditorium. That entire exchange - the Kimmel bait, the eager Sanders challenge, Trump's gentle rejection - that was a debate of minds. And Trump emerged victorious.
Not at all. Bernie knows he's going to lose. What he's doing is keeping Democrats Democrats for as long as humanly possible until the general election rolls around. He's minimizing the number of Democrats who would otherwise never vote for Hillary from jumping ship to Trump.
all this stress is gonna give her a stroke :-)
wow just look at this garbage
>He's literally building up an anti-Clinton army.
He's making it very clear that Trump is le Hitler2.0 boogeyman in every speech. Most of his supporters won't vote in the general probably, but they sure as shit won't be voting Trump.
what happened
When trump wins, gas them all please
i don't personally know a single person irl or online who supports her. any stranger i've seen supporting her online seems very much like a bot or shill.
no one likes her but it doesn't matter because this shit is all a big fraud.
Don't be stupid.
If Hillary did something wrong while secretary of state, which she did, do you think Obama didn't know about it or wasn't involved in some way? She would throw him under the bus so fast for fucking her over.
Obama's favorite cop out for when something bad happened in a higher cabinet position was "Lol I didn't know" which was utter bullshit of the highest degree.
She's atomic levels of pissed.
This. He's going to pretend like he's going to help address Bernie's concerns as an attempt to "unify" the party for November, but Clinton will spit in the face of anything that cuck recommends if she does get elected. It's all a fucking ruse, I'm guessing.
She's most likely feeling angry, paranoid, and a little nervous.
Not as nervous as she was at the start - she has too big a lead on him - but after all that fawning over her victory yesterday, Bernie not dropping tonight and talking like HE'S the guy going up against Trump is going to have suspicion gnawing away at her brain.
If I were Bernie, I'd watch my back.
this will happen,
repeating numbers meme magyk confirm
The sad part is if Bernie spent half the time going after Hillary like he did Trump, he might actually had a chance at winning.
You guys are retarded.
This. Trump plays 3d chess.
She is a violent psychopath.
Trump is already hiring people that will get a big bonus for telling him how to trigger her to lose her shit during the debates....
This I just got on so I have no idea what is going on.
Could you imagine Trump triggers her so hard she has a brain aneurysm and dies on stage?
Sanders is going to get shot if he keeps this up.
Nah, you'll see she's just gonna do her patented "hillary laugh"
I noticed this right away.
Which I don't care about honestly.
Trump should quit trying to court them and their voters just need to shut the fuck up and note vote for Hillary the most vile human to walk the planet since Mao.
>The Presidential hopeful exited the vehicle parked outside of her palatial estate, glad to see the end of yet another day on the campaign trail. The news of Sanders's decision to stay on the campaign trail rankled her, forcing a deep joweled scowl that made her limo driver visibly nervous.
>In an instant, Hillary's tongue lashed out, faster and further than any human, forcing the driver to collapse, clutching the red ruin of his throat as he died. "Gonna have to get another one." she sighed. Warm bodies were cheap, expendable. She stepped over the twitching corpse and entered the building. Without stopping, she began to shed her clothing as she made her way down the hall.
>Her bare footsteps stopped in the dust of the poured concrete basement, the cool of the air raising prickles on the skin of the candidate. The darkness was always comforting, and offered privacy for her nightly ritual. Grunting and heaving, she doubled over and retched up the evening's meal, along with a significant amount of blood and stringy viscera. Her back contorted, the individual ribs of her back seeming to move independently of each other like the strikers of a piano. One hand, now sprouting claws, slashes savagely at her own middle, spilling her guts like a handful of wet cords onto the floor. Her knees invert with loud popping before the tortured flesh splits and bleeds. Strips of flesh fall from the being, scraped, cut, and gnawed from place by a set of mandibles protruding from an insectoid face. Several segmented limbs burst from the gore coating the creature and work furiously to free it.
>After a time, Hillary Clinton is perched in her usual spot, a shadowy corner above the inside of the basement door. She would continue to wait until morning, chittering and grooming her antennae, until the cleaning lady followed the clothing to the basement door and would venture inside. Then she would have a new skin, and a new day of campaigning. She swallows the last strip of skin
Right now he's in it just to """subtly""" shill for Hillary. Notice how he ended his speech with basically "Trump is the real Evil, Hilalry did great today"
He just wants to get more money for her and to convince more of his supporters that she's a good choice and Trump is the devil.
He's just a shill now, he's given up completely.
The Obama visit is just to cement it all.
Heh, looks like I've already won. *swirls cape mysteriously*
go back to being irrelevant and sucking Jamal's dick
Ugly monsters like Hillery are typically pretty hard to kill. But that would be glorious!
I hope Trump unleashes 100 conspiracy theories from the darkest corners of the internet and utterly blows her out, just one after the other
Wow Germany that sounds like hate speech.
Do I have to report you to the local EU authorities?
I think so.
What's the address on your cuck shed?
user reading this
Kek demands it
Trump/Sanders 2016
Trumps get wall, berns get college.
America First
Prove it faggot.
Makes sense, that would piss off the Bernouts even more if Hernie suddenly turned traitor. They'd vote for Trump, no questions, out of sheer spite
Nowhere near how mad on power she'll be when in office.
Why would she be mad? she already won, she effectively knows tonight that she became the first Female President of The US.
Only the most extreme Berniefags aren't going to vote for her and risk a Trump presidency. Also she has a fat ass.
Kek has failed you.
Only the Great Wall of the US will be built.
He doesn't have an address. He lives in a repurposed shipping container, lol.
I don't know anybody that likes her but I know a lot of people who think she's "not that horrible" and will gladly take her over Trump. I'm not a Trump fan myself but the thought of throwing any kind of favorability or support toward that corrupt, criminal cunt makes me sick to my stomach.
Can someone please explain why she should be upset? Didnt she win the nomination?
Bernie didn't drop out and is going to go to the convention
the meme magic is strong With Her. `
Wait...are you saying Trump will hire me if I dig up dirt on her?
Always knew she liked pussy
My repeating numbers confirm it's not a reality.
What happened?? i'm in Japan for the week
about what? what happened now?
I would cum if that happened. I cant picture it now.
Donald Trump wins.
She begins to give her concession speech: "Thank you all for supporting me through this run. . ." blah blah blah. About twenty minutes in she says, "but the voters have chosen..." she chocked up and sobs. She continues: "You elected Trump! I've been worked in politics since the 70s! You don 't know what I had to go through. I let Bill fuck me even though I was a dyke! I had a kid for politics, I have said anything" (sob) "I own you. None of you have any idea who you're fucking with" and then it would just degrade to a tantrum, with her going into hysterics and telling people all the terrible things she has done.
the dnc convention is going to be a shit-show and show how divided the democratic party is.
Bernie is refusing to drop out and endorse Hillary kek.
She's so salty the surgeon general is considering banning her.
I hope that's true.
Only got a Cromwellian future, cheers.
This is retarded.
Having a very expensive high speed rail network running across the border is very dangerous, expensive, and is screaming for a "just bomb me" pit stop.
Please just build a wall with cameras, security way points and a airforce base that launches nothing but surveillance drones.
I absolutely lost my sides.
I just pictured the scene in Office Space where that guy snaps.
A pardon would still be the end of her political career, as accepting one is considered an admission of guilt. See Burdick v. United States.
He didn't want Bernie out of the race yet.
Look at his twitter, he was defending Hurnie all the time.
I think Trump enjoyed seeing that Hillary did not get any rest
Thank you user
Actually, Manfort convinced Trump to accept the debate but they were never called back. I know this because of a leak I have from the Bernie campaign. My sister is a huge SJW. The campaign internally couldn't deal with the realization that the nomination was being stolen that Bernie staffers forgot this issue. His campagin, apparently, is a sinking ship right now.
Also Hillary isn't afraid of Trump, the mainstream media is taking care of Trump for her and outside of people who engage in Trump's campagin first hand, most people have very confusing senitments about Trump. It doesn't matter in the long run. The media will continue to catch Trump in bad gotcha questions (prison for women who had abortions, the mexican/muslim judge thing). Trump knows to bypass the media, you need to go to the audience but, honestly, Trump's Trump card is in bernie. He is like a rat cornered right now. He is apparently really really raging.
My sister told me that the hillary campaign want Bernie supporters data and mailing list. This is coming from a person who asked the chairwoman of the democratic party to punish bernie's campaign for accessing a list of register democrats.
I have more deets if people care.
I wish. But no. She is an apex debater.
Because the Jews controlling the media wouldn't agree to Trump's demand that the proceeds go to charity (women's rights, no less!), because taking part in an unsanctioned debate bars a candidate from taking part in future sanctioned debates, and because Bernie was just going to kamikaze rather than debate in good faith anyway.
But I'm sorry you didn't get to see a debate, I know such things are forbidden in Germanistan.
Her victory speech was word salad. Trump can only try to make his speeches less substantive.
The best part was when she said something like "I need a few days to process this historic moment."
Bitch are you even trying to hide your strokes anymore? You hardly ever make public appearances but NOW it's time to take a break.
We're being governed by a bunch of invalids
Read hearing $hillary's voice in my head, fucking keked
Is there a slightly chance that this whole confidential email thing ends her nomination?
Please share user
Why do people support his hag? She has got to be the most uncharismatic figure I've ever seen, she genuinely acts creepy and speaks like a robot, and has a horrible track record of flip flopping between issues and being a mad irresponsible cunt.
Is it really just because women and numales will vote for her without a second thought because she has a vagina?
Please tell more.
>He is apparently really really raging.
Bernie's a little faggot that doesn't know when to quit. He's just going to pocket as much money as he can. If I were him, I'd write a crappy book that will sell millions.
She's probably been asleep for over 6 hours by now, low energy cunt.
>I don't have anything to back up what I'm saying but u guys just have to trust me :)
>a fucking leaf
Something for the HILL SHILLS
I have some important info from the Bernie camp. This comes directly from a source close to Sanders himself.
As I have told you in the past, my mother is a high placed uber liberal. I love her, but she's still a total lib feminist. My Dad on the other hand was a Regan Democrat, which explains me.
Here's the news. It's the reason why Bernie is NOT dropping out.
1. His conversation with Obama spoke of Bernie being a back up plan if / when Clinton gets indicted
When he spoke with Obama for over 45 minutes he wasn't talking about dropping out, but rather STAYING IN!!
2. The reason Bernie won't drop out is because the inside word says the FBI WILL INDICT HILLARY CLINTON
You heard it here first. Please cap this post.
>Please Cap This Post
Bernie fans will shit bricks when they find out this is all true, and we knew it before they did.
The bitch is going to jail folks. This is it.
>mainstream media taking care of trump
Just like they took care of him in the republican primaries
I like to imagine this is not a work of fiction but more a cleverly disguised leak from a Clinton family insider. Tell us more about Bill?
Well done user.
She's classy though
Trump's an uncouth Jew Yorker
Why would she be mad? What happened?
She found out Bill is cheating on her.